Chapter 99

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After leaving the hospital, Tinsley made a quick stop at the grocery store to get food for dinner. Upon entering the grocery store, she noticed the bakery was baking fresh bread. The smell had her salivating. He stomach leading the way, she went to the bakery to find out what kind of bread they were making.

The girl behind the counter pointed to a sign hanging over the counter that told about the days specials between smacks of her gum when Tinsley inquired about the bread. The employee didn't look to be more than 20 and she had the piss poor attitude to match. Tinsley even caught her rolling her eyes at being asked a question.

"Not today little girl. Today is not the god damned day" thought Tinsley.

Deciding that she needed something indulgent for dinner and to get away from the girl before she smacked her gum right out of her mouth, she grabbed a bag of the fresh baked pretzel buns and headed for the meat counter to get some fresh ground chuck. After selecting the pack of meat she wanted, she went to the dairy case and grabbed chedder, Swiss, and pepper jack cheese.

As she was walking towards produce, a cart came flying out from one of the isle and hit Tinsley's.

"Oh I'm sorry. Didn't see you there" said the guy pushing the cart.

He wasn't a very attractive man but she did notice a bit of an accent even though the guy tried to hide it. He was of average height and build, but there was just something about him that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.

"No worries" said Tinsley.

"No, I could have injured you" said the guy.

"It's all good." Said Tinsley.

"My names Ian" said the guy.

"Tinsley." She said.

"Such a beautiful name" said Ian.

"Thanks" said Tinsley.

"It's nice to meet you" said Ian.

"Yea. I really should get going though. My husband is out in the car waiting for me" said Tinsley.

"Should have know a beautiful girl like you would have a husband" said Ian.

Tinsley didn't know how to respond to that so she just looked at him and smiles gently, hoping she didn't look crazy.

"Anyways, I better get going." Said Tinsley.

"See you around?" Asked Ian.

"Probably. This is a small town after all" said Tinsley.

"Looking forward to it" said Ian before walking away towards the dairy section of the store.

Tinsley couldn't help but notice innuendo that Ian has put into that sentence. There was something about the way he said it that made her think that he had a double meaning to that sentence. But then again, she knew it was very well possible the stress of the last few days was making her paranoid and making her weary of everyone she came into contact with that wasn't SAMCRO. All she knew for certain was that the whole interaction was weird and left her just a tab unsettled.

Shaking off the interaction, she walked towards produce and got thr feeling she was being watched. She peaked over her should towards the way that Ian had walked and caught him staring at her. Yep, definitely watching her.

Tinsley went to produce and grabbed the remaining things she needed for burgers and onion rings. In her opinion, there wasn't anything better than a big fat juicy burger and crispy fried onion rings to make a person feel better. Plus, it's didn't hurt that it wouldn't take forever to cook.

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