Chapter 11 - Moment

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Author: So, I'll admit that i did not think of baby names at all. I was re-watching Bleach, and the only names I could think of while finishing this chapter were the characters on that show lol please enjoy reading!


Alice is in much pain than she was in the car an hour ago. The doctors got us a room in seconds, which is surprisingly very nice. Sadly, for Alice, the doctor said she's not fully dilated yet, so we'll have to wait. It hurts me to see her like this. Especially in a hospital gown, all sweaty and begging for this to be over. I tried to comfort her as much as I could while Kagome was sleeping on the couch in our hospital room like a baby.

'Seriously?! How can you sleep while a woman is screaming in pain!?' I thought to myself angrily.

"(Y/N)!" Alice said to me while in pain.

"Yes?" I hold her left hand with my right hand.

"Please...! Don't ever get pregnant!! All the movies and shows that said how wonderful it is bringing life into the world is a LIE!!! Especially with twins!!!" She screams while squeezing my hand so tight.

"Ow ow ow...! On the bright side, you are glowing- OW OW OW!!" I said while she's still hurting my hand. The doctor arrived again just in time as I was almost closer to having only one hand.

"Hello, Mrs. (l/n). It's been another thirty minutes now. Let's check if you are ready to deliver." She did as she said, which led me to finally walk out the room to call my brother and see if he made it back to Konoha yet. While using my good hand to pull out my phone and go on my contact list. Then someone bumped into me and made me drop my phone. The person walks away without turning back to apologize.

"Rude idiot," I said out loud while picking up my phone. I hear a ringing on my phone, meaning I must have already pressed Shun's number to call him. I put my phone in my ear, and he finally answered, but he didn't say anything. "Shun! Has your plane landed? Where are you? Please tell me you're in Konoha already and close to the hospital? Alice really needs you, and I need your hand because my right hand is probably broken! So, tell me you're here?!"

"Ouch," my brother's voice doesn't sound like his own. However, it sounds like someone else I knew. I froze for a good few seconds, then look at the caller id number. It reads Kiba.

"K-K-Kiba!?!?" I start panicking.

"Yeah?" Kiba answers.

"F***!!!! Sorry, I didn't mean to call you! I was trying to get a hold of my brother because Alice is in labor! Anyways, sorry to bother you! Adiós!" I quickly hung up the phone first, then fell on my knees in so much shame and embarrassment. "Did I really say adiós to him? Does he even know Spanish!? Why does this have to happen to me!?" I said to myself out loud with my face all red and sighing in humiliation.

After a few minutes trying to calm myself and telling myself to go back to not caring for Kiba, I finally call my brother this time. However, it went straight to voicemail. I called again and he didn't answer again.

I hang up the phone, "Either he's on the plane or his phone died," I said to myself again while getting up from the floor.

Three hours later

Hours has passed, and the twins aren't here yet because Alice is not fully dilated, but she's close by two more measures. It's not good for her, but it is to me because Shun should be here anytime soon. At least, that's what I'm hoping for. I already called Konan saying that I can't make it to work today, which I'm happy she understood since she's a mother as well. But I still have to work extra hours I've lost today and the Saturday I missed as well. Kagome, finally awake, helps by trying to make Alice walk around the room and breathe to not feel too much pain. Then play baby theme songs to put a laugh in there. However, both only made Alice angrier. I honestly never saw Alice so moody before. While watching Alice in her monster phase and Kagome unable to run away, my phone starts ringing. It reads that my brother is calling me. Giving me another good chance to get out of the room to live so I can answer his call.

Who Do You Choose? (Naruto Modern AU) Kiba x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now