Chapter 08 - Day of Love (part two)

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(Y/N) Point of View

After having my anime/meme scene of Orz for a good minute and a half, I come to a decision to walk to the nearest bus station and run the rest of the way to work. Yes, my friends are most likely giving a way the rest of the roses outside. But, I couldn't bother them. I pull out my phone and search for bus schedules.

'Okay, so there's one bus stop about 15 min walk that'll arrive in 12 minutes. If I run now, I'll be able to make it!' I thought to myself and made a break for it. I start running through the hallways and down the stairs.

Once I made the last step of the stairs, I fell down on the floor, landing on my knees. 'Ouch! Not my knees again!' I complain in my head. I got up, but someone pushed me down hard. 'Are you kidding me? Who just pushed me?!' I turn around to see Karin with a very rage and devilish look. 'Of course, it's her...' The moment I try to get up, Karin did it for me by pulling my hair up with force.

"AHH! What do you want now, Karin?" I ask her while trying to break free from her grip she has on my hair.

"I heard that my Sasuke-kun bought a pink rose!" She shouts at me. "Assuming it was for me, but he said it's not! Then I assumed it's for that stupid Sakura, but it's not for her either!" She pulls my hair harder and harder after every shout. I tried to push her off and loosen her hands away from my hair, but she didn't budge. Suddenly, my childhood flashed before my eyes.

Flashback – Age 7

"TELL ME!!" My father shouted at me. It was a moment after my grandfather was arrested for a crime that was meant for my father. He pulled my hair hard while slapping my face. "I KNOW IT WAS YOU WHO CALLED THE COPS!! ADMIT IT!!"

"Father, please!! I didn't call them! I promise!" I cried out the truth, but he didn't believe me. I didn't know who told the cops about my father abusing me that time. I had told Sasuke which sooner or later I was right that he was the one who told them. I begged my father to believe me and stop hurting me. However, he'd never stop.


Flashback Ended

'No! I'm not going to cry!' I told myself.

My self-defense kicked in and grabbed her arm that was pulling my hair with both my hands. I squeeze it hard and dig my nails in her skin. Then, I forcefully spin us around. Once I did a few hard spins, I slammed her body against the wall with my body. She finally let go of my hair and fell on the floor while holding her head. I stepped away, trying to get my balance and breathing back while grabbing my stuff off the floor.

Before I could run away from her, I said some words to her. "I don't know who Sasuke brought the damn flower for, but it ain't me..."

"You are lying, s***! I know it's you he's giving it to!" She shouts more while getting back on her feet. I give her a look at how stupid she is right now. "Don't pretend to be dumb! I know since day one, you've been after Sasuke! I saw the looks he gave you and how close you both are!" She begins to run towards me. I was ready for her next attack. Karin has her hand up, but out of nowhere, Sasuke jumps in to stop her with one hand. "S-Sasuke!" She pulled her arm away and cuddled up to him. "Oh! Sasuke-kun~! Thank goodness you're here to save me from this monster! She threatened me to stay away from you or she'll attack me!"

"You should listen to her then. Better yet, stay away from (y/n) as well." He pushes her off of him. He faces me and grabs my hand, "Let's go, (y/n)." He said to me while dragging me away from Karin and making our way outside of the school.

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