Volume 2 Chapter 5: Roz & Marc?

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Previously: They arrived at the shipping docks and Baz looked all over but didn't see her ship. She laughed a little and pointed at the ship in front of them. He went into shock over who's ship she was staring at. "That's Crocodile's Ship!?" She laughed while she smiled happily. "Exactly, that's the friend I was talking about." He gulped hesitantly knowing of all the horrible things he did to the country Alabasta. She grabbed his wrist and led him onto the ship,"Don't worry about him. He'll be pretty tame if I'm the one speaking for you." He looked at her confused about how she could possibly make an Ex-Warlord tame. Then he saw it happen right in front of him....

Val~"Hey Captain I brought back our first strong crewmate!" She said waving at him while he was standing at the Helm.

Baz~He said, lighting another cigarette. "So that's the famous Crocodile. He's even more scarier in person."

Croc~ He walked down the stairs with a serious look in his eyes and cigar in the corner of his mouth. "So who did you find, Val?"

Val~"His name is Baz Ash Vinesmoke. He offered to join before I could even ask." She smiled happily at the very tall threatening looking man.

Croc~"Vinesmoke, huh? Very good choice Val. But before I accept you. What's your real reason for joining our crew?" He said glaring at Baz.

Baz~ He held his ground and looked into the eye's of the beast in front of him. "My ship got destroyed by Hawkeye. So I kinda got stuck here. And plus Val seems pretty cool. I want to help make her dreams come true. Bounty hunting is fun but it's getting a bit stale lately. Is that a good enough reason Captain?" He said, smirking confidently.

Croc~"Hmmm. It doesn't seem like you're lying. Sure then, you can join our crew." He walked past Baz and grinned at Val. He patted her head like if she was a little kid.

Val~"Stop it Captain. Hehehe." She giggled as he patted her head like if she was a little kitty.

Baz~He looked at them sideways and then heard. "Good Job Val." & "Thanks, what did you do while I was gone?" Baz was mind blown that she was having a normal conversation with an Ex-Warlord of the sea like it's nothing. He grew extra respect for his Vice Captain Val in that moment. He stood outside of the ship to guard it from more troublemakers.

A few hours later~ Baz was smoking another cigarette as he stood guard. Two men with two different looks walked up to Baz to talk to him.

Baz~ "Hold up, what's your business here?"

Swordsman~"We are here to join the crew." He said smiling confidently.

Gunslinger~"Like he said, so let us through." He said with a blank expression across his face.

Baz stepped aside for them to walk in front of him. They all walked up to the ship. "Hey Vice Captain Val, I have two men that want to speak with you." He said, blowing out a puff of smoke.

Vice Captain Val~ She walked down the stairs and looked at the two men head to toe. "So what's this about you wanting to talk to me?"

Swordsman~ "My friend and I are bounty hunters but we are interested in joining your Pirate crew. We were in the bar when you fought that huge group of people. We were impressed and heard you talking to this guy about joining your crew. So we wanted to join too." He said, chuckling slightly. "But of course if you need proof we are glad to show off our skills." He said, smirking devilishly.

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