Volume 2 Chapter 16: Don't Underestimate, US!

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Previously: *Val's Overview POV~ Val let the barrier down and the demon king's giant fist made contact with her right clenched fist. She screamed out as she pushed back against his fist with all she had. Her right hand and arm started to gush with blood and slowly break apart. His arm was doing the same crazy enough. "I WON'T LOSE TO YOU! I WILL BECOME THE QUEEN OF THE PIRATES!" His right hand and arm exploded from the inside out. She was blasted back towards the ground going back to her normal form.*

Vargo Overview POV~ He went from his human form to his Dragonborn form in a matter of seconds. His screaming goes from normal to something more like a hungry beast. (He's a Black and Red-colored dragon-born. Pointy ears with black and red scales that reach their face and under their eyes. They have red scales on the backs of their arms, hands, legs, and feet with bone talons nails for their fingers and toes. The rest of their body is just black Dragon skin. His wings are small by default for carrying convenience but they can grow in size and weight. They grow out of his lower back. He has sharp spiky black hair that cuts those who try to touch it. Left eye is blood red, Right eye is teal blue with black sclera. Extremely sharp teeth and he has an inhuman stomach that can digest almost anything, but they prefer meat, doesn't matter what kind. Humans taste delicious too.) He dashed towards a group of demons drooling heavily with his tongue hanging out of his mouth like an animal. He sliced up a few monsters with his claymore swords. He ran his tongue over the blood-covered blades and then licked his lips satisfied. He sheathed his swords and dashed towards his next target. "I desire more blood!" He grabbed a demon and ripped him in half. He let the left half drop to the ground and he devoured the whole right side of the demon's body, bones, and all. "Not as tasty as humans but not bad." He grabbed a demon that was trying to run away. He bit the head off of their body. He exhaled and fog of cold air froze the demons that were in front of him. He walked towards them and devoured their paralyzed bodies alive. Then suddenly he looked over and saw his Vice-Captain Val was flying down towards the ground.*

Marc & Roz Overview POV~ They both stood back to back with separate forms of excitement in their eyes. One was more twisted than the other. Marc went from bored out of his mind to having a sadistic grin on his face as if he was a psychopath. He retrieved his two dual pistols from behind him and he pointed his guns at the demons in front of him. Roz held his throwable blades in-between his fingers with an excited smile across his face. They both looked at each other and then they ran towards their opponents ahead of them. Marc spun around and shot straight through the hearts of a ton of demons. His eyes started glowing. He made part of his body into guns to shoot them all dead. Roz pulled his sword part and sliced through the demon forces with his two curved blades. "Ahhhhh!" They both screamed out as they killed all the demons in their way.*

Baz Overview POV~ He got surrounded by a huge army of demons snickering amongst themselves. He stayed calm like usual and got out a cigarette to light. A demon shot the cigarette out of his hand and that pissed Baz off royally. His right leg set on fire as well as his left eye. "Don't you know it's rude to interrupt someone who is trying to smoke in peace!?" He stood on his left leg and raised his right straight up in the air. They all ran towards him. He did an ax kick and they all went flying backward onto the ground all dead. He got out another cigarette and exhaled slowly. "All I wanted was to smoke in peace but nooo." Then he got surrounded by another huge group of demons. "Tch...damn demons." He covered his entire body with flames and Haki. *

Zeta & Alice Overview POV~ Zeta grew his wings from his back and he made his crystal feathers grow all over his body to shield him from harm. He deflected the attacks that Alice couldn't block. "Thanks, Nyaaa." He said nothing to her but protected her from harm. He pushed the demons back and she ran towards them while they were off balance. And shredded them like paper. She hopped on Zeta's back as she transformed into his Hawk form. They flew around and attacked the flying demons before they could reach their other friends. *

Crocodile Overview POV~ He grinned sadistically with a cigar in his mouth. "Come at me!" He created two sand tornadoes in the palm of his hands. He sent them both forward and he hit the ground with his right hand breaking the flooring. Causing his enemies to fall through the ground and fall into the Lava at the bottom. He laughed at them and their pathetic excuse for combat sense. But they multiplied and surrounded him, he backed up slowly getting closer to the others and his daughter, who's injured and looking out of breath.*

Everyone's Overview POV~ Val exploded the Demon King's arm from the inside out and was sent flying towards the ground going back to her normal form. Everyone in her crew looked over at her worried and concerned on all sorts of levels. She coughed out a ton of blood and her right arm was completely broken and mutilated. She got back up and was breathing heavily as her head and nose started to bleed profusely. She held her right arm with her left while clenching her teeth trying to not cry because of the terrible pain she's in. The demon king was barely standing on his feet. He doesn't have his arms anymore, nothing to use to hold a sword. No sword, no right eye to see out of, just his lower body. She barely had any energy left. He was a very strong opponent. "I refuse to surrender or lose!" She shouted out at the top of her lungs, at least all that she could muster. Her crew was inching closer to her, slowly being overwhelmed by the demonic army. She let go of her right arm and reached for her lucky sword. She looked behind her and her crew all threw a demon her way for her to kill. She impaled them all at once. She closed her eyes and felt their energy enter her body. Her limp right arm became fully healed and her nose and head stopped bleeding heavily. She smirked devilishly saying," Thanks, guys." She turned back around and dashed towards the big demon in front of her. He tried to stomp on her but it was no use. She got just enough energy to finish this fight. She jumped up into the air and slashed the air with all of her strength that she got. Her lucky sword cut straight through the air and the demon king's chest. He puked several tons of blood onto the ground below his feet. She fell back down to the ground completely knocked out. Her grip on her lucky sword loosened and it landed straight down next to her almost lifeless body. They all said her name in several levels of volume. They surrounded her and put their guard up as they hit surrounded by demons. She said nothing, nor did she move. She was completely knocked out.

Demon King~ *Cough, Cough..* "Stand down..." he said just loud enough for everyone to hear nearby. He fell backward onto his throne once again. He smiled ear to ear. "I accept your proposal to take my son. I was wrong about you humans. Please do forgive my rudeness. It seems that your Captain...no wait Vice Captain isn't looking so good. I'm surprised that she isn't your Captain." He said laughing amused afterward. Klaus was let go and he sprinted towards his Mistress. "Mistress Val!" He and Leo sat down on either side of her. "Heal her now!" Leo nodded his head and used his demon powers of healing to of course heal her up to full. She didn't wake up. Her breathing was shallow no matter how much healing she got. She was low on lifeforce. Baz pushed Leo out of his way and Vargo grabbed a demon and walked towards his Vice-Captain. Baz grabbed Lucky but it rejected him. "Shit." Vargo grabbed the sword and endured the pain as he put it into her right hand. He threw the demon onto her sword as he helped her right hand hold the sword. "Now please wake up Ma'am." Vargo took a step back and they all looked at her body and see her body start to react to absorbing their energy.....* To be continued

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