Volume 2 Chapter 6: Riverfall Town?

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Previously: Val~ She giggled happily at Crocodile's irritated expression as she sat on his broad right shoulder. "Aww come on Captain it's just like when I was a kid."

Croc~He sighed deeply,"It's nowhere close to back then. You're bigger than back then. What a pain you are." He did nothing about her being on his shoulder.

Val~"You say these things but you're doing nothing about fixing it. Hehe. Admit it, you enjoy me up here." She giggled happily at his irritated expression.

Croc~"I refuse to say anything of the sort. Now get off of me." He said scowling at her.

The crew was waiting for him to hurt her this time but nothing happened again. Crocodile was completely tame around her just like she said to baz a while ago. They all started to think of Crocodile as spineless but they will soon regret those very thoughts. There's only one reason why he lets her act that way around him. Because she's his daughter but everyone else is a dead man if they even try to act casual with him.

Two days later~ Marc was on the shift to keep an eye out for the next island. He shouted out in a bored tone,"Land Up Ahead!" Everyone woke up yawning and stretching afterwards.

Val~"Man...I was starting to get restless."

Baz~"Yeah, you and me both."

Croc~"Anchor the ship and shut up!"

The crew got a chill up their spines as he said that so coldly. Except for Val she knows why he said that.

Val~"We have a visitor." She said, turning around slowly.

Croc~ "You thought you could sneak on board and get away with it!? You are sorely mistaken!" He said, irritated and seething with anger.

Baz~"Wait a minute that's..."


Marc~ "Fist..."

Baz, Marc, and Roz~"Ace." They all said in unison completely dumbfounded in shock.

Ace~ "Yeah, that's me. Hey there Rei, it's been awhile since last time we spoke." He said, smirking slightly.

Val~ "I'm no longer known as Rei. I now go as Val." She said sternly with a serious look in her eyes.

Ace~"Oh I see." He said blankly with a serious look in his eyes as he looked over at Crocodile. "It looks like you left Luffy for this creepy looking guy."

Crocodile glared at Ace and threatening aura started to seep out of him.

Val~ She sensed this and stayed completely calm. "Yeah well I'm done with your brother. He's dead to me. Along with his crew." Her words said one thing but her eyes said another thing. And Ace saw this right away.

Ace~"Yeah, I see that. You chose the villian that hurt the kingdom of Alabasta over my little bro. But is this really what you want to do?" He said, taking a step towards her.

Her crew saw Ace's advancements and got ready to fight him and protect her without any hesitation. She held up her hand and smiled at Ace. "Before Alabasta I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. I thought I was happy but I was severely mistaken. I met this man you call a Villian. He tried to kill me and did so successfully. But doing so unlocked my memories from before I lost my home." She stopped for a second and looked over at Crocodile and he looked at her with a little less intense look than he was giving Ace a second ago. "I remember everything from my childhood like it's clear as day. No one can keep me from my family ever again." Ace looked at her confused and so did her crew. "What are you talking about?" He said tilting his head sideways. She reached out to grab Crocodile's golden hook. "I got seperated from my father at a young age because of his dangerous occupation. But since I'm just as dangerous as him, no one can threaten our relationship again." They all become speechless and their eyes widen in fear and shock. Ace took a step backwards in hesitation. She released her true power and their entire ship rocked back and forth just by her threatening presence. Her crew froze in place unable to move an inch. Even Crocodile was shaken by her immeasurable power that she processes. Ace's whole body shook violently due to her intent to kill towards him. "I refuse to lose him again. If you dare to attack me, I'll kill you where you stand without any mercy." Ace was too terrified to speak. Val smiled like a psychopath and looked directly into Ace's eyes. "Who's stronger me or your Captain White Beard? I'm truly curious. I haven't used my full power against someone yet. I wonder..." Ace struggled against his own body but he couldn't fight against her unfathomable power that she processes. She laughed like a psychopath and then went back to normal absorbing the deadly aura back into her. The crew fell to the ground sweating profusely. Ace fell backwards but caught himself before hitting the ground. "You're a monster....in sheep's clothing." He said breathing heavily. "You held back...in Alabasta. You could've stopped the war if you wanted to." She laughed at Ace's comment. "Maybe but probably not. I'm not a god. I can't run at superhuman speeds but yes I could have stopped Crocodile very easily back then if I used my ice sword. No hard feelings Croc, but I wanted to see if I could defeat you without using my ice sword. Of course I lost but yeah." Ace ran towards her and grabbed her by the collar with a deadly serious look in his eyes. "You fucking bitch!" Crocodile got ready to fight back. She smiled big at his reaction. "I know but I saved Luffy from dying from Crocodile's hook. I helped them on their adventures. I wasn't supposed to stay that long but I did. I care about him. Your right. I don't hate them but still I can't choose them over my biological loving father." Ace let go of her shirt and sighed softly. "I'm sorry for acting so rude." She smiled happily at him,"I'm sorry too. Can we be friends for now until we have to fight as enemies in the future?" She said, holding out her hand to shake his. He smirked slightly,"Why not, it's better than having you as an enemy. But I refuse to be friends with your father. Crocodile is scum to me." She smiled normally,"That's alright, all that matters is our bond. He respects my bonds and probably couldn't care less about your opinion on him. If I didn't say yes he was prepared to kill you." Ace saw how calm she was when saying those things and he knew then and there that she was going to be a huge problem in the future. He took his leave at that moment. "Well thanks for catching up but if you don't mind I have things to do." She smiled normally,"Good luck with finding Black Beard. See you later Ace!" She waved goodbye as he sailed away. She turned around with a blank expression across her face. "Now then, are you scared of me and my father even more now?" Her crew got up from the ground and stood their ground with a serious look in their eyes. "No ma'am!" They all said in unison. She smirked slightly,"I know you are a little and it's very understandable. I have been slowly increasing my power over the years to the point where it is now. Anyways enough of this serious stuff. We got a town to explore. Marc you rest, Roz you stay and watch over the ship. Baz you do your thing and me and Croc are going to go exploring." She said smiling happily like a little kid again.

*Crocodile's POV~She pulls me off the ship and into the town with a wide smile on her face and a shine in her gemstone like eyes. She's even more powerful than me, to think my daughter is so amazing. She spared me and Ace but could have easily killed us both but didn't. I'm so proud of her. "Hey can I have two?" I look down and she isn't holding my golden hook anymore. And she is handing me street food from the market. I grab it and bite into the meat. It's absolutely delicious. I smirked slightly at her and she giggled at me. "What's so funny?" I ask her bluntly. "Your terrible smile is growing on me. It's chilling but satisfying at the same time." She says that but the town's people around me are shaking in their boots at my so called smile. But if she likes it then I'll keep smiling like I always do. "I'm not changing how I smile no matter what you say." I say all grumpy but I'm really happy to be near her right now. Then suddenly it starts to rain. She grabs my right hand and smiles as we run through the town. "Come on, hurry!" She pulled me behind her as she ran down the wet street. I smile happily at her energy. *

A few hours later~ The rain stopped and she sat down on the edge of the ship's railing at the back of the ship. While Crocodile stood next to her with a serious look in his eyes like usual. "Hey dad, I have a question." He looks over at her and says,"Speak your mind." She sighs softly,"What was mom like. I don't remember her." He tensed up and didn't relax. "She's someone you shouldn't think about." Val looked down at the water. "I knew you would say that. Nevermind then." She got up and went to go to sleep but he grabbed her shoulder. She was turned around forcefully and pulled into a warm embrace. "What.." He said nothing to her confusion. She relaxed completely in his arms. He let go and stood back up, since he was crouched to be on her level. "Go get some rest. You don't need that woman to be happy. All you need is me, I'm your family." He said blankly with a serious look in his eyes. She looked into his eyes and then smiled happily. "Yeah your right. I love you too. Goodnight." She went to her bedroom and Crocodile stood there in silence. Then said to himself,"I will be there for you no matter what happens."

To be continued.....

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