Chapter 14 - I'm Here

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Kiba's Point of View

This is what I did that day. I was with my mom and Sunauto in a van all day. Monitoring the party with the help of the men who agree to wear a wire and a small spy camera. I was told by my mom to watch and listen carefully when (y/n) and her dad came to view on the tablet. When I saw her smiling and hearing her talk, I knew that she's not herself. That was not her smile, and her voice sounded too different like she's trying to be perfect. I caught her real smile when she ran off to a family member. Then I listened to a bunch of boring conversations that didn't interest me, but it did to my mom. She noticed some of the questions she told the two men to ask (y/n)'s dad were not answered. Then, the men moved to Plan B, which was to talk to other family members. I sparked interests again once (y/n) was back to her dad's side. I watched how different she was with Naruto and the others. Normally, she would say, "Hey guys," or "took you guys long enough," but no, she just greets them properly. I caught her dad's eyes looking at her coldly through the Uchiha's spy camera and saw her flinch the moment her dad had touched her. That was enough proof for my mom to know that she's closer away to locking up the monster, but still not enough. My heart literally warmed up seeing her back to herself again after her and Sasuke's dads left. Then, I got into rage and jealousy as Sasuke danced with her and put a brighter smile on her face. At the same time, I can't argue with that because I did ask him to protect her while he's there. It still hurts me not to do anything.

After we met up with the two men and the Uchiha family to return our equipment, I was face to face with Sasuke. "I bet you had fun dancing with her, huh?" I said, not trying to sound jealous.

"Guess I win this round, Inuzuka," Sasuke said proudly. "However, you should be happy rather than be a loser about it. She needed it."

"Yeah, well, too bad for you. I actually already danced with her two weeks ago after I picked her up for her job," I said so I could see a spark of jealously through Sasuke's eyes. I knew I got him.

"Either way, I hope you got enough info on her father. I bet the meeting had a lot," Sasuke said.

"In a way, we did," my mom said over my shoulder, then pulled out her tablet to play a recording. I leaned in to watch four men; (y/n)'s brother, her dad, Sasuke's dad, and his brother in a dark room full of books. The Uchihas were sitting on the couch while (y/n)'s brother and dad on the other couch on the other side of the coffee table.

Video Feed of Meeting

"Father, this would be good for both our companies," her brother said. "We're only asking for a six months test run and see-"

"Silence!" Mr. (l/n) cuts off his son. "They would not last a month! Their ways of business are much selfish and only care for power! If your grandfather was still alive, he would go against this!"

"Selfish, you say, (father's name)," Mr. Uchiha said coldly. "You didn't think it was selfish to let your father go in prison for the fault he didn't commit."

"If my daughter hadn't been so weak and went crying to your youngest son then told everything I'd done to her, my father would still be alive!" Mr. (l/n) shouted, and then my mom stopped the video.

End of Video Feed

I clutched my fists from what I've just heard. He basically admitted he harmed his own daughter. Even let her grandfather lied for him.

"We got some confession from a few family members thanks to Mr. Hock and Mr. White. However, it will take a while to arrest him. We still need the children of the bastard to confess as well," my mom explained to Sasuke and I. She looked at Sasuke, "He mentioned you, so we may need you to come police station tomorrow." Sasuke nodded, then she left to the us alone.

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