Chapter 04 - Memories (part one)

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2 and a half weeks later

Messages - Shun 11:25am

Shun: Hey, how's school?

(Y/N) *Not in a good mood*: I'm in lunch.

Shun: Perfect! Do u remember my old friend Itachi?

(Y/N): Yes, he's Sasuke's older bro.

Shun: He got you a job at the Akatsuki Restaurant. You still have to be interviewed, tho.

(Y/N) *brighten up*: When's the interview?

Shun: In 3 days after you're finish school for the day.

Shun: I'll pick u up during my lunch break. I want Alice to go straight home after working.

(Y/N): Thank Itachi for me

Shun *Concerns*: I will, but r u sure u want to start working? IK Father cut u off the moment u moved out, but I'm still willing to pay to whichever college u want to go to.

(Y/N): No. All your money should go to the twins, not me.

(Y/N): Besides, I need to be more independent.

Shun *in rage*: Till a boy ruins that, and I'll have to scare him away from you. NOBODY SHOULD TOUCH MY SISTER EVER!!!!

(Y/N): -_- ...

Third Person Point of View - Spring 8th grade, a few days before (Y/N) leave

Father had summoned (y/n) and Shun to his home office for important news. (y/n) was sure that she didn't do anything wrong recently, but still hoped it's not about her. The siblings walked in their father's office, and the butler left them alone with their father. He closed the door behind him. They were facing their father's back while he was looking out in the window. (y/n) was in thought of what he wanted to discuss. She knew people were still having doubts about her grandfather abusing her, and some didn't buy the "good father" act. However, she was still in wonder.

Still not facing them, their father delivered the most terrible news they heard him say. Announcement of them moving to Suna. Shun was in anger because he was still in college, and the love of his life lives in Konoha. Apparently, he has no power to stay on his own to stay and was told to continue his studies online. He had no choice but to obey with no fight. Yet still frustrated about what his father had decided. (y/n) wanted to scream and shout at her father, but no words came out. She has all her friends here and doesn't want to leave. She now understood it was because of the press still going at him, and he knew Konoha was not safe for him to stay. He already sees her as someone who had ruined everything for him and tried his best to ruin hers in return.

Their father dismissed them and ordered them to start packing. They leave in three days. After they were dismissed, (y/n) was the first out of the door and went straight to her room. Shun followed her and hugged her tight as she released her tears.

Shun then whispered to her, "Everything will be alright. Trust me, okay?" Of course, she did not believe him.

End Flashback

Messages - Sakura 2:58pm

(Y/N): Hey, u and Ino fighting again? What is it this time?

Sakura *anger*: Obviously!! How dare she say that Sasuke only noticed my annoying side!! 🤬🤬🤬

(Y/N): Do you remember the biggest fight u guys had in middle school?

Sakura: Yeah. That was back when she loved Sasuke, and it was a crazy one. We physically beat each other up until we both knock each other out.

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