Chapter 15 - Summer Lovin (part one)

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Author : Yes, i name this Summer Lovin like the song from Grease. Do not judge the title and just read the chapter! LOL!


Monday - Day 1

Summer break has finally come, which means it's time to go to the beach. Suna Beach, that is. The most popular beach other than Waves Beach, Mist Beach, and Tea Beach, but those places are too far for us. When Shikamaru and I surprised everyone in our group that we're going there for a week. They all went crazy. Luckily, the place we'll be staying at is non-other than the sand siblings' beach houses. Yes, they have two beach houses next to each other. Of course, I got really excited to see Kagome, Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro again. However, I'm more excited to have my Konoha and Suna friends hanging out together. Which would make it the happiest moment of my life.

Once we've arrived around 8pm, the group was amazed by the beach houses. Temari was very welcoming, unlike her brothers, while Kagome didn't stop hugging me to death. Gaara explained that the house on the left will be for the boys while the house on the right will be for the girls. Each house has four bedrooms with each of its own bathrooms. However, if I recall, two have the beach view while the other two have the view of our cars and the other houses. The Konoha girls kept continuing to be amazed by the inside of the house while the Suna girls and I just enjoyed their amazement.

"(y/n), you're sharing a room with me! Let's get all of you settled!" Kagome said while helping me with my bags and leading me to our room. Leaving Termari with the others showing them their rooms.

Kagome opened the door, and it was the room with the beach view. Of course, she would pick it. Temari probably got the same for herself, which leaves my Konoha friends with the parking lot view. Ignoring my mixed emotions of feeling bad for the girls and not at the same time, I jump on the bed and release a relaxing sigh. Kagome joins me as we feel so much at peace.

Tuesday - Day 2

"Hey! Don't throw that in the house!" Temari shouts at Kagome and Tenten, who were already throwing water balloons they made to get the boys. They had already made fifty of them and used two on Temari and I. One of them hit me in the back, which got my white shirt, that I was going to wear to the beach, all wet.

"We were just testing them out is all~," Kagome said with a little giggle.

"Yeah, sure you two were," I said while taking off my shirt. I suddenly felt eyes on me the moment my wet shirt was off. Only Hinata, Sakura, Ino, and Tenten were staring at me. "What?"

"N-Nothing, (y/n). It's just that... When did you get a tattoo?" Hinata asks me as she points at my back.

"Oh? Yeah, her cousin took her to a tattoo shop for her sixteenth birthday," Temari answered for me.

"Honestly, I kept forgetting that I have it until I look at my back in the mirror before taking a shower," I said, which is true.

"I can't believe you wanted that much on your back," Sakura said. "I would probably go with something small, but hey, it's your body."

"I bet Kiba is in for a treat," Ino said with smirk. "With the bikini you're wearing plus to tattoo. He'll probably want you even more when he sees it~."

I blush a little from what she said. Kiba did see my tattoo. He even kissed my whole back. Just remembering his soft lips on me is making my face heat up even more.

'No! No! There's no time to think that stuff!' I thought to myself.

We all heard a knock from the porch, which turns out to be Naruto. "Oi! Are you girls done!? We're waiting!" Naruto complains.

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