Chapter 31 - Birthday Surprise (part three)

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At The Hospital

I waited on my hospital bed all night. The doctors stitched up my leg and said it'll heal up in three weeks. I asked them if Sakura is okay, and they said she's completely fine and resting, which made me sigh in relief. However, no matter how many times I asked them about my father, they said the same thing. They're still getting the bullet fragments out, and since it's near the heart, it'll take a long time. Finneon is with me in my hospital room while William is with Sakura. Sebastian, of course, is waiting for my father.

Mey-Rin is with Karin in her hospital room to make sure she doesn't run away. At least until Naruto's parents arrive. I called him in the middle of the night before the hospital called his parents, saying that she's here. I remember him saying she stays at his home, so that's really it. I knew the hospital called Sakura's parents already, so I called Ino and let her know we stole her car and it's at my old home. Then, I told her everything after she was done yelling.

Of course, I had to call Sasuke since he and Sakura are at the beginning of starting a relationship. He needs to know. Let me tell you, he was very much not happy. I couldn't bring myself to call Kiba. I basically lied to him that I was going straight home to sleep and got into complete danger instead. I don't want him to yell at me or get worried. However, knowing Sasuke too well, he knows I wouldn't call him. Meaning he's ratting me out right now. Unless Naruto already did it for him.

Around three in the morning, Shun and Touka finally arrive at my hospital room. Both run up and hug me while I hug them back really tight. I don't want to let them go. Also, I've hope this is all just a nightmare, but it's still not. They let go finally to face me, wiping both my tears and theirs.

"(y/n), what the heck happened? The first moment we got home, you went straight to your room saying you're tired. Then I got a phone call from Sebastian saying you, Sakura, and father are at the hospital." Shun said, cupping my face.

"I know. I'm sorry, but-"

"Did you go to see Mother alone instead with me? Why? I told you after your confession that you shouldn't be alone in case Father hired someone to come after you. Did he stab you in the leg?!"

"No, listen to me," I said to him, and he let go.

I told both Shun and Touka what happened exactly. How I wanted to see Mother and asked Sakura to "borrow" Ino's car. I separated with Sakura so I could be alone with my mother. I talked myself to sleep and woke up with Karin threatening to kill us. Sakura got beaten up by her while I was pulled and stabbed on the leg by her knife. Made it clear to him that it wasn't father who stabbed me. Mey-Rin shot Karin's arm and leg. Finally, father took a bullet for me and is now in surgery. After telling them my story, the fact that Father saved me was too shocking for Shun and Touka. Shun mostly couldn't believe it. I still couldn't believe it either. Even when Father actually said happy birthday to me for the very first time. Shun sits down the bed while trying to think and calm down. Putting his hands on his head and sighing.

Touka puts her hand on my shoulder, "The important thing is that you're okay. We were so worried. Luckily, it didn't happen during or before the party. It would've been a mess and caused more panic."

"Did Sakura's and Naruto's parents arrive?" I ask them.

"We just ran into them, Sakura's parents are with her, and Naruto and his parents are with their lawyer and the police in the waiting room." Touka answers me.

"They better have a good lawyer because I don't care if that psycho is your friend's cousin or whatever she is to him. I'm going to make sure they know I'm suing them." Shun said, getting up, but Sebastian walked in the room just in time.

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