Volume 1 Chapter 16 Two Wannabe Whale Killer's?!

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Previously:*Zoro's POV* He kissed her forehead gently and then smirked happily at her. "So why are you here?" He looked at me with a little smile on his face,"I'm here to convince her to leave your group and join me on the open sea." I grit my teeth. "She said she would join us and not you. We beat you to it. So get the fuck out of here!" He frowned at me and growled. "Excuse me kid? Do you really want to die right here?" I grab my sword and grip onto the hilt. Rei stood in between us again,"Hawks." He stopped looking at me and looked at her kindly,"Yes Darling?" "I'm going to stay with them for a little while longer. Remember what we said on the open sea. I might not be yours personally but I will always love you as friend." He grabbed her face and smiled genuinely,"I see, I respect your decision. I love you always, no matter what happens I will still do." He kissed her on the lips for a few seconds and then she smiled big at him and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back. "I love you too, before you go please let Shanks know that I'm never coming back." I go into shock at her words, so does the others. "Wh-hat?" She looked at me with such a kind smile,"I'm happy here and there I'm not. That's right I'm leaving his crew and joining yours." Then suddenly Hawks grabbed her and pulled her into a hug,"I'm so proud of you baby, okay I'm off to go tell that foolish man your words." She looks so peaceful now, and less tense. She turned to look at me and walked away from Hawks and she hugged me tightly. "Zoro thank you." Why is she thanking me? What did I do? Then suddenly he jumped off our ship and landed on the sea creature Rex. It made a really loud screech, I groaned in pain it made my ears hurt. She pulled away and then ran towards the front,"Take care of each other!" She waved goodbye as Hawks & Rex disappeared into the distance. She suddenly turned around and ran towards me. I don't know why I'm so special? She ran towards me and hugged me again,"I'm so sorry for him bothering you! Please forgive me!" She started to cry and her cries make me feel terrible. I rub her back and whisper in her ear,"It's alright now, he's gone. It doesn't matter either way." She pulled away from me and bowed,"Thank you all for accepting me for me." Then Luffy ran towards her and hugged her tightly,"Rei I'm so glad you are joining us forever! I love you big sis!" She laughed as she hugged him back,"It's been awhile since you called me that." She smiled big and stopped showing any signs of being upset. Then suddenly we hear Laboon cry and human screams coming from right next to us....*

SoulReaper grit her teeth as she heard what happened and she got out Lucky and command it to grab them and bring them to her. It moved on it's own and the others looked at her suprised, the people got knocked out in the process and the crew tied them up just in case. The crew talked about what they do with Whale poachers, not like they are worth killing. They waited for them to wake up to act. While that happened Nami and SoulReaper planned for the next place to go, and how to use a Log Pose. The two people both woke up and started groveling like pathetic losers. SoulReaper grit her teeth at them having the nerve to beg after hurting her friend Laboon. Zoro held her back from killing them in cold blood. And of course Luffy said yes to their request in the end. SoulReaper wasn't happy about it but neither was the rest of the crew. She scoffed and went to sleep on the ship in the kitchen. Zoro sighed deeply,"I swear she starts to act like me more everyday." He sat down and closed his eyes as they headed towards the place the two pathetic lost losers are from. (Mrs. Wednesday & Mr. 9) Whiskey Peek is their home.

A few hours later~ Since SoulReaper is sleeping inside she wasn't helping Nami so they went the complete opposite direction and had to make a 180° to get back on track. The Grand line breaks logic, and as the snow and terrifying storms almost kill them Zoro & SoulReaper are sleeping through it, just how the Swordsman's work on a boat. They almost ran into a iceberg but managed to just barely make it, and then the bottom of the boat almost drowned them. The huge storm winds almost ripped the sails. While everyone was struggling Zoro and SoulReaper were having a cat nap. They both woke up and saw everyone on the ground groaning in pain, Zoro said something about not being lazy and everyone cursed him out in their heads. Soul laughed and smiled at Zoro's comment. Zoro asked the two strangers questions and him recognizing their names. Then Nami hit Zoro for sleeping a few times, and then scolded Soul but too scared of hitting her she just walk around her. The two weirdos jumped into the sea and left. They reached the dock and the people were so nice, so nice that they partied and gave them all the food and drink they wanted. All the while Zoro and SoulReaper were feeling weird about this place.... Everyone got drunk and passed out, SoulReaper and Zoro slipped past the men and got on the rooftop. SoulReaper crouched down next to him on another rooftop and waited..... To be continued

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