Volume 1 Chapter 13 Warship Island!?

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Previously: The others went to put Nami and Usopp to bed. While they did, me and her exchanged a few words. "Did you really talk to Dracule Mihawk about me?" "Yeah, that's how I found out about you, and I know about you because of Luffy's wanted poster, I'm proud of him becoming one step closer to his dream of becoming the pirate king. Also you want to be the world greatest Swordsman huh?" "Oh I see, well thanks for saving his life, and im.. sorry for being a jerk." Damnit why was it so hard to say sorry for me. She giggled at my response,"What's so funny?" "It's just nice to hear you show your true feelings now and not be a closed up person." I see, I do seem like a mean guy, I've been told that by Nami and the others from time to time. "Zoro I'm sorry too." I look at her and she looks like she's about to cry. "What's Wrong?" She looked at her swords and then at mine and at me."I'm sorry I got blood on your sword." I go to say it's okay but then I don't know if I know her name or not."It's alright don't worry about it, I wash and polish it almost daily so don't worry. Um what's your name by the way?" She looked at me and smiled kindly and she stopped looking like she was going to cry and her eyes shined bright and they were really pretty to look at. How did I not notice how pretty they are, they look like Emeralds. "My Pirate and Ex Bounty Hunter name is SoulReaper but you can call me Rei, but not in public it's a secret." She said the last part in a whisper and then putting her index finger over her mouth. I nod,"Alright sounds good, nice to meet you Rei." I smirk and she smiles at me. We just sit there in silence bit it was good silence, and not like before in the crow's nest. I'm looking forward to getting to know her, then we hear a little girl screaming for help in the water. Me and her stand up abruptly and call for the others to get out here. Rei pulls the kid out of the water and then carries her into the kitchen and sets her down onto a bed. We all hang out in the kitchen as Sanji cooks lunch and SoulReaper Introduces herself as Rei and says Sorry repeatedly to the crew for earlier. They say it's fine and then we all go back to being good friends. She sits down next me up against the wall. And she just closes her eyes just like I usually do. I look around and everyone was looking at me with a certain look, I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Geez get your minds out of the gutters...I'm looking forward to getting to know her though, as a person and a Swordsman.

Then suddenly the little girl woke up... It took her a whole day to trust them but the next day, they got her trust and lived through her terrible cooking. She seems to be hiding something from the crew but they don't pry.

Time Skip~ They are all heading to warship island to drop the girl off at her island/home. Why not its on their way to the grand line. They show up and Luffy and Nami Go off somewhere as Usopp, Sanji, Zoro and SoulReaper stay behind and listen to the old man's boring tale of his ancestors. They all fell asleep to his boring story and while they slept Nami and Luffy followed the little girl to a huge cave. And they discovered her secret she was hiding. A huge secret dragon and she called him uncle Ryu. They all got woken up by Nami and Luffy. They arrived and SoulReaper fell to her knees and started crying. They asked what was wrong, Luffy said," he said that she can understand him. The other said," how do you know that?" "I don't know I just do. It just came to me." SoulReaper got helped up to her feet by Zoro. Soul Reaper said,"I have the ability to speak to animals, but I think it's a devil fruit ability to. Apis did you eat a devil fruit or something?" "In fact I did I can talk it animals." "Ah i see that makes everything make more sense."

Time Skip--- The Marines invaded the island and Zoro and Usopp boarded their ship and got past the Marines and as they did that, Sanji, Luffy, Nami, Apis and SoulReaper were waiting for the ship in order to push the big boat with the uncle Ryu on it down the hill. Then suddenly the Marines got closer to them Sanji, Luffy and SoulReaper went down the hill to stop them from getting near the dragon and the girls. They all shot towards the dragon but Luffy jumped in the way and bounced the bullet back at them.

Then after defeating all the foot soldiers a mane Named Eric started monologuing about himself. The three of them thought he called himself Eric the sicko but he said sickle instead. He cut Luffy and Sanji up with his Devil Fruit powers pretty bad, SoulReaper grit her teeth and walked towards him with her hand on her sword,"You guys go back to the boat I got this." "Are you sure SoulReaper?" Sanji said concerned. She had her mask on but she smiled underneath it. "Trust me." She said confidently. The Eric guy flinched at the name SoulReaper,"Wait your The SoulReaper!?" He took a step backwards in fear and hesitance. She pulled out her lucky sword and he used his devil fruit powers and she got cuts all over her body but she never wavered. He grit his teeth in hesitation and used all his big attacks, she made her sword big and blocked his attack like it was nothing. And then it changed shape and wrapped around him and she picked him up and threw him into the distance all the way down to the docks. The general looked at her and retreated in fear. She walked back towards the others and they praised her for being so awesome.
They went down the hill at high speeds and they landed on the enemy Marine ship causing it break and they got away from them and headed towards the "lost island" at Least that's where uncle Ryu said it was going to be.

Time Skip--- They reach the island in the middle of a storm and they find nothing but a huge map on The ceiling they make their way back to the Warship island and on the way back they run into a whole fleet of Marines. To sum it up, Uncle Ryu gets killed by the main ship and Zoro, Sanji, SoulReaper and Luffy all infiltrate the boats and fought the Marines, they made a friendly competition between each other, Sanji, Zoro and SoulReaper to how many people they can kill or knock out. Zoro and Sanji tie up in scores but SoulReaper absolutely Destroyed them in the competition, she destroyed 4 ships in one attack and killed every single person on those boats. Luffy destroyed the main ship and they made it back to the ship by get hit by Luffy yet again. They all hit the deck and groaned in except for Zoro, SoulReaper Sheilded him from harm just before they got hit by Luffy.

The dragons migrated to the island and the lost island they were looking for appeared beneath their feet and boat. Eric killed the captain of the Marines and he was killed by Zoro for trying to hurt the little girl. They all said goodbye to the little girl and set sail to sea to make their way to the grand line, and while making their way to the grand line they will be learning more about SoulReaper aka Rei.... To be continued..

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