Volume 1 Chapter 20 Honorable Duel Gone Wrong....

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Previously: *SoulReaper's POV* I sprout my Purple Flaming Wings and fly up to the clouds to see from a bird's eye veiw. I fly around and see all types of dinosaur's. Let's see where are they?*

Then suddenly the ground shook beneath their feet. Nami & Usopp cried out in fear over the giant killing the huge dino. He calls himself Brogy, they pass out and he takes them both back to his house.

Luffy, The Princess and the bird meet Dory on his side of the island. And get more acquainted with each other.

Meanwhile Sanji and Zoro are still competing to get the biggest kill to fuel their egos even more.

Then the volcano erupts and Dory and Brogy get ready to fight once again in a Honorable Duel.

Everyone who can see this happening is in awe over how powerful they both are and how a real honorable duel is supposed to be like.

As they clash their swords Soul gets hit by the wave of pure force. She get pushed backwards from the shockwave and got knocked out by it. She landed on top of one of the weird looking rocks.

Meanwhile Trouble finds the island....Mr. #5 is back to get revenge with #3 and his assistant Marianne. 

A few hours later of Giants fighting a Honorable Duel~

Something unfortunate happens and the barrels of alcohol that Brogy shared with Dory exploded right infront of his face and down his throat to his stomach.

Dory got up and tried to kill Luffy and the Princess for betraying him but he wouldn't listen to reason so Luffy fought him. He fell down by Luffy's punch and then said sorry for thinking of them a traitors. The volcano erupted yet again and Luffy tried to stop him but it didn't work and Dory put the huge rock over Luffy so he couldn't move. Dory went off to fight Brogy. Nami and Usopp went to the other side to to find Luffy and The princess.

Then out of nowhere A Dino ran after Nami and Usopp and they both got split up and Nami got captured by a unknown force and Usopp found Luffy by running in a random direction.

#3 made Dory slip and Brogy cut his chest and he fell forward unconicious and bleeding out. As he fell Luffy started to freak out.

Brogy started crying of joy but then #3 Interupted by using his Devil Fruit powers of candle wax.

Out of nowhere #5 Came out of the Forrest smirking with confidence. He threw the bird on ground almost lifeless. He flicked his devil fruit powers at Usopp making him almost lifeless and immobilized in the ground. And he kicked Luffy until he was bleeding heavily from his upper body and wheezing as he tried to breathe. He laughed at their bloody faces as he carried the unconicious body of the princess to his upper rank #3.

Brogy gets immobilized by the candle wax and #3 creates a weird contraption to slowly turn Zoro, Nami and the Princess to wax figures. Zoro tries to cut off his legs to fight the bad guys. All hope seemed to be lost but you must be wondering where is SoulReaper she's now waking up on top of one of the big rocks.

#3 is trash talking about their Captain and how pathetic they are to have lost by his hands so easily. Zoro starts to bleed out from his stupid actions of trying to cut off his legs.

A few minutes later they start to feel the wax enter their bodies. SoulReaper finally woke up and is looking around from above. "Huh? What's that in the distance?" As she made her way to the thing she see's in the distance Luffy and Usopp make their way to help their friends.

But just as they try to save their friends it's too late and they all get put on the wax birthday cake and start to get closer and closer to becoming wax statues. "Luffy you idiot, now who's going to save us?" Nami said scared. "Zoro what are we going to do?" No answer comes from him. "She looks over and he's almost completely covered by wax his eyes and mouth is all that's left in the open and his bleeding legs. #3 Laughed at their worried looks and sounded like he was turned on by their misery. #5 & #3 & his assistant are watching the pirate Crew suffer and turned into wax figures but then a sudden explosion happened behind them and a familiar face stood tall ready for a fight..... To be continued

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