Volume 2 Chapter 4: The Crimsontide Sanctum?

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Previously: They set out to go to a special city full of low lives, scum, criminals, and Bounty Hunters. The Crimsontide Sanctum. On their way to go see a friend of Crocodile's.

They pull into port surrounded by all kinds of ships. All kinds of people were walking around the city's entrance. There were traders, scavengers, smugglers, and thieves.

*Soul's POV~ "Hey Captain you take care of the ship. And I'll go check things out." He nodded and decided to trade with a few ships to restock on supplies. I jump off the ship onto the dock with my new outfit on.*

A/N~ Skintight Black Leather pants tucked into their knee-high Pearl white & golden buckled pirate boots with gold painted Steel soles & toes. Black Bra with a tight black t-shirt that shows cleavage. Black leather gloves that stop at her wrists. Black tailcoat with high collar and golden buttons & zipper. With a blood-red inside laced with a golden lining. The coat is rarely zipped or buttoned up. Clearly showing their two main swords on her right hip. They have their third sword lucky in a black holster with white straps on her back. She covers up her left eye with a black eye patch due to it getting damaged a long time ago. ~~~

*Soul's POV~ I look around and see so many things happening it's insane. This a criminal's heaven, so money to be made here. And a bounty hunter's dream place to catch so many people. I walk into a bar filled with criminals and no women in sight. I sit down at the bar and order a shot of whiskey. "Hey pretty lady..." I hear someone talk to me but I just ignore them. "Don't you dare ignore me!" A man shouted in my ear and I just kept looking ahead as the Barkeep poured me a drink. I reach for my drink but the man grabs it before I could grab it. He downs it in one go and then laughs at my face without a care in the world. I can't believe he just did that. I get up from sitting down and head towards the door. The man who stole my drink grabbed my shoulder and stopped me from walking away. "Don't leave yet, we haven't introduced ourselves yet." I turn around and smirk slightly,"Your right." He laughs at me and goes to kiss me. I grab his face with my right hand. "Before you advance, be sure you can handle a girl like me." He smirked devilishly and I lowered my right hand and reached for my lucky sword. His smirk turned into a frown. "How about a fight to spice up the night? I'm really bored looking at all of your ugly faces." He really didn't take that well, his and his men attacked me all at once. I jumped up in the air and landed on their swords. I made my lucky sword change form into a skinny, jagged long sword. I kick the leader in the face and send him into the wall. His upper body went through the wall. Landed on the wooden floor with grace. "Who's next?" A say as I smirk confidently. *

A few minutes later~ A man with blue hair walks into the bar to see a woman with a eye-patch breathing heavily and sheathing her sword in the hostler on her back. He was smoking a cigarette in the corner of his mouth. She looked up and went into shock. "Sanji?" She said her old crewmates name but he shook his head. He was a little surprised that she said that name though. "I'd like a bottle of wine and whiskey please." He paid for them both and then held out the bottle of whiskey for her to grab. She looked at him surprised and just before she asked why. "I saw the whole thing happen from the window outside. You never got your drink you paid for, right? The name's Baz Ash Vinesmoke. And yours?" She looked at him for a few seconds. She recognized that name, it's very well known. She heard about him from Shanks and Hawkeye. "I'm known as SoulReaper. But you can call me Val." She took the bottle of whiskey from his hands and smirked happily at him. He smirked slightly at me. "SoulReaper huh? To think I'd meet a legend here of all places." She walked past him and gestured for him to follow her. He followed behind with his hands in his pockets.

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