Chapter 34

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As Piney pulled into the lot, Jax headed towards him before he could make it into the club house. He wanted to make sure that Piney didn't do anything stupid. Jax knew Piney had been doing some digging into Opie's death. He had already visited the Niners and tried to kill 2 of them before Jax got there and managed to get both of them out alive. Now, Piney believed it was the Mayans who killed Opie and planned the stealing of the SUV to make it look like a Niner hit all thanks in part to Trammell who had obviously earned his pay from Clay. Jax couldn't bring himself to tell Piney what he knew. It would absolutely kill or get the old man killed if he ever found out the truth. Jax know Piney would go after Clay and Tig and kill them both of her found out the truth.

About a week ago, Clay, Jax, and Tig had come up with this little rouse time give Piney some peace of mind by pinning in on the Mayans. Clay knew Jax wouldn't be the one to tell Piney the truth so they had come up with this scheme. The rest of the club knew what Trammell's report said so they were in the dark just as much as Piney was.

When Jax reaches Piney, he hugged him patting him on the back twice.

"Hey old man. I need to grab a couple guys and we'll head out" said Jax.

"I'll be ready" said Piney.

Jax walked back to the garage and grabbed Chibs and Tig. Clay had insisted Tig be in on this. He probably wanted to make sure things went by the book. Jax and Piney loaded into the van and left the lot while Chibs and Tig followed into heir bikes.

Tinsley stayed in the office until sometime after lunch. She was bored and needed something to do. She caught sight of Half Sack in the garage and asked him to place abel in the stroller for her so she could head over to the club house. She figured while she had him alone, she could ask how things were with going with Willow. She noticed that Half Sack has been walking around with this shit eating grin on his face lately but she hadn't seen them in quite awhile. She had talked to willow on the phone but hadn't seen her since Opie's funeral.

"How are things with you and Willow?" Asked Tinsley.

"Going great" said Half Sack.

"Where's she been hiding? I haven't seen her in what feels like forever. She calls me everyday but that's about it" said Tinsley.

"She's been working a lot and hanging out at her place." Said Half Sack.

"I gotcha. Well we need to get together and hang out soon. I miss you guys" said Tinsley.

"We will. I promise" said Half Sack just before he walked back out to the garage area to get back to work.

Tinsley felt like he hadn't give her the full truth of what was going on. She knew Willow too good to not know that something was going on and they just weren't telling her.

When she got into the club house, Gemma was putting the finishing touches on all the party decorations for Bobby. She had went all out but it was done tastefully in true Gemma fashion. There were balloons with thr SAMCRO logo, blue and black streamers from one corner of the room to the next. The bar was fully stocked and new kegs of beer had been brought in. Food was being brought by all the other charters that were attending and they had even brought in some call girls for Bobby: Tinsley didn't know how she felt about them but she knew she trusted Jax and that was all that mattered. But, if some heffer was to rubbed up on Jax, she might have to rub her face into a concrete wall. It was sure to be a big thing when Bobby finally made it back here.

Walking over to the bar to have a seat, she asked the crow eater behind the bar for a bottle of water. Gemma walked over to her and had a seat.

"How are you feeling baby" said Gemma.

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