Chapter 19 - Clubbing

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Back in Konoha

"I'll try to call and text you, okay?" Kiba said while he hugged me tight.

"If you can't, it's fine. Remember to stop by my cousin's café when you're down south." I said to him, hugging him back.

We arrived back home yesterday. I completely forgot Kiba and his family are traveling around until the day before school starts. Meaning I won't spend the rest of summer with my him. At least we had some time together. He and Akamaru stop by at my place to say bye.

"Yeah, I will, and so will Akamaru, right?" he said to Akamaru, and he barked, meaning he agreed. "Don't let any guy speak to you. Or get in their cars or date them. Tell them you got a boyfriend who will beat them up. Especially, don't-"

"Don't ever cheat on you?" I cut him off and smile at his worried and care for me.

"I was going to say don't go skinny dipping again, my virgin fur ball." Kiba said, making fun of me. I blush, remembering my dare Temari gave me.

"Of course I won't do it again!" I shouted at him.

"My name is (y/n), and I'm a virgin!" Kiba mocks and laughs at me more.

"Shhh! Don't say that out loud!" I cover his mouth with my right hand while hitting his head with my left.

Kiba grabs my hands and smiles, "What? So your neighbors won't know you're a virgin?" He asks me while grinning.

"No," I got on my tiptoes to whisper in his ear. "I don't want my brother to hear that you saw me naked."

I hear Kiba gulp and watch his ears and cheeks turn bright red. I know he and the other pervs saw us. However, I got him wrapped around my fingers, knowing he'll be a dead man if my brother knew. I've gotten more used to teasing him now.

"Okay, I guess that a good point- ah!" He was talking until I bite and suck on his neck gently, then back off to see his face. He leans in close to my face, "You're playing this game too much."

"Maybe, but we'll continue this when you're back," I said to him, then turned to Akamaru. "I'll see you soon too, okay?" I forced myself to pet him gently, and he let me while his tail wages. Still prefer cats, but at least he's friendly with me. Kiba hugs me one last time for a good minute, then let's go. He puts his hands on both sides of my face and kisses me for another minute, then slowly removes his lips from mine.

"Alright, we'll head out now," Kiba said, opening the car door for Akamaru to get in, which he did. Then Kiba gets in the driver's side and turns on his car. Before he starts to drive, he rolls down his window. "I'll miss you, fur ball. Don't get any trouble, okay?"

"I'll miss you, too. That goes for you too," I said, waving bye as he drove off.

Two Months later - Three days before senior year starts

The past two months of summer were great. I've been working well with my new coworker, named Tamaki, and became friends with her. The twins, at almost five months, have been growing so fast that Ichigo is already trying to talk and Rukia is trying to crawl. Shun cried less now from their cuteness and thinking how they'll leave the nest soon. I've been going to some places with my friends except Hinata, Neji, Sasuke, and Kiba because they're with their families. However, they message me a few times, but mostly Kiba. He's been out camping, traveling around in a van, and hiking with his mom, sister, and along with their dogs. He calls me when he's in a small town near their campsite and send me pictures. Most of them were himself, Akamaru, and some cool views. I did the same, but none of myself. He knew I'm doing it to torture him the more he begs to see a picture of me.

Who Do You Choose? (Naruto Modern AU) Kiba x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now