Volume 2 Chapter 2: There's No Going Back!

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Previously: The Straw Hats Crew kept moving forward with their adventure and in the back of their mind they were thinking about Soul Reaper. They got a new crewmate, Robin Nico.

Back to Soul & Crocodile~ It's bright and early and Soul is sleeping in her father's bed because she got nightmares. She got out of his gigantic bed and put one of his shirts on. Since she doesn't have anything else to wear.

She yawns and walks out to the front deck and walks right past her father without knowing. A familiar face is staring at her in shock, especially over what she's wearing. The figure grits his teeth in disgust and goes to grab her. But Croc beats him to it with his Sand Sand Powers. She opens her eyes in shock over a sudden feeling of movement. She looked up at her father and he was on edge. She turned around and looked over at what he's looking at and she went into shock.

Soul~ "Hawkeye?"

Croc~"You know this scoundrel?"

Hawk~"Yeah actually, we used to be a thing...I can't believe you are fucking a Sand Crocodile over me!" His very words made Soul and Crocodile cringe.

Soul~"Hey it's not what you think..."

Hawk~ "Yeah right..." He is acting cold as if she wasn't worth anything to him anymore.

Soul~"Shut up!" She pulled away from her father's arms and scowled at her old lover. "HE'S MY FATHER!" She breathed in and out heavily.

Hawk~ He went into shock over what she just said. "Wait...What?"

Soul~ "You heard me! I couldn't believe it either. But I found what someone locked away my memories of my childhood, making me believe I was someone else. Trust me when I say, I still don't understand everything but I'm trying." She said the last part, all sad. "I left my friends to be with my father. It hurts...my heart hurts. They don't know that he's my father. No one knows but you now."

She looked into his eyes and started to tear up. He felt a sharp pain in his chest and he ran towards her and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry for saying all those things. Please forgive me. I love you." He held her close to his open chest. He pulled away and kissed her on the lips. "Are you mine again? What about that shity Zoro guy?" She heard his insulting words about Zoro and she punched him in the chest so hard that he went flying back towards the ground. "No... I'm no one's. I'm sorry but please leave." She was keeping in her tears as she clenched her teeth extremely tight. He saw that he upset her but her father was walking up behind her with a deadly serious look in his eyes. "You heard my daughter, get out of here." Hawkeye sighed deeply,"I'll see you again later, sweetheart." He left without saying another word. Crocodile leaned over and wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her from behind into a warm embrace. She relaxed completely in her father's arms and let out her sadness yet again.

A few hours later~ Soul put on a Marine Corps outfit. Since she had no other clothes to wear. She walked out to the deck and she saw a familiar-looking Pirate ship docked in front of them. She saw her father fighting against a group of familiar faces. She panicked and dashed towards the railing and vaulted over it. She landed in front of her father and blocked the next sword attack from the Captain with her lucky sword. She looked up at the man that attacked her father and smirked devilishly saying, "Long time no see....Shanks."

Shanks and his crew glared at her with hate and intent to kill. She smirked devilishly saying, "Why all the hate? Are your feelings hurt that I left your crew for Luffy's? Well too bad because I left his crew too. I'm a rogue pirate, try to kill me, I dare you!" She smiled but Shanks could tell that she was suffering inside. He backed away and put away his weapon. "I know you aren't alright. Especially if you are with this guy. Did he do something to you or something? We are here to help." She went to lower her weapon when she saw her father go for the kill. She pushed Shanks out of the way and saved him. Crocodile impaled her with his hook again but this time it wasn't intentional, he was aiming for Shanks. She coughed out blood all over the deck beneath her feet. Shanks and his crew got ready to fight against Crocodile in revenge for Soul. But just before they went to attack him. She fell to the ground off of Crocodile's hook. Her chest had a huge hole where her heart is located. Her body went limp and blood started to seep out from her body and into the deck.

A few minutes before, *Crocodile's POV~

I see trouble up ahead in the form of a well known Pirate ship. It was Shanks and his red-haired pirate crew. I get ready for a fight and anchor the ship. I try to fight against a whole group but damn it's really difficult. Then suddenly, my daughter comes out from nowhere and blocks Shanks's next strike. She was wearing a Marine Corps outfit, she did say she doesn't have anything else to wear earlier. I guess while we were cleaning up the deck from bloodied corpses of Marines that she looted first and then threw them overboard. How smart of her, that's my girl. She got Shanks to let his guard down, now's my chance. But for some reason, she jumps in the way for him and I impale her straight through the heart. She hits the ground and all I can do is stand here and look at her lifeless body. How many times am I going to get my own daughter killed? Then suddenly she started to move again and started to get back up to her feet. She held out her hands on either side of her saying,"Don't come near my father!" They all looked at me and then repeated it until she nodded her head. She coughed out more blood from her mouth onto the ground in front of her. "I can't explain right now but I will to everyone very soon. Give me some time Shanks. All I can say is someone locked my most treasured memories away in the deepest parts of my mind. But I recovered them recently, after dying a certain way by a certain person." Does she mean me? Me killing her with my hook in the desert caused her memories to unlock themselves? He nodded her head and walked over towards her and hugged her tightly and when pulled away he kissed her on the forehead. "We will be waiting for you at our normal home base. Take care of yourself Rei." He turned around and walked away from her but she ran after him and turned him around and kissed him on the lips deeply. How many men does she have falling for her? And how many did she...no no I don't want to know. She pulled away from him and smiled genuinely at him. "Please take care of yourself, Shanks." He smiled at her and then headed back towards his own ship. She waved goodbye at them and they passed us on the left. She ran towards the back and waved goodbye to her friends? At least that's what I got from that intimate interaction. She came back running towards me. She jumped towards me. I caught her with my right hand and smiled genuinely at her happy smile across her face. "I'm sorry for hurting you, Val." She looked up at me and smiled happily, "No worries about it dad! I still love you!" I hold her close to my chest and smile slightly. I'm glad that I have her in my life again.*

To be continued....

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