Volume 1 Chapter 1 Immortality Exists!?

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Character Sheet:

Name: Rei Hinata Karasuma
Pirate Name: SoulReaper
Age: Unknown but looks 20-30 ish
Eye color: Emerald Green Eyes
Hair color: Purple
Gender: Female
Dominant Hand: Right Handed Mostly but is Ambidextrous.
Ship: Sail Boat
Emblem: Phoenix = Rebirth And Immortality

Fighting Style: Ninja, Swordsman, Assassin, Martial Arts, GunSlinger, 

Clothes And Appearence: She has shoulder length purple hair often parted to her left-side and she puts it in a ponytail when it gets long or just cuts it. Her left eye was damaged, leaving a vertical scar from the injury, wears a mask that prevents most of her face from being visible. Wears a light armor chest plate, and rest of the set of light armor, dark purple pants, and a black long-sleeve shirt. He also wears fingerless gloves with metal plates on the backhand, metal arm protectors, leather straps around her back and chest, Middle Sized breasts,

Devil Fruit: Burning Immortality

Skills~ Cooking, Fighting, Strategies, Quick reflexes, Combat Sense, Good instincts, Unbreakable Will To Fight, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Singing, Knows All Languages, Learns Fast,

It all began with~ One Island in the middle of nowhere... Well actually she's from a island on the grand line. Pirates from all over came after the king of the pirates got executed. She grew up learning from her grandfather how to use a sword, he and all her family was killed during a pirate raid, she managed to escape and she floated out to sea away from her home with her only personal possession her grandfather's hand made katana. She was taught the two sword fighting style but her other sword was taken by the pirates. She was saved by a mythical creature called a Phoenix. Her sword brings good luck, apparently or so they say.

The Phoenix took her to its nest in another dimension apparently. Her body felt heavy when they entered an invisible entrance in the sky. And where she woke up blew her mind...

*Rei's POV* Ugh my head is killing me, what is that light? I open my eyes to see a burning person standing before me. I looked up at the sky and I was in a forest of some sort? Which didn't make any sense because I was just in the sea a second ago. I panicked and rushed my hands to my side and I sighed with relief my sword was still in its sheath on my hip. The burning man whistled and a Phoenix dropped cooked meat on the ground next to me. It looks like I'm in a nest of a giant bird or something like that. I picked up the big thing of meat and took a bite and it was the best thing that I have ever tasted in my life. I chow down and then as I did the man started to speak to me, it was a language I haven't heard before he walked over to me and touched my forehead and then I saw a bunch of Images and he stared to speak English and Japanese, all types of languages, it's like he gave me the ability to understand every single language in the world. My jaw dropped in shock and my whole body froze in place. His voice was deep and rough, very intimating to hear that's for sure. "I'm glad you can understand me now, first before you ask I have the devil fruit power Genius, I know absolutely everything that there is to have to know. Knowledge wise I'm the smartest and wisest person alive. You see I was born half Phoenix and I'm the king of this place, I'm the guardian of the Phoenixes. I can never die either, well not fully, I have a question for you. Why were you just floating in the sea with one sword on your hip and nothing else?" I started to feel hot tears go down my face and they hit the ground below me. I stared at him with sadness and desperation. I bowed my head and cried. "Please sir can stay here and help you, I have no home to go back to and my whole family is dead. I have nothing else to live for...I had a dream but...it's hopeless now.." "Hmmm? What dream is that?" He just went over my family and horrible past and just asked that question...what the hell! "I wanted to be the queen of pirates...but that seems stupid since I almost died by pirates themselves." I kept bowing my head and then he lifted my chin with his index finger and smiled genuinely and locked eyes with me. His eyes were like burning flames. And one was like Emeralds...or so I have been told. "Listen here kid, my brothers and sisters brought you here for a reason and not just because you have a lucky sword with you. They sense promise in you, so I'd love to help you get on your feet so you can make that dream a possibility. You can do a two-sword style but you only have one sword...that's no good." My eyes light up and the tears instantly dry. I stop bowing and sit up straight. He gives me an offer that I couldn't refuse... To Be Continued!!
I hope you enjoyed it so far! I'm going out of my comfort zone to try something new, here's to trying new things!

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