Chapter 17

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Tinsley walked over to Willow's car and climbed into the passenger seat. Willow had went home and changed into jeans and strapless top. Willow was fit and thin, tall, and had the proportions of a porn star. She wasn't shy about telling people she paid $7000 for her boobs. She was proud of them and she often wore clothes that showed them off. Tinsley would be willing to bet that Willow would walk around topless in Sunny Side if Mr. Miles would let her.

"So what do you want to do" asked Tinsley.

"I was thinking we could go to the park. I got a bottle of wine and is quiet enough where we can talk" said Willow.

"Sounds good to me" said Tinsley.

They headed off to the town park. Willow parked the car and they both climbed out. Grabbing the bag with the wine, glasses, and blanket, they found a shady spot. They spread the blanket out, sat beside each other facing the guys who were working out on the public equipment, and uncorked the wine. They settled in watching a very buff guy doing pull ups.

"Bet he has a pencil dick" said Willow.

"He's overcompensating for something that's for sure." Said Tinsley.

They both laughed but continued to watch him work out.

"So spill it. Who's Abel? How are things with Jax?" Said Willow.

"Things with Jax are great. Everything's still new so that's to be expected. Abel is his son. He as married before. Matter a fact, he still is but his divorce is final in 2 months. Well, his ex wife got pregnant. She was and still is a crank junkie. She OD-ed a few nights ago. They had to do an emergency c-section which put Abel being born 10 weeks early. He has a heart defect thats genetic but he had some other issues that at were caused from the junkies drug use. Well last night, the condition with his heart got worse and needed emergency surgery. While they were doing the heart surgery, there was complications with his belly and that had to fix it as well. Willow, he's so tiny. According to his incubator, he only weighs 2 pounds. He has a tube down his throat to help him breath. It's heartbreaking to see a child that small with all that medical equipment. Especially when most of it could have been avoided had the mother had a lick of common sense." Explained Tinsley.

"That's heartbreaking. That bitch needs her fucking ass kicked for doing that to him" said Willow.

"I agree. I've met her. Im being dead serious when I say she's the picture of trailer trash. I bet if you googled it, her mug would be the first image to pop up." Said Tinsley.

"Ugh, who is this said ex-wife? Asked Willow.

"Her name is Wendy. That's all I know other than shes trash." Said Tinsley.

"I bet I know who you're talking about. And your right, she's trash. She tried to get a job at the diner just before you moved here. She came in for an interview with track marks up and down her arms, and high as a damn kite." Said Willow.

"Jesus. How did she even think that was going to end up with her getting a job?" Asked Tinsley.

"Beats me. But when Mr. Miles wouldn't give her the job, she busted the glass on the front of the pie case. The law got called but Mr. Miles didn't press charges. He just banned her from the place for life" explained Willow.

"Damn I reckon" said Tinsley.

"Yea, it was a shit show" said Willow.

They both got quiet for a few minutes, happy to enjoy the wine and the view.

"So who do you think broke into your house?" Asked Willow.

"It has to be Mason. I haven't had any issue with anyone here that would cause something like that. The only person I've ever even had an argument with is Wendy. But shes still strapped to a bed at Saint Thomas and heavily sedated." Said Tinsley.

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