Chapter 20 - Dog Boyfriend

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Next Morning

I woke up with a huge headache. I muttered a little and moan in pain as the light beamed at my eyes. I try to calm my head by getting up slowly. Once I'm sitting on the bed, I rub my head and eyes. I looked around the room and realized that I'm not in Sakura's bedroom. I start to panic that nothing here looks familiar until I fall off the bed. I look down at myself to notice I'm wearing a different shirt. I'm wearing an oversized sweater that isn't mine. I try to remember where I am and how I got here while searching for my clothes and belongings on my hands and knees. Also, while ignoring the pain in my head. I froze when I heard a knock on the door and saw the door slowly open.

"So, you're awake now, (y/n)," Kakashi Sensei said with his usual mask on, but in sweatpants and tank top hoodie. I remain speechless and confused while still frozen on the floor. He walked up to me and handed me a glass of water and a pill. "Be a good girl and take this pain killer, then drink your water." He ordered me with his eyes smiling at me, and I did what he told me. Then he helps me sit back on the bed as he sits a few inches in front of me. "Looks like she really drugged you. I wonder what you did to her."

"What do you mean, sensei?" I ask him while rubbing my painful forehead.

"Now, now, I told you all before summer vacation that I won't be your sensei anymore. I'm now teaching at the university now," Kakashi Sensei reminds me. I did forget he announced that he's transferring to Konoha University. I assume for better pay.

"How is she?" I hear a familiar voice that brightens me. I look up to see my cousin in another oversized sweater.

"T-Touka?! What are you doing here?" I ask in surprise and much more confuse.

"What? Were you hoping to finally have a student and former teacher moment? That's so fan fiction," Touka said as she walked to the bed with a plate in her hands that had two toasts with Nutella and strawberries on it. She sits closer to Kakashi Sensei on the bed.

"She's fine, Touka," Kakashi Sensei said to my cousin. I watch his hand move to her cheek. "I told you there's nothing to worry about." He leans in to kiss her on the cheek.

"What!?!?" I shouted that moment I saw it. "Y-Y-You guys a-a-are together!?! When!?! How!?!?"

"Well, it's a long story, but -"

"Kakashi, don't tell her!" Touka cuts him off before looking at me. "(y/n), who was that girl that drugged you? I want to send her off to prison, a nut house, or anywhere to keep her away from you."

My eyes widen, "I was really drugged..?"

'Did one of my friends drugged me?'

"Yeah," she answers. "We were there at that club where you and your so-called 'friends' shouldn't be in!" She shouts and puts air quotes on "friends." I look down at my plate, feeling much more depressed.

"Touka, I told you already. Two of my former students didn't go along with that other girl's plan." Kakashi Sensei said to my cousin.

"Whatever," Touka said. "Anyways, I saw that girl and that Sakura girl asking for drinks. Then, right when Sakura walked off first, the other girl put something in one of the drinks. I didn't know you were there until I saw you with her walking out the door. I remembered what I saw earlier and followed you two."

"What else happened?" I ask both of them in fear.

'Please tell me nothing scary and disgusting happened to me...'

"We followed you and saw that girl walk away while she left you on the ground," Touka said with her voice getting close to rage. "Luckily, we made it in time before some a****** had a chance to take you to his place and used you as a toy for the night or even years!"

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