Chapter 07 - Day of Love (part one)

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Author: Here's a late valentine's day special! I got this song in my head so hope you enjoy that too!!

Also, in you haven't watch Naruto in a long time, Idate was in that anime. So I didn't made him up. :P


Messages - Group Chat: (Y/N), Sakura, Ino, Hinata, & TenTen

Ino: Happy V-Day girls!! 💜💜

Sakura: Happy Valentine's Day!! ❤❤❤

Hinata: Happy Valentine's to you too 😊💙

Tenten: Happy V-Day!🤍

(Y/N): Yeah Happy V-Day.💚

Ino: Good! We're all awake!

Ino: Here's the schedule for who'll be giving out flowers during classes and working at the stands:

1st period - Ino & Sai (delivery)

2nd period - Shikamaru, Shino, & Choji (delivery)

3rd period - Hinata & Naruto (delivery)

> Freshman lunch break - Sakura & Ino (stands)

> Sophomore lunch break - (Y/N) & Suigetsu (stands)

4th period - Naruto & Sakura (delivery)

> Junior Lunch - (Y/N) & Kiba (stands)

> Senior lunch - Tenten, Lee, & Neji (stands)

5th period - Sakura & (Y/N) (delivery)

6th period - (Y/N) & Hinata (delivery)

End of school - Ino and everyone who better help!!

Hinata: Isn't Sasuke helping out as well? 🤔

Ino: Sasuke kept rejecting even when I said (Y/N) is helping out. He still said no.

Sakura: Y would he say yes if you mention (Y/N)!?

Tenten: Suigetsu with (Y/N)?

Ino: He agreed last min after I tried to get Sasuke to help.

Ino: I didn't want to, but we need all the help we can get.

Sakura: So be careful, (y/n). He's friends with Karin

(Y/N): Great 😑 ... but as long as it's really not her.

I left the group chat to get ready for school. For some odd reason, I feel like I heard that name before. I know I have seen Suigetsu before in hallways talking with Sasuke. He always gave me weird looks. Either way, I had moments before that I might've met him somewhere. Maybe I'm overthinking or something.

"Suigetsu..." I said out loud.

"Oh? Is he a boy you like?" Alice walked in on me while I was in deep in thought.

"AHH! Alice, please knock first!" I yell in panic.

"Sorry," she apologized, but I heard her laughing. "I forgot the door lock is broken." Shun told me the door lock is broken the first day I moved here. It really sucks that I can't have any privacy, but it is not like I would have anything to hide.

'Or maybe he can come in whenever in case I have a boy over, which will never happen,' I thought to myself.

"Breakfast is ready, and I made your lunch too," said Alice with a smiling. "Oh, remember, I won't be able to take you to work since Shun and I will be going to our monthly doctor visit today to check the babies process. Also, we won't be home when you get back from work because we have a romantic date."

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