Volume 2 Chapter 12: Secret Underground Fight Club? Part 4

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Previously: They both attack at the same time, her hand was covered by Haki. His right leg was covered in Haki as well. The clash between two very strong people caused the ground below them, shatter. They were now in a crater. The metal bars that surround them were now warped outwards, due to the heavy pressure. They both dash backwards and they walked in a clockwise direction glaring at each other with a serious look on their faces.

She went for a punch but he blocked it with his right leg with it covered in Haki. A huge shockwave happened between them taking turns attacking and blocking each other. It was like two gods were fighting against one another. The cage that was surrounding them was slowly breaking apart from their dangerous aura and powerful attacks.

A few minutes later~ They both went flying backwards into the metal bars causing them to crumble under the pressure. They went flying towards the crowd and the underground rocky walls. They both coughed up blood as they hit the wall and slid down to the ground.

"Wow, they are a perfect match!" "Do you think it will be a draw?" "I hope not!"

They both got up and wiped the blood from their faces. They dashed towards each other through the now open cage. Val went for another punch but Baz spun around and kicked her in the jaw. Her head spun around and so did her body. She hit the ground violently. Baz stood there smoking his cigarette not bothered by hurting his Vice-Captain. He keeps his word when it comes to fighting.

She popped her head and jaw back in place and coughed out a ton of blood onto the ground. She grinned sadistically at her friend. She pushed herself back up and didn't activate her Haki this time. "Kill me one more time and you win fair and square." His eyes widened slightly that his kicks killed her once already. He inhaled deeply a thing of smoke. Just as he exhaled a puff of smoke, her body was already in the underground's rocky ceiling. His right leg was smoking and had Black flames coming from underneath his fancy pants they were all busted up. He looked up and smoked his cigarette like nothing just happened. Her body was hanging from the ceiling and bleeding heavily. Blood dripped off her shoes and onto the ground right next to Baz. The whole underground went completely silent witnessing this very sight. "No mercy is what you asked for and that's what you'll get from me. I don't go back on my promises especially when I fight for real." He put his hands in his pockets and walked away from the cage and headed toward the bathroom. Val's lifeless body dropped down to the ground and laid there motionless for a few seconds. Then suddenly she started to move again. Her new undead companion ran over and scooped her up in its mouth. He carried her to his other master Captain Croc.

An hour later~ Baz was heading out of the bathroom he was approached by a stranger saying threats. "You better lose the next match or I'll lose a bunch of mon..." Baz grabbed him by the neck and put him in the wall. "Tch... Don't tell me what to do..." He walked towards the cage with a blank expression across his face, he looked calm but something was off about him. He saw his Captain's and said nothing to them as he walked past. He stood there with a nasty scowl across his face. But then suddenly he saw his opponent stumble towards him covered with chains. He looked like he was tortured recently. This sight pushed Baz over the edge. It reminded him of his little brother and his sick twisted family. He walked towards the man and punched him in the face once. He fell backwards and hit the ground.

The crowd went crazy. In a bad way for that matter. He didn't seem to care, he broke the chain that was attached to the metal collar around his neck. Then he picked him up and put him over his shoulder. He walked out of the cage and destroyed anyone who got in his way. He was scowling full-on and clenching his teeth in disgust. Val and Crocodile saw this and they just watched their first mate lose his cool. Which never happens, but something came over him and he couldn't hold back his rage anymore. "I've had enough with people who do this!" He went on a rampage and killed those who got in his way without any mercy. He reached the ship and Roz and Marc were holding the cat. Baz dropped the man he rescued and punched Roz in the chest and grabbed the cat. "You are free to leave." He dropped the cat. She transformed and ran away from the ship. Marc asked what was happening. And Baz decked him the face, knocking him out completely. "Shut....UP!" He was being consumed by his black flames and rage. "No prisoners! No torture unless they are evil and no hurting the innocent!" He was speaking his mind and at what cost. Crocodile went for the kill but Val dashed towards Baz and beat her father to it. She grabbed his shirt by the collar and growled at him, "What's up with you!?" He gripped her wrist and growled back. "You were going to hurt that catgirl for no damn reason! I was tortured by my family, I refuse to be in a crew that's villainous!" She heard his words and saw flashes of her old crew and took a step back letting him go. "Your right... I'm sorry." She turned around and smiled at her father,"No harm here. Just a misunderstanding. I'll be back." She went to look for the cat girl.

*Val's POV~ I can't believe... I did it again. I messed up as a leader and friend. I let Baz down. I let my old crew down. I let myself down. I have to make this right. I have to...no matter what happens.*

Back To The ship~ Raphael, the werewolf man with a huge pocket of riches walked towards the ship with his men following behind him. "Crocodile step aside, and let us kill this piece of shit." He pointed at Baz who was trying to calm down from his outburst earlier.  Crocodile looked over at his subordinate and took a step back. "It's your problem, not mine." He stood there and watched Baz walk towards the men with a serious look in his eyes. He was still upset from before. He clenched his fists tightly causing his palms to bleed.

Baz walked down the ramp and stopped a few feet away from Raphael. He looked up at his face and smirked devilishly. "What an ugly mug you have." Raphael's men ran towards him with intent to kill bit Baz just spun around and kicked them all at incredible speeds. He stopped spinning and his right foot was inches away from kicking Raphael's body. "I don't have any patience right now, to deal with people like you." He sighed deeply as he got out another cigarette and blew a puff of smoke into Raphael's face. He didn't like that one bit. He went to attack Baz with his sharp claws. But Baz grabbed both of his wrists and head-butted him in the face. "Fuck off, oversized dog." He jumped on the air and spun around in the air and kicked Raphael in the left side of his face, breaking his jaw in the process. The sounds of his neck breaking and twisting all the way around echoed throughout the whole docking bay. Raphael's oversized body fell backwards and just as his body hit the ground. Baz got shot in the chest a few meters away from his heart. He coughed out blood and fell back towards the ground. Just as he hit the ground all anyone could hear was Val screaming out his name at the top of her lungs....

To be continued...

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