Volume 2 Chapter 8: New Moon Isle? Animal People?

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Previously: Val had a mental breakdown, Baz helped her and told her about his little brother Sanji and his twisted family. Crocodile talked to Doffy and warned that they were coming. What's next? Another weird island and more new crewmates!?

A few hours before~

*Unknown POV~ I lick my lips after chugging down a glass of Irish cream at the bar. My tail moves behind me as I talk to a handsome man next to me. I get in close and distract him with my kissing abilities. I swipe his wallet and coin purse into my pockets. I leave the bar with my black tail swaying back 'n' forth as I walk. I blow him a kiss and then just as I turn the corner I start sprinting. I parkour up to the rooftop and look at my score. "Ugh, this one is broke too. What a pain." I throw his wallet behind me and I jump over to the rooftop below me. As I reach the docks I see a new ship coming into port. I crouch down and transform into my small cat form. I get closer to the pirate ship, I meow and look at the group that comes off the ship. They look really threatening but that means they must have a lot of loot. "Is that the Crocodile person everyone was talking about?" I say out loud but to normal people, I'm meowing like a normal cat. A huge man picked me up with his right hand, the other had a golden hook instead of a hand. I was being carried by the Crocodile guy that was in the newspaper. "I didn't take you for an animal lover Captain." A girl with an eye-patch said, smiling at the man holding me. "Well I did raise a whole swarm of banana gators." He said chuckling slightly with a creepy grin across his face. It gave me chills throughout my whole body. There were 4 of them, they had very strong auras, I'm done for if I get caught. I need to escape. I try to move out of his clutches but the eye patch grabs me mid air. "Tsk tsk tsk, silly kitty you can't escape our grasps. You are just too adorable, to leave us now." She smiled happily at me but I sensed something more sinister behind their smile in their eyes. I gulp in fear and she hands me back to the Crocodile guy. "What should we call you?" The Crocodile guy said with a creepy grin on his face. "I already have a name, I can't escape, damn!" I look at them and they are going back 'n' forth about my new name. I'm going to die when they find out I'm not just a normal cat. *

They enter a casino and split off into pairs. Croc & Val were together like usual and Marc & Roz were together scouting out the place while trying a few games and drinking liquor. Croc & Val went directly towards the back with the black cat in hand. "Halt, you can't pass without the password." A muscular built man said with his arms crossed and with a nasty scowl across his face. "Is this a good enough password?" Val held up her purplish black flaming sword up against his neck and smiled like a psychopath. He gulped hesitantly knowing that she was completely serious. He went to nod but he felt the heat start to burn his neck. "I'm sorry for being so rude, you may come in Madam and Sir." He waited for her to retract her sword before he stepped aside for them to go downstairs. There were flashing lights coming from the door down the dark hallway. Loud music was blasting through the cracks of the double doors. Crocodile pushed them both open to reveal a secret nightclub filled with criminals of all sorts. They were all animal people. Cats, dogs, snakes, ect. There were girls with collars on and sitting next to their owners. The waitresses were leashed and had a choker on with a metal loop attached to it. The big criminal bosses in the room looked over at Crocodile and went into shock over who was standing in their nightclub. They didn't recognize the woman standing next to him and assumed she was his date or something.

"Raphael, it's been awhile since we last spoke." Crocodile said, blankly. A giant Werewolf was sitting down in a red velvet chair wearing a black & red suit. "Sir Crocodile, my friend, it's good to see you again. Who's this pretty lady next to you? Your new servant? I want a taste." He reached to grab her but Crocodile grabbed his hand and started to turn it to dust. "She's nothing of the sort, she's my friend and nothing more." He clenched his teeth breaking his cigar in half, his eyes became more threatening than before. Raphael breathed in and out slowly with nervousness and fear starting to creep up on him. He faked a smile and laughed slightly. "My bad, please do forgive my rudeness. So why are you here on my island, Crocodile?" Val smiled devilishly saying,"He's here to introduce me to his business partners. I'm known as SoulReaper on the Grand Line." Everyone went silent and gasped softly underneath their breath. Raphael went quiet and became pale as paper, he couldn't believe that he said those things to her face and lived. "I see, we are here to help you anyway possible." He said, smiling happily but he was really panicking about messing up again around the legendary SoulReaper. Who was an ex- bounty hunter and now is a cold blooded pirate.

They finished up and left the nightclub with several successful deals getting prepared as they were leaving the casino building. They told them to leave the shipments on their ship tomorrow afternoon.

Marc & Roz passed by their two Captain's and informed them about a certain club they were invited to. Crocodile said they would go the next day, and that he wanted them to take the cat. Val told them to hold onto the cat like their life depended on it.

*Marc & Roz & Cat, Overview POV~

They both walked into the city to check out what kind of shops they had.

Marc~ "Why do I have to hold it?" He said, with a blank expression across his face like usual.

Roz~"Because, I don't want to do it."

Marc~ "Nor do I! But I guess you aren't giving me a choice." He said, scoffing irritated.

*Croc & Val's Overview POV~

They both walked over to the restaurant across from the casino building. It was a pizza place, Val hasn't had anything italian in so long. Crocodile had a pizza place in Alabasta to go to, back in the day. They order two big pizzas with a lot of meat and cheese on them. "Wow, that looks amazing!" She smiled like a little kid in a candy store. He looked over at her with a blank expression across his face but on the inside he was smiling ear to ear.*

A few hours later~ They head back to the ship, Marc handed the cat back to Val. "What's with this cat that makes it so special?" Roz asked, yawning afterwards. "You will see soon. But for now, it's a secret." She said, smirking devilishly. She threw the cat in her room with a chain around the cat's neck. "Don't go anywhere." She shut the door behind herself as she went straight to the crows nest. She looked at the moon reflecting on the water and said,"Zoro... I'm sorry for leaving you."

Somewhere on an island in the sky, Zoro was sitting down with the other eating sky sharks. He zoned out staring at the campfire. "Where is she? Why did she leave us?" He said, to himself with a serious look in his eyes. "What's wrong Zoro?" Luffy asked with a big goofy smile across his face. "It's nothing." He said this going to sleep with his swords in his hands. "Hey Sanji, can I get more of that soup!?" He ran over towards the huge pot of food. Sanji argued with Luffy eating it all before letting the others eat their seconds. "It's only my 20th time." "Exactly what I mean!" "Guys shut up already!" Nami rolled her eyes as she got served her seconds.

Back to Val~ She sighed softly as she imagined what her old crew could possibly be doing. Her heart was longing to hear their loud and annoying voices once again. She remembered the first time she met Luffy's crew. It's been a few months since then. "I can't believe...that I got this far. All because of this cursed devil fruit power. I want to get rid of it....I don't want to live forever!" She clenched her teeth and started to grit them back 'n' forth, seething in anger and regret. Due to her not being able to sleep she sat up in the crows nest and sobbed until she passed out.

The next morning~ "Where are you Val!?" Baz shouted out worried. "Vice Captain Val!?" Roz shouted out panicked. "Find her or you won't..." She vaulted over the crows nest and landed in front of Crocodile. "Don't kill our only crewmates, that's not very nice or smart for that matter." She said, yawning afterwards. Her right eye was bloodshot from crying all night. Her left one was covered up by her black eye-patch like usual. Crocodile glared at her,"Who made you cry?" She said nothing to her father's concerns. "Who upset you?" He asked again but she said nothing. "Tch...fine be that way." She stood there for a few seconds completely silent. Then she looked over at Marc. "What did you say yesterday about a club?" She was faking a smile but no one mentioned it and went along with her sudden question.

To be continued....

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