Chapter 16 - Summer Lovin (part two)

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Author: Yes, yes, yes! Part two is already out quick, so enjoy~!!


Thursday - Day 4

"Alright! I know what we're going to do today, and all of you better do it! Rather, you like it or not!" Temari summons all of us after we had our breakfast to the beach for her special plans. With her brothers and Kagome standing next to her, they unroll a big paper scroll that reads Camp Battle 2.0. We all freaked out, which pleased Termari very much. "That's right! The rules are the same at camp, but on the beach. There will be five rounds, and all of us will be in our original teams."

Insistently, we all form to our teams. The Sand Team is already in formation. Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji are ready to win for Team 10. Hinata, Kiba, and Shino in their Team 8. Neji, Lee, and Tenten for Team Guy. Leaving Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Sai, and I for Team 7.

"Team 7 got five members. I say one of them should step down to make it fair." Neji said, being unfair himself.

"Oi! Don't be like that! I say it's fair to us because we're stronger than all of you!" Naruto shouts.

"Naruto is right for once. Who said we're going to step down!" Sakura shouts as well.

"It's fine," Sai said calmly. "He is right. The Sand Team has four members while we have five, and the original Team 7 has four members. Better if I be the referee." He smiles while Naruto and Sakura are still angry.

"Great idea, we are actually in need of one," Gaara said to Sai. "Since you are a part of Team 7, you will win or lose with them. However, your main job is to make sure no teams cheat and fair play."

"Enough, talk everyone and listen to me!" Kagome said out loud for us to hear. "Here are the rounds; Round One will be a foot race. Round Two will be a game of volleyball. Round Three will be an eating contest. Round Four is surfing. And lastly, Round Five is a sandcastle building." The rounds are shorter than the camps were. Theirs lasted for three days or a week. Even a month. This beach version of Camp Battle is much more fun and less deadly. Kagome continues, "Losing team with the lowest points will do whatever the first-place team orders them to do starting all day tomorrow!"

"That would suck for you if Kiba wins, you know," Sakura whispers in my ear. It took me a while to realize what she meant. I panic until I finally calm myself by shaking the thoughts out.

"Well, we're just going to have to win then," I said to her.

"Yeah, let's do this," She agrees with me.

"Does anyone have any questions or want to complain about something?" Temari asks us, but nobody responds. She smiled then said, "Alright! Let the first round begin!"


First Placed: Team 8 (Kiba, Hinata, and Shino) - 33 Points

Second Placed: Team Guy (Neji, Tenten, and Lee) - 32 Points

Third Placed: Team Sand (Gaara, Kankuro, Termari, and Kagome) - 23 Points

Fourth Placed: Team 10 (Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji) - 21 Points

Fourth Placed: Team 7 (Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, (Y/N), and Sai) - 21 Points

***Reminder: Sai is the referee due to Team 7 having 5 members. Win or lose, he will get the same treatment with his team.***

Rounds - ordered from winners to losers:

Race: Kiba, Lee, Kankuro, Ino, and Sakura

Volleyball: Team 7, Team Guy, Team 8, Team Sand, and Team 10

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