Chapter 22

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I switched this chapter up a bit. Don't hate me for changing the order- J

Jax and Tinsley walked back to the booth TM had set up and hang out with Gemma and Luann. As they all sat around talking, Jax's phone began ringing.

"Yea" said Jax.

After a brief pause, Jax replies "on my way".

"That was Clay. The guys need me." Said Jax.

"Go. I'll be here waiting for you" said Tinsley.

Jax kissed her and headed off to meet the guys. Clay had called saying that the Mayans had tried to kill Clay while he was meeting with Cameron Hayes. The Irishman has sustained 2 gun shot wounds and was in need of help. He needed to find the doctor that the club used in mishaps like this. Jax decided to check the hospital first and as luck would have it, he found the doctor coming out of Saint Thomas. Dr. Buckley was a friend to the club and they trusted him to be discreet. Jax filled Dr. Buckley in on what happened and instructed the doctor to follow him to the club house.

When they arrived at the club house, the Irishman was lying on the table in the chapel. Chibs was trying to dig one of the slugs out but was having a hard time doing so. Juice was plugging one of the wounds with his finger to help slow the bleeding. It was a good thing the Irishman was passed out from the pain because Jax knew he had to have been suffering.

The doctor went to work patching him up with Juice's help. He was able to remove both slugs and started him on high dosage of antibiotic to prevent any infection.

Once the doctor was done, he packed his medical bag and left. Jax and the rest of the club sat around the bar. They had arranged for Kyle to meet them at the club house under the rouse that they were interested in the deal he had mentioned to Jax earlier in the day.

"Opie, go on and head back to the fundraiser. Spend some time with your wife and kids. You don't need to be here for this" said Clay.

Opie took Clay's advise and headed back towards the school. He was in charge of fireworks and he needed to be there to set them off.

"Make the call" said Tig.

Jax called Kyle and got him to the club house. They all sat around talking about the deal that Kyle was offering and bikes.

"I've got a mint condition pan head out in the garage. Wanna check it out?" Asked Bobby.

"Hell yea" said Kyle.

They all headed out to the garage. The minute they were inside and Kyle didn't see any pan head, he knew it had all been a rouse.

"Take off your shirt" said Jax.

Kyle refused. The guys removed it for him revealing the tattoo on his back that was supposed to have been blacked out.

"I tired. I went a bunch of times but I just couldn't do it" said Kyle.

"It's going away tonight.. and you got two choices of how it done. Fire or knife." Said Jax.

"Jax, don't do this" said Kyle.

"Fire or knife" yelled Jax.

Kyle seemed to think it over for a minute before decided on fire. The guys forced Kyle over to the auto lift and chained him too. The torch was lit and the club went to work removing Kyle's tattoo.

"I'm gonna head back to the fundraiser" said Jax to Clay.

"Alright. Talk to you in the day light" said Clay.

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