Volume 2 Chapter 11: Secret Underground Fight Club? Part 3

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Previously: She stood there and focused on surrounding her whole body with flames. Her next opponent walked into the room with 9 Scorpion poisonous tails and two scorpion claws. She stood there completely still not moving an inch. It rushed towards and went for the kill. She turned around and grabbed its claws with both her hands. She now has wings made out of fire coming out of her back, through her clothes but not burning them. She crushed both of its claws into dust. All 9 of its tails went for the kill since it's the last attack failed. She backflipped out of the way of its pathetic attempts to hurt her. She landed and instantly punched the air with fire surrounding her fists. Fire attacks hit the outer shell of its scorpion armor but nothing happened. "You've got to be kidding me..." She said as a scorpion tail came straight towards her. She blocked the first attack but another tail came the same way and impaled her and lifted her up into the air. Her body gushed of red crimson. A huge puddle formed on the ground below her floating body. Everyone cheered on the animal champion Varnet. A few seconds pass and her body is still limp. But suddenly her right hand clenched and relaxed. She raised off of it's stinger and hovered up in the air with her flame wings coming from her back. "Take two."

The crowd went into shock over her still being alive. She sighed softly as she looked down at her new outfit. "Good thing I bought extra pairs of this nice outfit. But damn you absolutely this outfit." She coughed out blood into her right hand. She smirked slightly at the giant scorpion. She held out both of her hands and she created two short swords with her purplish-black flames. "The thing is... I'm more comfortable with using swords than my fists. Not because of the mess but because it's more fun that way." She grinned sadistically but then suddenly she remembered that she wasn't going to use a sword. She couldn't break her promise. She incinerated her fire swords and dashed towards the scorpion.

All 9 tails come at her at once, she blocks them all at once by making her body fully made out of Haki. Her skin was covered completely with shiny dark black material. She grinned sadistically at the scorpion and took a step forward and the tails started to crack down the middle. She dashed backward and ducked to dodge the tails attacks. She reached for her eye-patch covering up her left eye. She took off her eye patch and dropped it to the ground. As she opened her left eye she activated her second Haki ability. The air in the underground became thick so much that it was getting hard to breathe. Her left eye started to glow brightly more than her right one. She exhaled and the scorpion in front of her took a back in fear. "You're strong but...can you resist my presence for long?" She took a few steps forward towards him. "I unlocked this power a bit ago after dying in Alabasta. But I decided to save it for when I really needed it. But now that I can't use my swords why not...right?" She activated her third and last Haki just before it attacked her. She dodged before it even got near her.

A few minutes later she is barely sweating and her opponent is absolutely exhausted from attacking her but missing every strike. She focused her Buso Haki on her arms and legs. She crouched down and leaped into the air. She smiled happily as she fell down towards its head. She axed kicked its head into the concrete floor. The whole underground shook violently due to her extremely strong attack. It's 9 tails went for one last attack but she saw this coming by seeing into the future a few seconds ahead. She used her wings to dodge mid-air and she punched all the stingers to dust one punch for each one. She floated towards the ground and put her eye patch back over her left eye. She felt a little weak due to using three Haki abilities at one without practice and just on the spot for the first time. She fell down to her hands and knees panting heavily. "Shit...I did too much." She heard the gate open and a howling Undead Werewolf dashed towards her with drool coming from his rotting mouth. She heard his voice in her head, he was crying more than filled with rage. She pushed herself up and just as it attacked she hugged it instead. "I know, I hear you, Zog is it?" The giant dog wagged its tail and licked her face. "Wood woof." 'You can understand me? Master?' She patted its body. "Sure, why not." She smiled happily at the new member of their pirate crew. "I guess you move to the next round, against Baz Ash. The semi-finals will start in 1 hour." The announcer said, deeply disappointed. Her and the creature head towards Baz and Crocodile. She rode on top of the werewolf to conserve her remaining energy.

1 Hour Later~ Val recovers from fighting against a few very strong opponents. She sleeps on the back of her new pet Zog's back. Baz wakes up and gets caught up by Crocodile summing up what happened in the last hour.

She wakes up and hops down from sitting on her new undead companion. She rubbed behind its right ear and then headed towards the first gate. Baz headed towards the second gate and got out another cigarette.

They both walk into the cage across from each other. Val put up her fists and got ready to fight. Baz just stood there not bothered in the slightest. "Go all out, no pulling punches...well kicks. Show me your true strength." She said, smirking devilishly. He blew out a huge cloud of smoke and then just as he dropped his cigarette he dashed towards her with full intent to kill. She charged up a punch. They both attack at the same time, her hand was covered by Haki. His right leg was covered in Haki as well. The clash between two very strong people caused the ground below them, shatter. They were now in a crater. The metal bars that surround them were now warped outwards, due to the heavy pressure. They both dash backward and they walked in a clockwise direction glaring at each other with a serious look on their face.

To be continued....

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