Chapter 33 - Father

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After Mey-Rin helped me cover up my hickey marks on my neck that Kiba gave me, I finally met up with Shun. Before we go in, he holds my hand and looks at me with concern. He knows I'm scared. I know he's worried for me. I nod at him, which tells him that I'm ready. We walk inside the room and see our father and Sebastian sitting next to his bed. I noticed some files on the bed. They most likely already started back to work.

"Sebastian, leave us for a moment. Take Shun with you as well. I want to speak with (y/n). Alone." He said with an almost raspy voice.

"Yes, Master (l/n)," Sebastian said, understanding before he got up and went up to Shun.

Shun's hesitant at first. He doesn't trust our father to be alone with me. I gave him a look, saying I'll be alright and scream if something happens. Now, he's willing to leave the room with Sebastian and close the door behind them. I looked at the chair Sebastian was sitting in, but decided to stand with my canes instead of sitting next to my father.

"Just like your mother..." My father finally speaks.

"Pardon?" I ask him.

"She likes to keep her distance from me. Well, until six months after we met," He said, laughing, but stops due to pain. "I know you are confused. I will explain it all. I owe you that-"

"Good," I cut my father off. "Then start from the beginning. From the first moment I was born to now. Why treated me like I'm some murderer to someone I never get to meet, but apparently can take a bullet for?" I said to him while trying not to raise my voice.

Father sighs as he lays his head back before he can speak, "After having trouble giving birth to Shun, the doctor told her that it would be hard for her to be pregnant again. We wanted a second child and failed three times. Your mother was so devastated, but she became overjoyed when she was pregnant with you. Even though it was a miracle, the struggles had gotten worse as months passed..." He said calmly. "Most of the time, she stayed in bed, and her morning sickness was worse. However, she was able to put on a smile. No matter how difficult it was, she still smiled just to not worry anyone."

Father stops for a few seconds. It looks like he's struggling to say more about Mother. Yet, he continues, "I was just starting to be head of our families' business. So, I wasn't there for her much, but always gave her flowers when I came home. On my days off, I was her servant and made sure her and Shun were happy. Letting Shun know that his mother was having difficulties with pregnancy and told him that he'll be a good big brother. Around close to the end of the seventh month, her skin wasn't so pale. She was less sick and could get out of bed to be in the gardens. I thought it was another miracle, for her struggles have finally ended. I will have, not one, but two children to love and care for with my wife by my side... Until..." He formed a weak fist on the blanket. I start to feel a lump in my throat, knowing what comes next. "She clasped six weeks before your due date. We rushed her to the hospital. The doctors said they have to give her an emergency c-section.... I was told before that due to having a c-section with Shun, there was a 50% chance that she'd live. I held her hand through the way. Once you were born, she was the first to hold you, and then I saw her eyes faded and heard the heart monitored beeped slower."

'I don't want to hear this anymore. However, I need to understand it all. I want answers. No matter how painful it is.' I thought to myself. I stay quiet and listen to my father's words.

"After I heard that she had really died, I went into a deep depression. Your uncle, his wife and family, and grandfather lived with us for a few years to help take care of you and Shun. I, on the other hand, was still having a hard time moving on. I started drinking and putting my business first. No matter what, I can't forget about your mother and felt she abandoned me. Around the time you were three or four, you were running around the mansion. I heard you jumping, running, and laughing happily while I was in my office. All I could think of was wanting you to shut up while I work. When I opened the door to walk out, the door hit you on accident, and you cried. Somehow, it started something inside me."

Who Do You Choose? (Naruto Modern AU) Kiba x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now