Chapter 24 - My Love and Future

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Author: There will be a small scene that is not for people under the age of 18, but I know everyone will still read it anyway even after my warning.


(Y/N)'s point of view

"(y/n), wake up." I hear Sasuke's voice as he shakes me gentle. I rub my eyes and yawn while slowly sitting up on the bed.

"Did they leave?" I ask him, and he nods. "How long was I asleep?"

"Only half an hour," He answers my question. "You cried so much that you went straight to sleep. It's nine now, so I should take you home."

The study group ended. Before they could leave, I saw Kiba kissing Yumi's neck because she got some answers right or whatever. I told everyone that I was going to the bathroom, but I went in Sasuke's room to cry instead. It was a sign for Sasuke to send everyone home. I didn't know how long I've been crying, which led me to fall asleep. I can still feel my dried-up tears on my face, yet it still feels like I'm not done crying.

"Hey," Sasuke said, pulling me into his arms in comfort. "I know it's hard on you, but once you get back on Monday, I hope all the pain has left from your body. Until then, I'll be here no matter what." I feel his warmth and hear his heart beating while he holds me.

Sasuke has been a good friend to me since that day. Actually, since the very first day I met him. He may be cold to others, but I know he's really sweet and has a warm heart. It saddens me that he grew to have feelings for me while I didn't in return. He claims he's over me since I chose Kiba at Suna Beach, and I felt guilty for hurting him. However, that guilt turned to something else after the pain Kiba gave me. That turned into regret.

I regret that I have let all my feelings out for Kiba. I regret that I should've gone to prom with Sasuke, so Kiba wouldn't have to plan that wonderful semi-prom with me, which is now a terrible memory. I'm regretting not asking Sasuke to stay with me when the twins were born and didn't ignore our families rivalry sooner. I'm regretting that I should've chosen Sasuke over that idiot dog, so none of this would ever happen. I regret not kissing him back at the beach.

'Maybe it's not too late,' I thought to myself before pressing my lips on Sasuke's lips. I can tell he is surprise, but he didn't push me away. He starts kissing me back.

I slowly wrap my arms around his neck while his arms remain around my waist. He starts to pull me closer to him while we make out. Each kiss we make becomes too heated for both of us. I start to feel Sasuke's left hand is traveling slowly down to the edge of my shirt and going under it. His hand on my skin brings a lot of shivers all over my body. I knew his hand would go for one of my breasts, so I went ahead and let my hand travel down to his pants and squeeze him gently. He let out a soft groan, and I can feel his part is nicely hard. While I squeezed him, I moaned due to him squeezing my left breast and pinching my nipple. That's when he took the chance to let our tongues play together. He guides me to lay down on his bed without breaking the kiss. Now, on top of me, he rubs his pants, where his friend is begging to come out, on to mine. Then, his lips travel down to my neck.

I know what it would lead to. I don't care what happens to me. Nor do I care what Kiba would think of me anymore. He's out of my life for all I care. He has Yumi now. I have Sasuke now. I can be happy with Sasuke and a lot more now that our families are trying to work together. We won't have to hide from them. I won't be in pain anymore. I can be happy with him and grow to love him more as days past by. Suddenly, Sasuke's lips were no longer on my neck. As I wonder why he has stopped, he lifts himself up to face me with a serious look.

"(y/n)... I don't want you to force yourself to love me... Especially, not like this."

"W-What are you talking about? I'm not-"

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