Volume 1 Chapter 14 SoulReaper's Back Story And Transparent Feelings!!

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Previously: The dragons migrated to the island and the lost island they were looking for appeared beneath their feet and boat. Eric killed the captain of the Marines and Eric was killed by Zoro for trying to hurt the little girl. They all said goodbye to the little girl and set sail to sea to make their way to the grand line, and while making their way to the grand line they will be learning more about SoulReaper aka Rei....

The morning after the lost island~

*Zoro's POV* I wake up on the deck and get up and streach like usual. I look to my right and see Rei Aka SoulReaper laying down on the deck on the other side with her right hand on her swords just like how I sit. Is that a Swordsman/woman thing or are we just similar. I walk over to her and say her name, she wakes up and rubs her eyes and yawns softly. She looked up at me and smiled tiredly with a shine in her eyes. She has her mask off her face unlike normal. She goes to stand up but before she could i hold out my hand for her to grab. She grabs my hand and I pull her up. "Thanks Zoro." She said smiling tiredly. "You are very welcome." I say smirking tiredly. She goes over to the front of the ship and leans on the rail and stares out at the water. I join her and lean up against the rail as well, I go to speak but she beats me too it yet again."So is your dream to be the greatest Swordsman?" I look at her with a proud smile,"Yes, yes it is. What's your dream?" She laughed a little and smiled at me saying,"I want to be the greatest SwordsWoman... But yeah it sounds ridiculous, it sounds stupid as well." She looked happy and then instantly sad. Her demenor changed so fast. I looked at her and frown at her being upset. I feel a sharp pain in my chest, but why I only just met her. I smile happily at her,"Don't say that, you can definitely make it possible. You are friends with Dracule Mihawk and he talks to you which means you must be a even greater Swordsman than me. He gave me this scar on my chest, I almost died but I refuse to let my dream fall short before it becomes fulfilled." She went to sad to crying, she hugged me and cried on my shoulder. We are the same height which is kinda weird. But her hugging and crying on my shoulder was even weirder than the height thing. I just stood there not knowing how to react to her hugging me. I didn't notice it but the others were watching this all happen. She cried and cried for several minutes. I eventually pat her back trying to help. She pulled away and stopped herself from crying and looked into my eyes,"You are so inspiring, thank you so much for saying those things to me. And don't say that you are a great Swordsman, you have a one up on me. I can't do three sword style but only two. Plus I'm older than you all so I have more experience in fighting." I hear her say all these heartwarming things and then I hear her say she's older than us and then the others come out of nowhere and say what I was thinking,"Wait What!? You are older than us!?" We look over to see the crew looking at us. "How long were you..." Rei Said but got interupted by Luffy,"Since you started crying, are you alright now Soul?" He smiled happily at her all goofy like usual. She sat on the rail and face the crew."I guess I should tell you all my story." I lean up against the lamb head and the others either sit down or stand.

I'm just as curious as everyone else to hear her story. As she's telling us about her family and the island incident my heart started to ache. Then she got saved by a mysterious man and he taught her how to fight and among other things. She stayed with him for several years and then just 10+ years ago she left his place and set out to become a pirate but it didn't go well for her so she became a Bounty Hunter just to be able to live. Her first dream was to become the queen of the pirates but then over time she lost hope, she changed it to be the greatest SwordsWoman in the world. The mysterious man gave her two swords with special abilities and they are alive apparently. Her third sword was passed down through her family, it brings her luck and it was upgraded by the man and it can change shape and a it has a defensive mechanism if someone else other than her try and use her swords. Her devil fruit power is Immortality, she still ages number wise but she will stay looking younger than she is, she stopped aging near her late 20s and apparently she's in her late 30s now but she looks like her 25 year old self. Her power makes her immortal, she can't die but she can still feel pain. It's not as painful than a few years ago, which explains how she stabbed herself with my sword like it was normal, but it looked like it was still excruciating to feel. She spent most of her time with the crew named the Red Haired Pirates, they are well known and not at the same time. Shanks is a Legendary pirate, and knowing that she became friends with a monster just by talking to it is pretty scary. Dracule Mihawk is good friends with her too, she's a legendary SwordsWoman and Ex Pirate Bounty Hunter, as well as a good person. She caught us up to the present and then she told us how we are such great people and she's proud of Luffy at becoming a good pirate. Also she mentioned that she lived on the other side of the grand line and she would help us get to our destination the best she can.

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