Volume 2 Chapter 3: New Clothes & More Trouble...

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Previously: Crocodile & Soul worked it out with Shanks, her old Captain, and Hawkeye, her old lover. Next up is restocking up on supplies and Soul getting a new outfit or two.

They reach an island that hasn't got the mail about Crocodile not being a Warlord still. They both leave the ship with a serious look in their eyes. And a very threatening aura coming off of them. They both split off from each other and got stuff for their ship. Food, booze, clothes, weapons, ect.

A few hours later~ She came back to the ship with a few bags of clothes and a few bags of new kitchen tools. Croc came back with several times of goods in his hand and Hook like it was nothing. She smiled happily at her father and said,"Hey dad after you're done with that. Can we go out and get a drink together?" He looked up and smiled creepily,"Sure thing kiddo." She laughed at his evil smile,"Your back to smiling like a psychopath." He frowned at her,"Really? Damnit." She said in response,"Don't worry about it dad, it doesn't bother me but everyone else around us probably thinks that you are going to go on a killing spree or something like that." He sighed softly,"Is it really that bad?" She nodded her head. "Yeah. But I like it. Like father, like daughter, I guess." She said smiling big with a shine in her eyes. He smirked devilishly at her answer. "I like the sound of that." She went over to help him with the ship's goods that he bought.

A few minutes later~ She smiled happily as she hung from his right arm. He had it lifted up in the air because he was reaching for something. He looked down at her acting like a little kid. But she always was like this, kinda like Luffy. But just because she acts childish at times doesn't mean she's a child. "What are you doing?" He asked, raising his eyebrows just a bit. She giggled and dropped down to the ground. "Nothing, I was just hanging out." He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Very funny." He said sarcastically with a serious look in his eyes. "Hey hurry up and get dressed, we are going out." She ran to her room to get dressed for their night out. He sighed softly and shook his head slowly,"How childish..." He grabbed his Black hat with a red ribbon to complete his outfit that he had on, that his daughter bought recently for him.

*Crocodile's POV~ I walk towards the front of the ship and look out at the ocean and see the moon reflecting upon the water. I hear her calling out my name from behind. I turn around and see her in the same outfit as me but a smaller version. She's absolutely adorable looking. She's like my own little badass. I smirk slightly and she does the same. "Like Father, like daughter. Right Val?" She smiles fully at my words. "Hey dad, can we go now?" I nod my head and hold out my right hand for her hold. She grabbed my right hand and then we left the ship, and headed towards the nearest bar. *

A/N~ Red & Black suit with a black bow tie, vest, & dress shoes. Red dress shirt with golden cuff links. Red dress pants to match. And a Black suit jacket with golden buttons. They have a Back Fedora with a red ribbon. (Their outfits have a few differences, Croc has his suit jacket over his shoulders. He has a black silk glove over his right hand.) (Soul has a black eye patch over her left eye. She has white silk gloves.) ~~~

They arrive at the bar and grill. They get a seat in the back so they won't be disturbed. Croc got out a cigar and Soul lit it for him with her devil fruit powers. She smiled happily at him as he kept a blank expression across his face. The whole bar was silent and shaking in fear because of them both being in the same room. They are both legendary pirates known by everyone unless they have been living under a rock. Their food and booze arrives and she starts to eat her steak. When a group of drunk men stumbled into the bar and walked over towards her. "Hey there pretty lady, how about you ditch this brute and join us." She continued to eat her meal and ignored him. He got irritated and went to grab her but Crocodile glared over at him and his friends. A nasty aura seeped out of his body. The drunk man was completely out of it and didn't realize how reckless he was acting. He ignored his gut feeling to run and grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her out of her seat. But she didn't budge an inch and kept eating with her other hand. While she wasn't bothered by a drunken man touching her. Crocodile wasn't pleased in the slightest to see this happening. He got out of his seat and grabbed the man's wrist that was holding his daughter's. The man let go of her and spit at Crocodile's direction in disgust as he tried to get out of his grasps. Crocodile scowled at him with an intent to kill in his piercing dark eyes. Soul kept eating and drinking her fresh bottle of wine. Crocodile sucked out every drop of moisture from the man's body, making him a corpse in a matter of seconds. His mummified body dropped to the ground and became dust upon impact. Crocodile smirked devilishly,"Anyone else want to intrude on our meal?" Everyone that was in the bar ran out screaming in terror. He went back to sit down and eat his food. He looked over at his daughter and she was finished with her food and was drinking a bottle of wine straight up.

A few minutes later~ She got out of her chair and so did Crocodile. She left plenty of money for the food and booze they ate. And a few extra coins for killing someone in their bar. Crocodile held out his right hand but she didn't grab it this time. He looked at her blankly. She walked out the door and then just as she stepped outside she grabbed a man reaching for her. It was the dead guy's brother. "You got my brother killed! You fucking bitch!" She smirked slightly as she grabbed his neck with her other hand. She walked down a dark alleyway and threw him down to the ground. "Hey Croc I have a question." His eyebrows raise in curiosity of what kind of question she has for him and why she's calling him by Croc now. "Yes? You may proceed." He said, with a serious look in his eyes. "Do you like to torture people?" His eyes widened a little and he smirked devilishly saying,"Actually yeah I do. Why do you ask?" He panicked after he said that in confidence because he wasn't sure what she was going to say. She walked towards the man that was on the ground on his back. She created a small fire in the palm of her right hand to light up the dark alleyway. She turned her head to face her father as she stepped on the man's privates. "So do I....since we are staying with each other you must know my secret." His eyes widened and his Devilish smirk grew bigger. "I love to torment those who are weaker than me. I'm just like you. I was helping the Straw Hats Crew for a favor I owed but I stayed with them a bit too long. It was about time I left, I was becoming too soft." She stomped on the man's stomach next. Causing him to cough up blood and spit. Crocodile's devilish smile grew even bigger. He started to laugh sadistically as she walked over towards her and the man on the ground groaning in pain. "I like the sound of that." He stepped on the guy's leg breaking it and causing him to scream out in agony. "I have another secret." She said grinning sadistically as she pressed her shoe against the man's face. Crocodile's eyebrows raise in curiosity yet again. "What's this other secret?" She crushed the man's skull like it was nothing. Blood splattered everywhere and including on her face. She turned her head to face her father and grinned sadistically,"I want to be the queen of the pirates." He grinned at her words. "Then so be it, we will make your dream come true." He walked over towards her and couched over to get on her eye level. "Two last questions for you Val. What will you do to make this dream come true? And how far will you go?" He said, wiping blood from her beautiful face. "That's simple, I'll crush those who get in my way. If they won't join me, then they will be slaughtered where they stand." They both grin like psychopaths as they look into each other's eyes. Then suddenly they hear,"There they are! Get them men! Crocodile is no longer a Warlord!" They both run towards the group of Marines instead of away.

Soul got out her Abyssal Shard sword and it became on fire. Purplish black flames mind you. Crocodile's eyebrows raise in surprise at her sword's power. He created a sand storm from the palm of his right hand. She slashed through several men in one strike. Crocodile started laughing like a crazy person at the Marine's suffering as they all died. Soul decapitated the last remaining man on her side. And then looked up as she sheathed her sword. Dried up bodies littered the streets with not a single drop of blood showing on his side. Meanwhile her side is so far from being clean, blood was running down the street. The guts and body parts of the men were all over the place. But her swordsmanship was clean, her cuts weren't sloppy and were perfectly lined up. Her style was just to make her enemy suffer while making a bloody massacre in the process.

She started to walk back to ship with Crocodile walking beside her with a creepy smile on his face. "Nice work Val." She smirked. "Thanks Captain Croc." She winked at him. And he just kept smirking.

They arrive at their ship and she says,"We should recruit some nasty motherfuckers if we are to face off against the other strong crews who also want to be on top." Crocodile walked past her to the anchor. "I know just the place. And I have a friend who can help you with your goal to rule the sea." She got on board and got the sails. "A friend of yours? I'm looking forward to meeting them."

They set out to go to a special city full of low lives, scum, criminals, and Bounty Hunters. The Crimsontide Sanctum.

To be continued....

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