Volume 1 Chapter 11 Old Friends See Each Other Again!!

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Previously: Hawks looks at my direction and puts his sword away and walks towards me. "I didn't ask for help but thanks." I nod,"You are very welcome Hawks. I got what I needed, did you get the stuff you said you would get?" He nodded and then pulled out his sword and stabbed a man behind me, just before he stabbed me. "Like I was going to say, yeah I did. Let's get out of here before any more annoying trouble comes out way." I nod, we walk back towards the dock. Then we see more Marines boarding our ship and just about to burn it down. I pull out my WinterThorn sword and instantly freeze them all alive except for the captain. Hawks looked at me with a evil grin on his face. I pull down my mask and grin back. I sheath my WinterThorn sword and praise it for doing so good. It growled deeply and said," your welcome master." Hawks eyebrows raise at my swords voice speaking back to me, he must of forgotten they are demon swords. "They are demon swords, they take life and give me power and hold power themselves." He nods,"I forgot about that entirely." We continue to speak as we walk over to the captain frozen place but not suffocated in ice like his subordinates. I pull out my Abyssal Shard sword and make the frozen corpses incenterate and the remaining ice near our ship. I walk over to the captain and grin sadistically as I grab his collar and look into his eyes. I grab his neck with my hand and start to squeeze but then he doesn't even try to struggle. I scoff,"How boring, hey Hawks can you make him suffer for me?" He grins sadistically,"Sure darling." He walked over and I destroy the ice holding him in place and he shakes in fear at the sight of Hawks eyes staring back at him. He grabbed his neck and picked him up into the air and squeezed tightly, the captain struggled and gasped for air. He clawed at Hawks hand arm that was holding him up in the air, but it was no use. He stopped breathing and his light in his eyes disappeared and his eyes turn dark and lifeless. Hawks licked his lips and through the man's lifeless body into the ocean. We get onto our ship and he spanks my ass and laughs. I grin,"Hey watch it, I'm feeling feisty today." I smirk at him and he grins sadistically at my comment. We get ready for dinner tonight...*

*SoulReaper's POV*
We set out to sea and eat the meal we made together. It was really delicious, after we eat he said,"So why did Shanks not want you?" I look at him with a upset look. I get up and grab his hand and lead him into our bedroom. He sits down in the bed and do the same. I look into his eyes and hold his hands. "Shanks offered to be mine in the beginning but then over time he felt like it was too weird to be my captain and to date me. He didn't like my Sadistic side either, I was too crazy, unstable, and emotional for him. I'm a powerhouse in fighting but anything else, I was a mess. It didn't help that all they did was drink non stop. Which is fine, but I just don't feel happy in their crew that much anymore. If I ever said that they would kick me out. I took the opportunity to go with you because you accept me for me and don't judge my actions every single second." I start to cry and I grip his hands tightly. He looked at me with a hint of sadness and concern. He pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the forehead gently,"I love you Rei, I'm here for you. If you aren't happy with them then don't go back to them. What can they really do? They can't kill you even if they tried, stay with me if you are scared of how they will react." I hug him back,"I'd love that, but first I need to fullfil a promise I made with Luffy." He pulled away and smiled kindly,"And what promise is that?" He said curiously. "I promised to see him again when he became a pirate and I would help him get to the grand line." I said that clinging to his chest. I lay back against his chest and sit in between his legs. He looked down at me with a smile,"You are so cute sitting with me like this." "When did you become so soft Hawks?" I said teasing him. "I'm only like this with you, and shut up. I'm trying to be more emotional." I smile happily at him and kiss him quickly on the lips."I know you are, and I'm honored to be so important to you that you are trying to be more loving to me. I think it's adorable you trying to be nice openly." He looked at me irritated and happy at the same time. "You are making this really difficult for me." I smile,"I know, and it's really fun." He scoffed irritated with me. "So after you help him will you join me?" "I don't know, can we talk about that when time comes. What if I want to join him a little longer after to help him?" He thought about it and sighed,"I understand how you feel, but when you want to come back to me I'll be waiting for you. How about this I'll wait for you at the other side of the grand line and ask you there." I smile at him."I'd love to see you again, after I help him." "Then it's settled I'll see you in the other side of the grand line." We laid down in bed together and fell asleep. I fell asleep on his chest and stomach. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me before falling asleep with me...I'm a lucky girl to have met him all those years ago. Even if we don't become a thing in the future, our bond will never break.

A few Months Later~ After gathering information about the wanted pirate Monkey D. Luffy SoulReaper found out that he went to the island where the king of the pirates got executed and she was dropped off the island by Dracule Mihawk. She waved goodbye to him and Searched all over for her long lost friend Luffy. A huge storm was brewing above in the clouds and she heard screaming coming from the distance and people screaming,"Buggy the clown and Others run!" She heard that name before from Shanks and she ran past those who were running away. She reached the square and saw a familiar face just about to be killed by a clown looking man, Luffy was on the executioner platform and the clown said prepare to die. Then suddenly his friends showed up right next to her and she saw the man that Dracule Mihawk was talking about, Roanoa Zoro himself in the flesh. And a blonde haired man with a cigarette in his mouth. The civilians screamed out the pirate Hunter Roanoa Zoro and they all split like the red Sea. They started to beat up the pirates but it was no use they wouldn't get to Luffy in time. Luffy smiled and screamed out his presumably friends names and said Goodbye. SoulReaper grit her teeth and growled at the sight of her friend about to be killed by a pirate. She stepped forward out of the crowd and took out her WinterThorn sword out of it's sheath and then pointed at the clown and screamed as loud as she could,"Don't You Fucking Dare!!" And then grabbed her lucky sword with her right hand. And it instantly blocked the sword that was inches away from decapitating Luffy's head. She freezed all those around the bottom of the platform and those were fighting Luffy's friends, including buggy the clown.

The whole group of pirates scream in fear and so do the Marines,"It's The SoulReaper!!!" She smiled as she sheathed her WinterThorn sword and propelled herself towards the clown and Luffy on the platform. She sliced right through the shackles and stabbed right through Buggy's chest,"Just because you know Shanks I'll let you live but since you almost killed Luffy you can suffer in the process." She looked at Luffy who was stretching in place on the platform, he looked at her and his eyes widen in shock,"Is that really you?" She laughs softly,"Yes it is Luffy, I'm glad I found you. But let's talk later, we have to get out of here before the storm gets worse." He nodded and smiled big. And then they both jump down off the platform his friends question him about who she is and he said he would explain on the ship. She looked at Zoro and the others and said confidently,"It's nice to meet a another legendary Swordsman." He looked at her confused and then the Marines started to come their way but just as Zoro said so she pulled out her WinterThorn sword and created a ice wall blocking their way from getting anywhere close to them. They see this and go into shock but then a orange haired girl called out to Zoro, Sanji and Luffy and they looked at SoulReaper fighting the Marines so they can escape. "SoulReaper I'll meet you at the port!" Luffy yelled as he ran with his friends to the port. She smiled underneath her mask and then finished off the Marines and then headed towards the Port as fast as she could. But then just as she started to run to the port Buggy the clown pirates blocked the path, and a women was holding buggy the clown up. "Stop right there!" Buggy shouted while groaning in pain and holding his stomach. SoulReaper grit her teeth and growled underneath her mask, she was surrounded by the pirates and Marines. It's a stalemate for all parties involved. "What did you mean you know Shanks!?" Buggy said struggling to stay standing up straight. No one can see it but she has a tattoo somewhere on her body of a Phoenix and the Red Haired Pirates symbol. She turned around and looked at him and laughed a little to herself,"It's none of your business Buggy." She said in a serious tone of voice. He scoffed at her comment and his crew instantly came from all sides to attack her. He laughed at her about to be killed, at least that's what he thought. She didn't draw her sword and got skewered by all the pirate swords. Her blood gushed out of her body, her body went limp. They all laughed and then Instantly stopped by the pain of their flesh burning off. The pirates tried to run away but the weird color fire spread unnaturally to them and they all died. Their bodies dropped to the ground and the air was filled with burnt flesh and the stench of blood. All Buggy could see was a Purplish black flames coming from the middle of bodies. Green Glowing Eyes pierced locked eyes with Buggy and the woman and they both took a step back in pure Terror and Regret. SoulReaper turned around facing away from him and the woman, she sheathed her sword and Healed back up, her shirt was all torn up so she just sighed. Good thing she has a spare outfit in wrapped around her sword on her back. She said to him one last time before heading towards the Port,"If you enjoy living, I suggest you to stay away from Luffy and his crew. And if you do follow us prepare to meet the same fate as your crew here." They both stayed slilent and she ran towards the Port.

On her way to the port a weird gush of green air sent her flying towards the ocean she grabbed onto a metal rail and held onto really tight. After it stopped she saw Luffy and his crew and she ran over to Luffy and then he used his gum gum powers to push her and them towards the ship and she ended up on the deck with the rest of them. She was knocked out cold because of the impact and the others weren't suprisingly enough.... To be continued

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