Volume 2 Chapter 13: Not Again...

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Previously: Baz got shot in the chest a few meters away from his heart. He coughed out blood and fell back towards the ground. Just as he hit the ground, all anyone could hear was Val screaming out his name at the top of her lungs....

A few minutes before~ Val somehow convinced the cat girl to join her crew, if she likes to steal then she can be a pirate and get all the gold she wants.

Val sees Baz hit ground after being shot in the chest. She screamed out his name so loud that almost the whole island could hear the sadness in her voice. Her body just moved on it's own as she ran towards his almost lifeless body. She created fire swords and slashed straight through the who got in her way not wasting any time. She slid on her knees and instantly used her power to heal his body. He opened his eyes and smiled as blood leaked out of his chest. "Hey Val..." he coughed up tons of blood. She used all of her the power she's been collecting these years to save his life. "I'll use up all of my power that I've been storing, to save your life...." His eyes widened in shock. "No... don't.." He tried to stop her but it was too late changing her mind. A gigantic bright light happened and Val's body was transferring lifeforce to Baz so his body will heal faster. His bleeding stopped and he started to feel better but she wasn't looking so good. She was shaking uncomfortably, sweating profusely, and starting to bleed heavily from her eyes, nose, mouth and ears. She was breathing heavily as she transferred all the life force she had in stock.

Her unknown true power of the devil fruit...As long as she has lifeforce saved up she can't die permanently. Like a cat she can have up to so many lives that she takes. Which has been hundreds to thousands over the years.

She transferred several people's lives over to Baz in order to heal him. Their energy is healing his body back up to full.

She looked over at her father and smiled genuinely. She fell right next to Baz and her breathing became weak and slow. Baz sat up almost instantly and looked over at her almost lifeless body. "Val...what did you do!?" She spoke but he heard nothing. So he got closer. "I guess, I can die...all this time...I wasn't immortal at all." She laughed weakly and laid there all weak and fragile. He looked at her in shock and tears started to stream down his face. "Why...why did you do that for me?" She smiled weakly at him,"Because we are friends...Baz Ash Vinesmoke." He fell backwards in shock. "You can't DIE! You have to become the queen of the pirates!" He got up and brought her Lucy sword and got a person still alive. He put the sword in her weak hand and threw the man on her sword. Her eyes went from faded to bright. "Just as I thought, you are only immortal because you absorb the lifeforce of those you kill." He repeated the process a few times and she went back to smiling fully. He scooped her up in his arms and walked on the ship. He stopped halfway and looked behind him looking at the cat girl. "Are you coming or not?" She smiled happily and ran behind him onto the ship.

*3 day later, Val's POV~ I start to wake up slowly. I yawn out loud and go to stretch but my whole body hurts terribly. Well at least now I know, I can transfer life force. And that I'm not really immortal. I guess the Phoenix King lied about my devil fruit powers too. And this tattoo... what's it's real purpose? I can't open the gate that led me to his world anymore. That bastard...If I ever see him...if I ever...I'll find a way to kill him! I slam my clenched fist through my bedroom wall. I hear running outside my bedroom door and just as I retract my fist they break down my door. My father and Baz were looking very worried about me. Their eyes both widened very widely. My father rushed towards me and pulled me into a warm tight embrace with his hook. "I thought I lost you...again." I looked up to see him openly crying as he held me close to his chest. His cries were silent but his facial expression made me cry as well. "I'm so sorry daddy!" I bury my head on his chest as I grip onto his shirt tightly and shake uncomfortably as I cry hysterically.

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