Chapter 67

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Jax pulled into the lot of the garage. All the guys were already here. Everyone was hanging around the picnic table talking.

"What's up?" Asked Jax as he got close.

"We'll discuss in chapel." said Clay as walked inside.

The guys followed, all taking their seats. Everyone looked on edge.

"So I got a call from the SAMBEL VP. It seems that McGee and O'Neil are working with Jimmy to make some bank behind the clubs back. The VP wants SAMCRO to handle this since we are the mother charter. I don't know what we will be facing over there so be prepared for anything. If McGee and O'Neil are playing the club, they aren't going to go down without a fight. Things could get bloody boys." Said Clay.

"But McGee is First 9." Said Bobby.

"He is. Which means that he will meet Mr. Mayhem. And so will O'Neil." Said Clay.

"When do we leave?" Asked Jax.

"I know you just got married yesterday but we really need to head out as soon as possible. I need you with me on this son. It will show them that SAMCRO isn't playing around with them. Each charter runs its the club the way they wants but we all know that whatever SAMCRO does is basically the rules." Said Clay.

"I'm with you. Are we flying commercial?" Asked Jax.

"I don't see any reason why we can't." Said Clay.

"Good thing those charges got dropped" said Chibs.

"Yeah, good thing because if they hadn't that would mean we would be going under the radar. Anyway, the VP of SAMBEL is keeping out visit quiet until we land. Then I'll call McGee myself and tell him we're in town to see what they go through to get us our guns" said Clay.

"Why not just tell them we're coming?" Asked Tig.

"Because if we surprise them, we can catch them while their hands are dirty. If they know we're coming, they will have a chance to get rid of any evidence of their involvement" said Clay.

"So when do we leave?" Asked Jax.

"Tomorrow morning. Get everything settled tonight and be here at the club house at 5:00 a.m. We will leave from her and head directly to the airport. Remember, no kuttes and travel light. We don't know if we will have to make a quick exit out of Belfast so the less you have to lug the better" said Clay.

"Ok" said everyone.

Clay banged the gavel in the table adjourning the meeting. Everyone got up and walked out of the club house. Clay was the last out of the chapel and he asked Jax to hang back.

"Thank you for this son" said Clay.

"No problem. I know you need me on this" said Jax.

"I know you just got married and I really hate to ask you to come but I feel like you being with us will be better." Said Clay.

"I get it. Do you know about how long we will be gone? I need to know what to tell Tinsley" said Jax.

"No more than a week. Will be be fine here?" Asked Clay.

"Yeah. I'll have Rachel and Sarah stay at the jose with her to help with the kids. Plus mom will be around" said Jax.

"I wouldn't count on that. Your mom is going to want to go with us. Tinsley probably will to come to think of it" said Clay.

"Tinsley can't go because of the kids and I don't want anyone keeping them and us being that far away. I would be one thing it we were just going to SAMTAZ but SAMBEL is a completely different thing. As far as mom, it doesn't surprise me that she would want to go." Said Jax.

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