Chapter 22 - Kiba's Nightmare (part two)

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Author : Yes, I know i posted two stories in one day! Great, right? i was listening to this song while completing the chapter and thought it would be nice to share it here.


Kiba's Point of View - Freshman year

"C'mon boy, let's go home now," I said to Akamaru as we're about to leave the park to go home. Then, out of nowhere, a cat popped out of the brushes and hissed at us before it ran off. Akamaru growled and chanced after it. "Damn it! Wait, Akamaru! If that thing has an owner, don't kill it!"

The chance went on for a minute until the cat jumped high on the girl's shoulders from behind. The girl has light brown hair, which made me think of (y/n). Then she turned to face me, which led me to wear a sad expression because she wasn't (y/n). Although, she was pretty cute.

"Oh, I'm sorry about Momo. He's very wild and likes to cause trouble with dogs," She said with a smile.

"Ugh, no problem. Akamaru isn't too friendly with cats," I said nervously, laughing.

'Why do I feel nervous?' I asked myself.

"Oh, you go to Konoha High School?" She asked me when she noticed my uniform and logo of school on my jacket. "I don't go there. I'm actually home school, but my cousin goes to the same school as you."

"Home school? That sounds boring," I said while I moved my arms behind my head and looked up. "Who are you going to complain about your teachers if your teachers are your parents?"

"Well, that's why I have Momo and my cousin," she said laughed.

'Haha, I got her to laugh. Her laugh is cute like- No! Don't think about (y/n)!'

"So, you're a dog person?" She asked me, and I nodded. "I'm a cat person, but your dog is really cute. I had never seen a dog this big before."

"He's big now? My friend told me he's really growing, but I don't notice it that much," I said, then smiled at her, which made her smile back and blushed a little.

"Tamaki!" Another girl shouted from far behind her. She wore the same uniform as me and has colorful hair. "Let's go home! Grandmother is waiting for us!"

"Coming, Yumi!" Tamaki shouted back then turned to me again. "I-I know we just met, but c-can I have your number. If you want and don't mind having a cat friend."

I hesitated for a moment. She reminded me of (y/n). She was cute like her, liked cats like her, and almost the same hair color. I still have hope for (y/n) to come back, but so far, she hasn't. I'm starting to question if I should move on. Maybe this is it.

"Sure, I don't mind," I said. "That's if you don't mind having a dog friend who wants to take you on a date this Saturday."

Three Months Later

It had been three months since I started dating Tamaki. I'm not going to lie, I was really enjoying it. It was like she took away all my pain by just smiling at me. I decided it was time for her to meet my friends at the mall. Well, more like Naruto wanted to meet her and bragged it to the others. They wanted to meet her too. Once me and Tamaki met up with everyone, I introduced her and the others. They liked her right away, and we all had fun. Right before we went our separate ways, Sakura suddenly mentioned (y/n)'s name, which put me down with all the feels I had for her came up.

"Is something wrong, Kiba-kun?" Tamaki asked me as we waited for her cousin to pick us up at the park. We walked to the nearest park after my friends went home. I wanted to spend more time with her, but it was hard to do so if the past came back to haunt you.

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