Volume 1 Chapter 3 Last Goodbye Present!!

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Previously: I grab them and attached them to my right hip. It was really heavy on one side so I put my lucky sword on my back and the other two on my right hip. That felt a lot better. They all started to talk to me the fire was a male and ice was a female, lucky was a male voice. I smiled at my Sensei and ran up to him and hugged him,"Thank you, Sir!" He laughed and hugged me back,"That's not all I have for you kiddo." I take a step back and look at him confused. "What?" "Yeah I have one more thing to give to you, you've earned it by now." He turned around and whistled for another Phoenix and they drop something into his arms and he thanked them kindly...

He walked over to me and placed the weird-shaped food in my hands and grinned at me,"This what we call a devil fruit. I can't eat two or I will die and be reborn. But that's no problem but I will lose the power so... This is the only you can take, but before you eat it, this is the immortality devil fruit, are you sure you want to become like me and the others?" She went quiet and then ate it all up, she smiled at him and then tried out the theory. She drew her lucky and stabbed her heart but only after waiting a few hours. She stabbed her heart and didn't die instantly as a normal person would be. She pulled out the sword and instantly Healed up afterward. She put away her sword and apologize to Abyssal Shard for doing that so suddenly. He said it was okay but to never do that without warning. "Rei that was the last thing I will ever give you, you are ready for your journey for the seas. You can walk underwater since you can't die but you can't swim. You have the ability to speak to animals and your swords, you have the ability to understand any language on Earth and you can contact me anytime through your swords but only if it's an emergency. Once every 10 years you can come here and talk to me, every year you can contact me once if you need anything. Okay then, this is goodbye, my lovely friend."

She hugged him tightly and kissed him on the lips she is 5'10 and he's 6ft. He kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her waist and they looked into each other's eyes his burning eyes like flames they burned bright and her Emerald green eyes shined bright. She stopped kissing him and smiled big as he still held her close by the waist. He stared into her shining eyes and grinned big,"I'll miss you Rei, I wish you could stay here with me and your new family of the Phoenixes." She smiled big,"Me too, but my dream is to travel all over the world and be the queen of the pirates, don't worry I'll come to visit every 10 years my love... you aren't my Sensei no more...you are my friend." She kissed him on the cheek and then walked over to the door. He smiled happily and walked with her to the doorway following behind her. All her friends came flying down and she hugged them all tightly. They all rubbed Against her and made a sound like crying. She soothed them with what he told her,"Every 10 years I'll come here as see you, I love you all too. But my heart longs for the ocean, I have to go make my dream come true." She walked towards the veil and said goodbye and waved,"Oh one more thing Rei we are dropping you off somewhere else on the map far away from your home in Grand line...good luck!" She nodded and walked through the veil and got teleported to a big city far far away from the grand line...

From that day forth she lived her life making it through the struggle of being a pirate but that wasn't going to keep her away from her dream coming true. She got a job as a Pirate Bounty Hunter for the first 10 years. She is the Pirate Bounty Hunter Named SoulReaper, like she promised she Visited her mystical home every 10 years. Before we get to that reunion, her three alive swords are well known too, they are the most feared swords near the grand line, she hangs out in her sailboat and kills and captures thousands of pirates that try and make it to the grand line, she lived there most her life so she knows how it works there. She's so feared that she is like a legend or myth to the up and coming pirates that are trying to go to the grand line. She wears her ninja-like outfit everywhere, she has no intention to show anyone her face other than her immortal crush The Phoenix King. Speaking of which she is seeing him today. She has a direct link to the dimension because of her three swords. She uses one of them to cut through the air and used her lucky sword and stabs it into the deck of her ship and then goes to the other dimension, she did that because the swords are all connected so she can travel back to her sword like link teleportation, it's an Ability that only her swords can do with her and her alone.

She walked through the veil and saw her old family members fly over to her and they cheer for her safe return. They tell her where he is and she runs over to his house and jumps from the edge to the ledge to get up to his house on the top of the ancient flaming tree in the mythical forest.

She runs over to his door and knocks on his door, he opens the door very fastly and his eyes widen in shock and excitement. "Rei!!!" He picked her up and twirled her around and set her down in his place with a huge smile across his face. His eyes start to burn like wild flames and he sets on fire while holding her by accident he got too excited. He instantly retracted in fear of hurting her but she was untouched by his flames, she smiled big and hugged him tightly as he was still on fire he looked down at her with shock. She pulled down her mask and kissed him onto his burning lips... She took a step back and smiled as she pushed her Abyssal Shard sword open just a little and her whole body got consumed with Purplish black flames and she pulled out her sword and it consumed her sword too. She smirked confidently,"Flames don't affect me anymore, neither does the cold weather. Abyssal Shard and WinterThorn are more powerful than you and I thought. Each enemy I kill or cut them with they get stronger. Lucky can transform into anything within sword forms. Sickles, Sythe's, broad swords, short swords, and many more." She smiled at him and then twirled her sword and then sheathed it.

She tackled him to the ground and covered him with several kisses. He smiled happily as she did this. He rolled on top of her and kissed her all over, she giggled at him doing this. She's never truly happy unless she's near him. They both enjoy each other's company after waiting for 10years to see each other again.

After they finished, they were left panting and breathing heavily. And the air smelled of lust and love. They ate lunch together and she slept over with him in his bed. The next morning was her time to go back to her ship, time passes differently here and back at her ship.

The next morning~ She heard her sword Lucky calling for help, there was danger coming to her ship and she needed to leave the dimension as fast as she can. She ran towards the veil and then he stopped her from behind and pulled her into a kiss,"I love you...Rei...be careful.." She smiled as she pulled away,"What are they going to do kill me?" She laughed as she exited the place she once called home,"I love you too...My Eternal Flame.." She walked through the veil and was greeted by something really annoying... To be continued..

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