Chapter 34 - What Happened?

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Four Months Later

Shun did eventually find out about my love marks. I carelessly woke up and forgot I still have them, walked with my canes to the kitchen, and that's when he saw them. He had forbid me to go on any more dates with Kiba. As well as not seeing him after school and work. If I needed a ride, it'll have to be Sasuke or other of my friends with cars, but Kiba can't be in there. I also need to video call him when I am in a car and show who I am with. Even asked Alice to watch over me while she's now back to teaching in school. Of course, she ignored that part. That lasted for two months and Valentine's Day, which wasn't great either.

From that day to spring break, Kiba and I had a fight. It's a pretty serious one. I kept the secret about my father's gift to me, which was the two year travel photography school. Since I was banned from going out with Kiba that day, I thought it was time to tell him during lunch. He didn't like that I kept it from him for two months. He still doesn't trust my father. Even tried to talk me out of going to the interview during spring break. I would listen to him, but after looking at the website, I started to like it and decided to go. I left without saying bye to Kiba since he was not talking to me anyway. Luckily, I am with Sebastian for my trip to America. He and my father had done the meeting date and found the school's location, so it feels right to bring him. Plus, he can protect me since word got out about my father.

Yes, that's right. Word buzzed around quickly when the police took my father away after he was healed, and it never stopped. School wasn't any better due to the other students kept talking behind me. One said I was stabbed in the leg by my butler, who raped me, and he shot my father. The other said Karin came to the mansion, and we were fighting over Sasuke to the death. Now, she is in the hospital outside of Konoha. As well as I stabbed my father to get away from him. Many lies, and the reporters released the truth about my childhood, but not the Karin incident.

However, despite all that happened, I was glad my friends stuck with me. Even Kiba did before telling him the school in America. I didn't tell him in the first place because I knew he would be angry. We're starting to slowly get back together, and his only thoughts were never seeing each other again. I didn't like the idea either, but I like the school so far. I thought Kiba would understand and only get angry for a few days. But I didn't know he would be this angry to the point that he would stop talking to me longer than a few days. Hopefully, when I get back, I will do something for him.


"How was the interview?" Sebastian asks as I return to him. He was waiting outside of the building, playing with street cats.

"Well, they gave me lists of nice apartments, and the studios are amazing. Their budget for ten to twenty students to go around the world is unbelievable." I answered him while looking at the paper forms they gave me. "I mean, I get to stay in a different country for a month and come back with the photos I took. Then do the same thing again, but in different countries."

"I knew you'd like it, but are you sure you want to do two years? They said you could go for four years." He asks while getting up from the ground.

"I have the whole day to decide on that," I said to him while putting the papers in my bag. "Shall we return to the hotel?"

"Don't you want to sight see more? We do have two more nights left. You should get ahead and start taking photos here."

"I'm not really in the mood to look around New York. I just want to sleep even though it's two o'clock in the afternoon." I said while looking at my phone. It's not just for time, but also to see if I got a text from Kiba.

'That freaking dirty sick mutt kept ignoring me!' I shout to myself.

"Or maybe..." Sebastian starts but didn't finish.

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