Chapter 30 - Birthday Surprise (part two)

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After the birthday party - (Y/N)'s Point Of View

Messages - Idate 09:11pm

Idate: Hey! Happy birthday! Wish I'm there to celebrate! 🎁🥳🎂

(Y/N): It's okay. You missed my 17th bday, so it's no big deal lol.

Idate: How was your bday?

(Y/N): Everyone threw a surprise party even tho I clearly didn't want it, but I had fun.

Idate: Lol 😆 awesome! I sent a present and it will be there on Monday. Sadly, I was hoping today... 😔

(Y/N): It's cool, Idate.

Idate: What r u doing now?

(Y/N): Party ended, so I'm heading to a town called non-of your business.

Idate: Ouch! Lol o k 😉

I stop messaging Idate as I wait for Shun and Alice to fall asleep. Just enough that they won't hear me sneak out. While I wait, I look through the presents my friends gave me. Shun got me a new laptop while Alice got me a new pair of shoes I wanted. Touka gave me recipe books, and Kakashi Sensei gave me fictional books. Sakura, Ino, and Hinata got me clothes while Tenten, Termari, and Kagome got me jewelry. Neji and Lee already told me their present to me, which is the college tour. Both Naruto and Choji made snack boxes of their own style with their choices of snacks and movies for me to watch. Shikamaru, Kankuro, Gaara, and Shino got me stuffed animals. Sasuke and Itachi got me a Nintendo Switch with some games. Sai got me a Polaroid camera and an official sign-up paper, which confirmed that I entered the art competition. It made me want to kill him because I didn't sign up nor decided if I really wanted to. My coworkers all got me one present, which was a coupon for a free meal for one a day. Kiba was the only one who hadn't given me a present yet. He told me he has it, but it's not fully ready yet and will give it to me tomorrow. I wonder what Kiba got me.

I look at the paper for the art competition again. I remember the rules when I first heard of it. There will be five different types of art. Those different arts must be painting related, sculpture, abstract, drawing, and photography. Only five, one from each, can win a full scholarship to Konoha University. Only seniors can enter. Signups ended last week, and the competition starts in the spring.

'Can I really enter? Do I have enough skills to be a photographer?' I thought to myself.

I heard my phone ring while I was thinking. I looked at the caller ID, but I didn't bother to answer. I know it's Sakura, and I know she's here because I told her to call me when she gets here. Good thing I didn't change out of my clothes to my pajamas. I grab my jacket and my phone and then quietly sneak out of the apartment.

Messages - Finnian 10:21pm

(Y/N): Hello, Finnian.

Finnian: Young Lady (y/n)! It's an honor to hear from you again since Sir Shun's twins party! Happy birthday!

(Y/N): Thank you. I want to know if you are at the mansion.

Finnian: Yes, as always, I am ordered to man the gardens while Mey-Rin and William remain to keep the mansion clean at all times. Are you planning to come visit?

(Y/N): Yes, and I am also bringing a friend. You can keep her company while I'm at the gardens.

Finnian: Yes, I understand. I will inform the others to expect your arrival. What time will you arrive?

(Y/N): In a few minutes.

"Do I turn now?" Sakura asks me.

"No, at this point, it's just straight the whole way until you see the mansion on the right," I give her the directions to my old home.

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