Chapter 21 - (y/n)'s Nightmare (part one)

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Author: This chapter was too long, in my opinion, so i thought I give reader and Kiba their own chapters. Please enjoy!!


(Y/N)'s Point of View - Back at school

"So, your work on different days now?" Kiba asks me as we walk to the parking lot while holding my hand after a long day back at school.

"Yeah, I'll be working on Mondays and Wednesdays after school for now on. My Saturdays are still the same." I answer him, then I realize something.

Tamaki hasn't bothered to text me back for three days now. Meaning I have no answer to why she drugged me. When I was walking to my third period class, I thought I saw her in the hallways and tried to follow her, but she disappeared. I felt like I was going crazy when that happened.

"Hey babe, are you okay?" Kiba asks me another question while gentle, squeezing my hand, which broke my thoughts.

"Yeah, actually, do you know someone named Tamaki?" I ask him, which puts a shocking expression on his face yet serious.

"No, why?"

"I thought I saw her in our school. I thought maybe she joined our school."

"I'll ask around. Don't worry about it." Kiba said in his serious voice while squeezing my hand more.

We made it to his car and drove off to my work. While Kiba was driving, I looked through my phone to see any messages from Sasuke. He had to miss the first day of school due to family stuff. I'm hoping it's not about our families not working together anymore. A sad look appears on my face when there's no messages.

"Hey, c'mon, are you still sad about Sasuke?  You better not be joining his fan club," Kiba said, noticing my expression.

I laugh a little, "Would it be that bad? Actually, never mind. It would be that bad. No, can I not worry about my friend?" I ask him.

"I understand, but if you miss him, we'll visit his house after work," Kiba said. I know he doesn't want to, but he knows how close Sasuke and I are. I smile at him and lend in to kiss his cheek.

Later, we arrived at my job with five minutes to spare. Once I got out of the car, I saw Tamaki walking out of our job. I walk fast to catch up to her. She sees me and shouts my name with a big smile on her face.

"(y/n), what happened? I was so worried that you didn't answer my texts or calls," She said with a worried look.

"What? I did call and text you. You left me on read and ignored my calls..." I said to her a little confused, but mostly trying my best not to attack her. "Tamaki, why the hell did you–"

"Oh, is that you, Kiba-kun? It's been so long!" Tamaki cuts me off, looking behind me. I turn to see Kiba, who's already behind me with my bag in his hand. He didn't say anything. He just stares at her like he wants to chew her head off. My confusion grew more after realizing that they may have met before somehow.

"Oh... Did you two already know each other?" I ask them both.

"Of course! We were very great close friends!-" Tamaki answered my question, but Kiba pulled me behind him and cut her off.

"We are not friends!" Kiba shouts at her so suddenly. He makes sure I stay behind him. She's more positive, but I can tell something is off. I notice her hair looks different. It's almost as if she's wearing a wig. Then, I noticed a nose ring, which is new to me.

"Wait, I-"

"(y/n)! You're here! Good! The place is seriously packed, and I already have people at your tables!" Deidara shouts from inside. Leaving me no choice but to go straight to work now. I walked past Kiba and Tamaki while they were having a very serious staring contest. Kiba looked at me before I went inside.

Who Do You Choose? (Naruto Modern AU) Kiba x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now