Chapter 28 - Confession

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Auther: My other stories!!!

1. The Life of Kagome Kaguya

2. My Long Journey As a Shinobi (and to his heart)

3. Dear Magic Shop

4. My Yakuza Girlfriend


A Week Later

A week has passed. Sebastian hasn't returned our calls. This means it is time to tell the truth about my father coming out. Kiba drove me to the police station after school as promised. Kagome called me to wish me luck. Sasuke joins us along with Itachi. Both knew this was very important and stressful this is for me. Shun and Touka also meet us there. Alice has to stay with the twins, but I know she's wishing me luck as well. Everyone has been helping me practice for my confession. It still didn't help since my panic attacks kept coming, but a little less now. I hope.

"Miss. (l/n)," a familiar voice calls me from the waiting room. It was Kiba's mother. "We're ready for you."

I couldn't leave my seat. My heart beats fast, and I feel like throwing up. My breathing is heavy and uneven. I suddenly felt like I was falling from a cliff. I can't even hear anyone's voices. I am distracted by my memories and predicating what would happen after I confessed.

'What if I messed up and they think I'm lying? What if they ask me questions I couldn't understand? What if I gave them all the answers and decided not to arrest my father after all?' I thought to myself in panic.

A hand squeezes mine, which breaks my thoughts. I looked to see it was my brother. "We can wait two more days if you want for time. I know this is hard for you. I want you to be patient about it. If you can't do it, say it. We're all here for you, (y/n)."

I look at Shun, who is serious and cares about my decision. Touka, who has been there to help as much as she can. Sasuke, Itachi, and Kiba are my support to make sure it's done. I know I can't run away any longer. Just like my father is running, but not for long anymore.

"N-N-No, No," I finally said. "I-I need to do it. I can do it." Shun nods his head and let go of my hand. I slowly finally get up from my chair. I start to walk towards where Kiba's mother is waiting for me. Everyone is behind me.

"Okay, you all know all of you can't be in the same room with her. She and I, along with the interviewer, will be in the room. You guys can watch behind the glass." Kiba's mother reminds us, and we all understand.

My hands are shaking again. I'm getting more nervous by the second. Then I felt another hand holding mine, which belongs to Sasuke. "You can do it. Just know that." He said to me.

He wasn't much of a man with comforting words, but he's always a good friend to me. I feel another hand on my shoulder, which belongs to Itachi. Giving me a warm smile like a big brother should always give. I breathe in and out, then force my hands to stop shaking. I look at Kiba one last time before I go with his mother. I know he hated the fact that he can't be there with me. I hate it too, but it's something I have to do on my own.

'Here goes nothing...'

During the Interview

"Miss (l/n), as you know, you must tell everything in truth. Starting when your father was first abusive towards you to now. We will ask questions from what we heard from your brother and other sources. Please understand that after this interview, we will have all rights to arrest your father for the charges he made. Wherever he is, you understand?" the interviewer asks me.

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