Chapter 09 - Nerves

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Author: Really like this fan art of Shikamaru and Temari

Credit to artist


(Y/N)'s Point of View

I'm not dumb. I know what those two were trying to do yesterday. They both tried to confess to me by kissing me. Only one of them had successfully kissed me. Sadly, I don't want to continue any further with neither of them. I had a relationship and ended it on the same day one year later with Idate. So, why should I let that happen to me again? Plus, it was not too long ago that I had just come back to Konoa. It was only a month and a half ago. Even if it was over six months I've been here and not on Valentine's Day, I'll still need time to choose who to be with, right? If I even like them back. I remember the roses I had been given yesterday, mainly the ones from Kiba and Sasuke. Two different roses, two with their own different meanings, and from two different boys. Of course, I still have the white one from Idate, but that was a gift to ask a friend to give a friend who happens to be an ex. He has a girlfriend. I am most definitely not going back together with him. However, getting the other two roses is a different story.

The pink rose was the one Sasuke had given me. He was my first friend before Hinata. Our families hate each other. We had most of the things in common like music, rich families, annoying older brothers, and movies. I'm always so comfortable with him when I was a kid and even now. I kissed him before I left to avoid telling him I was moving away and got him in trouble. Now that I'm back, he said some nice stuff to me and offered me rides to work when Alice couldn't. Most of the time, we would talk together or watch the others complain at Naruto. Other times, we would leave the group to the library for silence. Gave me a pink rose, which is odd at first because I thought of him as a red rose guy, but he gave me pink and then was going to kiss me. Finally, all his fangirls want to kill me, but not Sakura, which I am thankful for.

The red rose was from Kiba. We meet around our elementary years. We quickly dislike each other because he likes dogs, and I prefer cats. He would try his best to beat me at games, but he failed. He was there when the day Spicy, my friendly cat, died. We became friends after that, but still argue a lot. I was cold-hearted mean to him the day I left, and it broke my heart the most. Once I got back, he texted and called me every day. Offer to go somewhere with me if he noticed something is upsetting me or just want to hang. He takes me home when I'm done with work, which is after his practices. Finally, he's a player or maybe was one.

I told Alice about my problems right after when Shun left for work. I didn't want him to know anything about my struggles with boys. Most likely, he'll hire someone to kill any boys who want me. Luckily, she understood and let me miss school for today. I felt bad that I won't be there for her last day, but she still understood my problems. I'm luckier that I don't work Fridays, so I don't have to call out. However, I wasn't lucky to find out how quickly bored I had gotten. I've been sleeping, watching videos, looking through social media, and sleeping again because my phone died. I finally decided to get out of bed after my third nap to get food. I walk from my room to the kitchen to prepare what to eat.

"What time is it?" I said to myself out loud, then looked up at the clock on the wall, which reads 12:20pm. "What?! How is it not three in the afternoon yet!?" I complain to myself. It really did feel like it's three in the afternoon. I sigh, then open the refrigerator and grab the ingratiates that I need to cook myself a small brunch.

After twelve minutes of cooking a nice white egg spinach wrapped, I started to feel more alone and bored. Netflix didn't help much because I want something new to watch. I badly want to talk to Kagome right now, but Suna High School is very strict with technology use during school hours. Her lunch is probably over, so I'll have to wait until she's done with her last class. I can try to text Hinata, but I know she doesn't like to text during class. Then I remember my phone is back in my room, still charging. Right when I was about to get up, I heard a knock on my door. I easily ignore it until they knock on the door again after ten seconds. Once again, I ignore them so they can leave me alone.

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