Chapter 05 - Memories (part two)

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Third Person Point of View - Spring 8th grade, day after (Y/N) left

Everyone was not in a good mood after (y/n) made them dislike her now. Sakura and Ino wouldn't stop talking about how she stole Sasuke's lips before they can and what they'll do to her. Naruto was all upset, but still didn't know why (y/n) said all those things to him and the others. Choji was eating all the chips in anger. Hinata's eyes were red and puffy from all the crying she did. Shino hadn't lifted his head from his desk while Shikamaru was all annoyed. Sasuke didn't show himself to school. Kiba didn't want to come to school either, but he really wanted to see (y/n) to get answers no matter what.

Iruka Sensei walked inside the class with upsetting news for (y/n)'s old classmates. "Good morning, everyone," He said to his students, then continued. "It hurts me to say this, but (l/n) (y/n) has moved and transferred schools." Everyone's faces went from depressed and anger to complete shock.

"What do you mean!? Is this a joke!?" Naruto was the first to speak as he stood up from his chair.

"Well, the arrangement of her transfer to a different school was made a few days ago," Iruka sensei stated. "Her family probably thought it was time to re-locate." After what the students' sensei had said, all of them were at disbelief.

Hinata wanted to cry more, not wanting to believe this. As well as Sakura, who ended up being comforted by Ino. Kiba, on the other hand, got more frustrated from the news. He got up from his chair and ran out of the classroom. Followed by Shikamaru and Shino as they chanced after him. While Iruka Sensei shouted at them to return to class. The whole classroom went silent.

"(y/n)... o-only was mean t-to us... b-because she was leaving..." Hinata tried to speak while she tried to hold her tears.

"She probably thought it was best to get us mad at her instead of feeling sad she's leaving..." Sakura continued for Hinata. They finally know the answer. She started to wonder if Sasuke knew about it, which is why he wasn't here in school.

Sasuke's Point of View

After that dumb spy, my father hired a long time ago ratted me out, I was told not to leave my room nor attend school till Monday. I feel like I'm under house arrest. At least it gives me enough time to think about (y/n) actions yesterday. She was mean to everyone she knew. She was doing it on purpose, which is what I know of, but what? She kissed me to avoid telling me. She kissed me. I put my fingers on my lips, still wanting to know why.

'Maybe after I know, I'll ask about the kiss...' I thought to myself. Sadly, my phone was taken away, meaning I can't talk to anyone. Then I heard my door open, and Itachi came in without knocking.

"Good afternoon, little brother. Are you still thinking about your first kiss?" He teased me, which made me lightly blushed and annoyed. He walked closer to me and sat on my bed next to me. His face went serious, "Sasuke, Shun told me that their father is making him and (y/n) move today."

"What?! Why?!" I panicked, and he shush me to keep it down.

"They're leaving because of the rumors about their grandfather not being the one who had abuse (y/n) were getting strong thanks to our father. So, their father thought it's best to leave Konoha till word goes down... or maybe forever," Itachi explained, but it started to hurt me more. He put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me and continues. "I know you and (y/n) are good friends. Hopefully, they'll return soon." I pushed his hand off my shoulder, basically telling him I want to be alone. He soon left my room and closed the door behind him.

I don't know what to feel. Anger? Sad? Maybe both? I felt a tear coming down, and I wiped it off. 'Why am I crying? It's not like we can date each other anyway.' I thought to myself.

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