Chapter 100

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After dinner was all finished and the kitchen was cleaned, Gemma and Clay came over to check on Jax. Tinsley couldn't believe that they hadn't shown up before now. She half expected Gemma to be standing on her doorstep patting her foot and tapping her watch when they arrived home. But then again, something had changed in Gemma since the bombing. No, it changed after Jax's surgery. Gemma had always been a little overprotective of Jax but something seemed to be different. Tinsley had mentioned Gemma change to Jax earlier in the day but he hadn't noticed. Tinsley couldn't stand it any longer. She had to see if Gemma would say what had changed.

"I kinda figured y'all would have been here waiting for us when we got home" said Tinsley.

"We figured you guys needed time to get settled. Didn't want to bombard you as soon as you got home" said Gemma.

"You're family. You wouldn't have bombarded us." Said Tinsley.

"I'll remember that for future reference" said Gemma.

As the day wore own, the babies began to get hungry and tired. Their little whimpers soon became full on tears in a matter of seconds.

"I'm gonna take Jagger and Gracie upstairs to nurse. Would you mind feeding Lizzie? Or atleast fixing a bottle for her and help Jax?" Tinsley asked Gemma.

"Sure." Said Gemma.

Gemma went to the kitchen to mix up a bottle while Tinsley carries Jagger and Gracie upstairs. Instead of burning the kids in there rooms, she laid the babies down on her king size bed and made quick work of removing her shirt and bra. Tinsley was secretly glad that the babies were starting to try some food but she knew she would miss this part of motherhood. She knew she would miss building the bond that came from nursing her kids and giving them life.

"Ouch" said Tinsley as she repositioned Jagger.

Jagger had bit down on her nipple extra hard and if she wasn't sadly mistaken, he felt a tooth in his mouth. In that moment, she knew that wouldn't be something she would miss about nursing. She swore that when the babies started cutting teeth she would just pump her mix and let them drink out of bottles because, let's face it, one of the babies could bite one of her nipple clean off if they weren't careful.

Jagger and Gracie were still nursing when a bout of nausea hit her out of no where. She laid the kids on the bed and maid it to the bathroom just in time to throw up everything she had just eaten.

Where the hell did that come from Tinsley thought to herself.

When she was done, she quickly brushed her teeth and went back into the bedroom. Both Jagger and Gracie were sound asleep. They looked like little angels lying there. Jagger with his blonde hair so much like his dads and Gracie with her strawberry blonde so much like her own, Tinsley May be partial but she honestly thought she had the absolute most beautiful children in the whole entire world.

Standing there watching 2 of her kids, a million thoughts hit her like a freight train.

Did I just spew my guts out because I'm pregnant?

But I have the implant in my arm. That's supposed to be almost 100% effective. Could it have failed?

Are Jax and I ready for another child?

Does me want more children?

How will we support one more?

Am I just over reacting?

Could I have a stomach virus?

Needing to know with 100% certainty, she knew she needed to go to the store and get a pregnancy test and she wasn't about to wait until morning to find out. She just needed to come up with an excuse to get out of the house without Gemma asking two thousand questions about where she was going. Ice cream... they didn't have any in the house and Tinsley knew just how Jax loves ice cream after dinner.

Having the excuse she needed to leave the house, she made quick work of getting dressed and then laid Jagger and Gracie in their cribs, grabbing the baby monitors for each before going back downstairs.

When she got down to the living room, Jax was lying in the couch holding a sleeping Lizzie who was snuggled up on his chest. Yep, I have the worlds most beautiful children Tinsley once again thought to herself. Gemma and Clay were talking to Jax.

"Any leads on the bombing" asked Jax.

"None yet. But don't you worry. We will find who did this and they will pay the price." Said Clay.

"I just wish I could be the one to take out the son of bitch" said Jax.

"You let us worry about that. Right now you don't need to worry about anything but taking care of yourself" said Clay.

Jax just shook his head in understanding. She knew not being able to help find the responsible party for the bombing was absolutely driving him crazy.

"Hey guys, I'm going out for ice cream. Anyone want a certain kind?" Asked Tinsley.

"Babe, it's 9:00. You don't have to go get ice cream just because we don't have any" said Jax.

"You hush. I want some ice cream and as much as you say I don't have to go, you want some too" said Tinsley.

"Actually, it's time for another pain pill and then I was thinking if going to bed" said Jax.

"Seriously?" Asked Tinsley.

"Yea" said Jax.

"Well I'm going to get ice cream and get you some cigarettes. I noticed you didn't have many left" said Tinsley as she grabbed her keys of the hook by the front good.

"Ok I guess. But you do know you don't have to go right?" Asked Jax.

"Yep, but I want to" said Tinsley.

Just then she caught Gemma watching her. Gemma had always been good at reading people and Tinsley was afraid that Gemma was going to see the questions rolling around in Tinsley's head.

And how will Gemma and Clay react?- yep, just one more thought to add to the hundreds that were already spiraling in her mind.

"Maybe I should go with you. That's way you aren't alone. Clay can stay here with Jax and help him with Abel since the others are already asleep" said Gemma.

How was she supposed to tell gemma she couldn't go? How was she supposed to buy a pregnancy test without Gemma knowing? Shit! She had to figure out a way. If she was in fact pregnant, she didn't want to drop the bomb just yet. Resigned to her fate, she conceded that Gemma go with her.

Gemma grabbed her purse while Tinsley went to the car. Once inside, she started the SUV and began backing out of the drive way. They had just hit the street when Gemma hit her with the one question she didn't have an answer to.

"How far along do you think you are" said Gemma.

"I guess.

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