Volume 1 Chapter 15 Crossing The Grand Line!!!

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Previously: *Zoro's POV* I have Rei behind me with bloodshot eyes staring at the crew. She is holding my hand very tightly, I don't mind though, it doesn't really hurt. "Listen up guys, Rei has something to tell all of us. And she was scared to tell us, so she came to me for some reason, but moving on." I go sit down and we give her the room to speak her mind. "I have to go back to my old crew after I help you cross the grand line. Even though I don't really want to, I want to stay with you all a little longer. Nami, I've never had a friend who's a girl so everytime we talk I get nervous about messing up. Sanji, you are a very sweet person but you flirting with me all the time, makes me very uncomfortable. Usopp I love telling you about your father but just not all the time, I just feel overwhelmed with pressure to be something I'm not. I might be really powerful physically but mentally I'm a mess, I put on a physical and mental mask to hide myself. Other than Shanks, those I cared about died infront of me and I lived because of my devil fruit powers. My looks, my powers, and my names, bring bad unwanted attention towards me. Luffy and Zoro you both are very nice and if it wasn't for you I would have left already but....I just don't know anymore..I feel so lost..." She collapsed to her hands and knees and started to cry right infront of us. We all were in shock and couldn't move except for Luffy. He walked over to her and lifted her up from the ground and hugged her. "You are like family to me, and if you want to stay with us longer then you are welcome to stay as long as you want to. Shanks won't mind if you stay by my side for a little while longer. Plus you have a dream you want to fullfil right?" She hugged him back, and all of us were pretty shocked that our captain, who usually speaks nonsense is speaking like a true poet. "Thanks for this Luffy." She said sniffling from crying. "You are very welcome Rei, what I'm trying to say is, will you join us on our journey to become what we dream of being?" She pulled away and wiped her tears away and and then smiled big with her eyes closed for a few seconds,"I'd love to join your crew, Shanks will just have to forgive me." Luffy smiled back and laughed,"If he doesn't then we will knock some sense into his stubborn head." She laughed back," That Sounds great!" Then suddenly everyone rushed over to her and started to apologise for their actions and they all made up with hugs, Sanji enjoyed the hug a little too much. Nami punched him into the shoulder for making Rei uncomfortable again. I looked over at her and she smiled big at me, her eyes glimmered like polished off emeralds. I smirk back at her and then we all go back to talking about the grand line and how to get through it, Rei and Nami started saying unspeakable things...*

Grand Line's Discussion~  "Apparently the map says you have go through the mountain to get to the other side." Nami Said confused. "Actually we have to go up and over the mountain through water water canal's. The water will pull and then push our ship over it." Everyone went in shock that she just said that. "That's unspeakable to say, the ocean just work like that!?" Zoro said in denial over the fact that the water will move upwards. He will eat his words in a few minutes. They get in a very violent storm out if nowhere and they struggle to push through the wind. Nami spots a crack in the wall of rock. They just barely managed to get in the water that was moving upwards,"You were saying Zoro!" Rei shouting over the running water. "I can't...I'm speechless." He just looked at the boat up the reversed waterfall. They reach the top of the mountain and they go above the clouds and the air becomes thin. Rei closed her eyes and breathed out,"This feels so good, I never get used to how it feels like up here." The others enjoy the view and then she said,"Grab onto something now!" She ran towards the back of the ship and grabbed Zoro's hand and stabbed the ship with her Lucky sword. "What are you..?" He gets cut off by the boat being shot off into the air. Everyone except for him and Rei started to float upwards in the air and then fell back down on the deck. Their boat went down the waterfall at intense speeds. Then she hears Nami scream,"It's a wall up ahead!!" Rei gets confused at her statement,"There shouldn't be!"

She is still gripping onto her swords and Zoro's hand. She un stabs the boat and let goes of his hand and blushes a little, So does he. She walked over to the front and saw who it was. "Laboon it's me SoulReaper! Will you please move out of the way for me your old friend!" The crew hear a loud screech and then the 'wall' moved to the side. They manage to stop at their boat and they put down the anchor. The whole crew got ready for a fight with the huge creature but then SoulReaper waved them to put their weapons away,"It's fine he's friendly. His name is Laboon and he's a whale. He is a old friend of mine. Hey Laboon is Rex around?" He made a sound and then a huge monster came out of the sea and made a high pitched sound. Everyone got on edge again,"Calm down he's my friend too. Luffy you should remember him." He walked over towards the front and he shook his head confused,"I don't remember sorry." Rex made the same sound he made the first time he met Rei and then Luffy instantly remembered him."Oh you're the sea monster SoulReaper tamed that day. After she saved my life from dying from that bandit."
Luffy smiled at him,"It's good to see you again, you've grown in size even more since then." "Rex did you see a man with a huge sword near by?" He made a loud screech and then looked over at the land on the Clif. He went over and a person jumped on its head and he carried the man over towards the crew and Rei. And the whole crew went into shock...

*Zoro's POV* A man was riding on the big sea creature and as he got closer my draw dropped even more. The others went into shock and started to feel scared and hesitant about the man staring back at us. I reached for one of my swords and then just as I grab one of mine Rei grabbed my hand and shook her head. "Don't worry he means no harm, he here to see me." He's here to see her? I let go of my sword and look at him staring at us with no expression on his face. Rei holds out her hand and he grabs it as she helps him on the ship. He spoke in his deep voice,"Thanks SoulReaper. Hey Zoro it's been awhile since we last spoke..." The others got enraged and then they all almost tried to attack him but I stop them from doing so. They look at me with concern,"It's nice to see you again, next time I'll beat you, and claim the title of the world greatest Swordsman." He chuckled softly,"I'm looking forward for the future Challenge. But I have to say, SoulReaper here is the second greatest Swordsman in the world. But then again she's the world greatest SwordsWoman in the world." His voice sent a chill up our spines and my body was telling me to run away but I refused to do so. But the others distant themselves and got closer to the back of the boat. "Thanks for the compliment Hawks." Rei smiled as she said that to him, he glared at her with a intense stare. He raised his hand and moved it near her and my heart skipped a beat. But then all he did was pat her head. She giggled at him doing this. I felt a weird sensation in my heart, it felt heavy and I felt enraged about him being near her. She hugged him and he hugged her back and that made the feeling more intense than before. What's happening to me? What is this feeling I'm feeling!? Then suddenly he kissed her onto the lips and then smiled big with a serious look in his eyes. She smiled and looked into his eyes. I have had enough I walked over to him and her and I glared into his eyes,"What are you to her?" I say with no hesitation. He looked at me with a deadly stare."Excuse me?" "You heard me, what are you to her?" He towered over me in height but I just looked up at him with no fear. "That's non of your business kid." I grab my sword and he does the same. Then Rei got in between us."Stop this please, I don't want my two good friends to fight." She thinks of me as a good friend? "Tch.. whatever." I start to walk away,"I'm trying to win her heart, a kid like you has no chance of getting her heart." I turn around and see Rei slapping him in the face,"Stop being so rude Hawk!" He felt his cheek and sighed softly,"I'm sorry darling." She sighed softly and looked at me,"I'm sorry about him. He's just a little possessive over me and very protective too." He's protective and possessive? What does that mean exactly? "Are you and him a thing?" I asked irritated. "Not really, Rei here is difficult to win over." He said with no expression of emotion. "Hey! I'm not that bad." "You are sometimes, no I'm just kidding. You are perfectly fine darling." He kissed her forehead gently and then smirked happily at her. "So why are you here?" He looked at me with a little smile on his face,"I'm here to convince her to leave your group and join me on the open sea." I grit my teeth. "She said she would join us and not you. We beat you to it. So get the fuck out of here!" He frowned at me and growled. "Excuse me kid? Do you really want to die right here?" I grab my sword and grip onto the hilt. Rei stood in between us again,"Hawks." He stopped looking at me and looked at her kindly,"Yes Darling?" "I'm going to stay with them for a little while longer. Remember what we said on the open sea. I might not be yours personally but I will always love you as friend." He grabbed her face and smiled genuinely,"I see, I respect your decision. I love you always, no matter what happens I will still do." He kissed her on the lips for a few seconds and then she smiled big at him and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back. "I love you too, before you go please let Shanks know that I'm never coming back." I go into shock at her words, so does the others. "Wh-hat?" She looked at me with such a kind smile,"I'm happy here and there I'm not. That's right I'm leaving his crew and joining yours." Then suddenly Hawks grabbed her and pulled her into a hug,"I'm so proud of you baby, okay I'm off to go tell that foolish man your words." She looks so peaceful now, and less tense. She turned to look at me and walked away from Hawks and she hugged me tightly. "Zoro thank you." Why is she thanking me? What did I do? Then suddenly he jumped off our ship and landed on the sea creature Rex. It made a really loud screech, I groaned in pain it made my ears hurt. She pulled away and then ran towards the front,"Take care of each other!" She waved goodbye as Hawks & Rex disappeared into the distance. She suddenly turned around and ran towards me. I don't know why I'm so special? She ran towards me and hugged me again,"I'm so sorry for him bothering you! Please forgive me!" She started to cry and her cries make me feel terrible. I rub her back and whisper in her ear,"It's alright now, he's gone. It doesn't matter either way." She pulled away from me and bowed,"Thank you all for accepting me for me." Then Luffy ran towards her and hugged her tightly,"Rei I'm so glad you are joining us forever! I love you big sis!" She laughed as she hugged him back,"It's been awhile since you called me that." She smiled big and stopped showing any signs of being upset. Then suddenly we hear Laboon cry and human screams coming from right next to us....*To be continued

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