Chapter 95

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Pretty much all of SAMCRO had taken over the waiting area of the hospital. Everyone was there except for Half Sack and Willow. They were spending time with their son but had called numerous times to check in. Gemma and Tinsley were sitting on the couch closest to the monitors watching the screens like a tiger watches it's prey.

"It's been 4 hours. What's taking so long?" Asked Gemma. She was clearly beginning to lose her patience.

"The doctor said they wouldn't know how long surgery would last until they cut him open and began to repair it" said Tinsley.

"I fucking know that" said Gemma.

"I'm gonna let that slide but only because I know you're worried. We all are. But that's no reason for you to take it out on me" said Tinsley.

Gemma just looked at Tinsley. It wasn't often that people put Gemma in her place or made her feel like she needed to apologize.

Needing to get some air, Tinsley walked over to Chibs and bummed a cigarette from him. She walked out to the street and called Willow.

"Hey Tins" said Willow

"Hey" said Tinsley.

"How's Jax?" Asked Willow.

"Still in surgery. I'm losing my mind here. What if something is wrong?" Said Tinsley.

"If anything was wrong, I think the doctors would have told you by now" said Willow.

"Maybe." Said Tinsley.

"Need me to come down there? Kip is about to go crazy not being there" said Willow.

"You have a newborn. I can't expect you to drop everything and come here" said Tinsley.

"But that's what friends do. Give me about an hour and I'll be there." Said Willow.

"Thanks" said Tinsley as her voiced cracked.

"Don't cry babe. Jax is going to be just fine. I'll be there in a few minutes" said Willow before hanging up the phone.

Tinsley finished her cigarette and walked back inside. She checked the monitors for any change but of course, nothing had. She walked over to the couch she had been sitting on and took a seat. Gemma must have went out because she wasn't in the waiting area.

"Half Sack and Willow are on the way. I told them not to come but they are anyway" said Tinsley.

"I'm surprised they weren't here already. Sack has a ton of respect for Jax." Said Tig.

"So I've noticed" said Tinsley.

Bobby walked over to the couch and sat down beside Tinsley. He placed an arm over her shoulder and squeezed.

"How you holding up sweetheart?" Asked Bobby.

"Honestly? I'm a fucking wreck. Who could have did this? Why did the fucking office blow up? What if I had been in that office with kids?" Said Tinsley clearly getting herself worked up.

"You can't think like that. We don't know who did this but I promise you sweetheart, we will find out and they will pay." Said Bobby.

"I know. I just can't help but wonder what would have happened had I been in that office with the kids. I had been in there not even two hours before that." Said Tinsley.

"I know. But you are fine. The kids are fine, and Jax is going to be fine." Said Bobby hugging her tight.

The show of affection that Bobby was giving her had tears flowing from her eyes. She tried her best to keep them at bay but it was useless.

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