Volume 2 Chapter 14: Whitehaven Island?

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Previously: There was a flashback showing Val and Smoker's blood pact and what they mean to each other. And who her adoptive grandfather was and a bit of her Marine Corps past. Back the present, they eventually escape from the Marines and stop at an island to catch their breath.

Marc~"Ughhhh I'm so tired. What a pain that was."

Roz~"No joke those Marines are persistent bastards!"

Alice~"Nyyaa, like for real...I could just fall asleep now."

Val~"That was fun... I can't wait to see him again. When he said he wouldn't give up on catching me, he really meant it. Hahaha."

Everyone looked at their Vice Captain as if she was a crazy person. Not like most of them knew this already. Crocodile was curious about what she was talking about but before he could say something they all heard an inhuman screech coming their way. They all duck down and see a huge dragon fly over their heads. "Intruders leave at once!" They all looked at each other panicked because that's a real life Dragon. Val wasn't the only one who heard the dragon speak this time. Zeta and Alice heard this too. Then suddenly they heard screaming in the distance. "Alice and Zeta, you're with me. Everyone else, stay here and hold down the fort!" Val vaulted over the railing and landed on the snowy shore. "Aye Vice Captain Val!" Zeta said, seriously and following up behind her. "Nyaaa Ma'am!" Alice said, leaping onto the ground and running towards the snowy hill in the distance.

They reach the top of the hill and see the dragons are under attack by a group of what seems to be special hunters.

Alice~"What do we do now, Ma'am?"

Val~"We help of course."

Alice~"Alright but how?"

Zeta~"It's clear, kill the humans in their way." He grew his crystal wings and they both went in shock over his beautiful wings. He cracked his knuckles as he smirked slightly at a sight of fighting strong opponents.

Val~ "Alright... let's do this!" She jumped off the cliff and slid down the snowy steep hill.

Val's Overview POV~She covered her fists with Haki, she didn't want to scare the dragon's with her special swords. She said,"Hey what's up?" A man that was about to shoot his sniper looked up. She kicked him in the face and broke his neck. She put Haki in her right foot. She dashed towards a group of men that were just about to kill a Injured small Dragon kid. She clicked open her Abyssal Shard sword and she appeared in front of the kid smiling and sheathing her sword. Just as soon as she sheathed her sword all the men's bodies dropped to the ground in several pieces. "Are you alright?" The kid opened their thick scaly eyes and went in shock. He screamed out in fear and ran away.*

Zeta's Overview POV~He flew down in the middle of the fight and shot all the humans down with his deadly sharp crystal feathers. He smirked slightly at their misery, he's a bit twisted in the head. He grew crystal wings from his outer arms. He cut them all down, splattering blood everywhere including all over him and his crystalized feathers.*

Alice's Overview POV~ She slashed straight through the men's forces without hesitation. This was child's play compared to her upbringing. "Come at me pathetic humans!" She played with her prey and dodged their attacks over and over again. She was grinning creepily as she did this. She sliced them up into tiny pieces, licking her lips as she walked towards her next targets.*

A few minutes later~ Alice and Zeta reached where their master was located but they were stopped by a whole group of Dragon people. "Ma'am!" "Vice Captain Val!" Captain Val stood still knowing that one mistake and she would die. Not permanently but still. "It's alright, stand down." She was smiling happily at her crew members. "Cocky Human.... Prepare To Die!" She did nothing and stayed calm. "Wait, brother." She looked up to see another Dragon person floating down to the ground in front of her. He was smiling kindly towards her. "Please do forgive my bloodthirsty brother. He jumps to conclusions all the time without thinking." She smiled happily at his words. "I really appreciate the hospitality after saving your hides." She laughed sarcastically. "You bastard! Human!" Just before she got impaled, the man who was talking before, he inhumanly ran past her and stopped his brother from making a grave mistake. "I told you to wait. That was a test and you failed." He sighed softly. She bowed her head and apologized. "I'm sorry for insulting you, your majesty. I'm the co leader of a pirate crew. But I saw you were in trouble so I told my men to help you." She felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked up to see him smiling happily at her. "Don't worry about it, I'm the leader of this island and king of the dragons. It's interesting to meet kind pirates these days. What's your name Miss?" She stood up straight again and smiled genuinely at him. "I'm Val Quinn, of the Croc 'n' Val pirate crew. It's nice to meet you." She held out her hand to shake his but just before he shook her hand his idiot brother impaled her in the chest piercing right through her heart. "I'm Jericho nice to..." She coughed up blood onto the dragon king's white outfit. She fell to her knees and instantly went limp. "Nooo! Vice Captain!" Zeta screamed out as she fell to her knees dead. "Miss Val!" Alice shouted out panicked. "Brother! What did I say!?" Jericho grabbed his brother's shoulders with irritation and frustration. "She had to die. Humans aren't allowed to touch you!"

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