Chapter 13 - The Party

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Calling - Kagome 12:55pm


(Y/N): Yep, I know.

Kagome: And you choose now to tell me!?!?!?

(Y/N): I was not in the mood. I was mostly hoping my father to cancel, but he didn't.

Kagome: Are you allowed to bring a plus one or two?

(Y/N): Nope. He messaged me to clarify that he wants to make it all about family image.

(Y/N): Even though half of the people he invited are current and former business partners

Kagome: Who RSVP? Gaara said his family were invited but refused it.

(Y/N): All (L/N) family members here and outside of Japan. Of course, some of Alice's families. All of my father's business partners, really. Oh! You remember Hinata and Naruto, right? Well, Hinata's family is rich and Naruto's dad is the mayor here. So both got invited. Hinata's father refused, but she's going with Naruto's family.

Kagome: Keep me posted! I wish I'm there to save you like last time.

(Y/N): I'm not allowed to "play with my phone," apparently. I'm there to stand by my father's side all happy and lady like with all love for my father for the press. While also taking care of Alice's and the twins' needs.

Kagome: So now your dad is making you be a servant for your sister and her kids during the party?

(Y/N): Yep.

(Y/N): I gotta go. Need to get ready. Bye.

Kagome: I'm still here for you! Talk when you can! Bye bye~!

I hang up on the phone first. I told Kagmoe the news of my father returning for the celebration of his grandchildren born. She agreed it's so b*******. Especially yesterday when I received a message from father.

Messages - Father

Father: The party will start at exactly 5:30pm. All of you will arrive thirty minutes before it starts. The stylists and drivers will arrive at 1:00pm. You are not allowed to bring anyone. You are only there for support and care for your brother's partner and children. Along with standing by my side when you are ordered to as usual in past events. Do not disobey.

I replied to him as usual, which is always, "Yes, father." Never once tried to backtalk him. I hate and fear him. Once I heard the doorbell ring, I got out of my room and met up with Shun to welcome our former stylist and butler. I smile happily to see Sebastian, who's the first we see. I haven't seen him since I moved back to Konoha. I run and give him a welcoming hug, and he hugs back. Shun gives him a hand shake and smiles as well. We both smile as our old stylist, Pepper, walks in with his assistant, who's carrying five bags of Pepper's work kits.

"OH~! The young master Shun! It's been so long, and you've gotten so handsome! Young lady (y/n)! You... Have also grown so much..." Pepper said so cheerfully. Then he turns to look around the apartment. I forgot that he has problems with my clothing choices. I'm wearing a big T-shirt and mismatched pajama pants with my messy hair. We all followed Pepper to the living room. "Oh, what a small apartment! Master Shun, why not get a bigger home? Especially since you have two wonderful and adorable babies!"

"Well, we're starting with a comfortable home. We'll move to a house after my kids grow a bit," Shun said like he's trying to calm Pepper's mood. "Also, I know you're happy, but please keep it down. My kids are still sleeping, and so is my wife."

Who Do You Choose? (Naruto Modern AU) Kiba x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now