Volume 1 Chapter 4 First Legendary Encounter!

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Previously: The next morning~ She heard her sword Lucky calling for help, there was danger coming to her ship and she needed to leave the dimension as fast as she can. She ran towards the veil and then he stopped her from behind and pulled her into a kiss,"I love you...Rei...be careful.." She smiled as she pulled away,"What are they going to do kill me?" She laughed as she exited the place she once called home,"I love you too...My Eternal Flame.." She walked through the veil and was greeted by something really annoying...

She picked up her lucky sword and sheathed it on her back. She walked towards the front of her ship and rested her right hand on her swords and looked at the huge ship get closer to her. Cheers and screams of joy are to be heard coming from the ship. She pulled up her Mask and waited for any sign of conflict towards her.

The flag is black with a skull and two swords and a red and black stripe going through the left eye. She waited until it got closer and then suddenly their anchor dropped and a man in a Straw hat with three cuts on his left eye walked over to the side of his ship. The man waved at her with a little smile on his face,"Are you doing okay miss?" She looked at him confused because normally pirates aren't nice to women on the sea. She treaded carefully,"Yes I am, but who are you?" He smiled,"I'm glad you are alright, I'm Shanks and you?" She looked at his crew stare at her with glares and she took a step back in hesitation,"Um.." She's a pirate bounty Hunter so if she tells them, they will surely try and kill her. Even though she can't die doesn't mean it won't hurt. He saw how scared she was and he saw how his crew was looking at her and he sighed softly. "May I join you on your ship?" He said smiling. She nodded and Said,"Sure but only you, if that's alright." He nodded,"Sure, you have my word." He told his crew something and then jumped over to her ship with ease. He landed perfectly and stood there with a smile across his face. She walked towards her kitchen and gestured for him to follow her.

They both enter the kitchen and she sits down at the table and gets them a cup of booze. She let him be able to see her pouring them a drink so he wouldn't think that she would poison him. He sat across from her at the table and stared at the cup of booze suspiciously. She sighed softly and chugged her drink and then let out a small exhale. Then soon after he drank the drink and then exhaled slowly and then smiled. He looked at her and spoke in a deep but gentle voice. "So what's a Pirate Bounty Hunter doing this so far out at sea?" She freaked out because he knew this whole time and still hasn't tried to kill her.."I'm not as stupid as other pirates. Plus I'm a fan of your work." She looked at him shocked...she gulped in hesitation and then took a deep breath. "A fan of my work?" "Yeah, well your sword play mostly. You are told to be one of the best Swordsman/woman on the grand line. To think I would come across you on my way to the grand line myself." He smiled happily. She was suprised that he was so calm talking to her. She calmed down too and relaxed her right hand that was placed on her swords hilt. She rested them both on the table and pulled down her mask. His eyes widen at the sight of her full face.

She smiled at him and then looked at him,"You know what Shanks I want to thank you for coming this way." He was still shocked at how hot she is. "Why do you say that? You don't sound so scary. You aren't what anyone said you were.." She smiled at his remarks,"Thanks, to be honest you are the first pirate to live this long to see my face." He went on edge when she said that so calmly but with a hint of evil aura seep out. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I like you, and that's rare." She smiled genuinely at him as then stood up from the table and walked over to the door to lead to the deck. "But, do you want to see my swords?" His eyes followed her like a puppy and he grinned,"I'd love to see them." He followed her out to the deck and he watched her reach for her lucky sword on her back. He saw his crew go on alert and one panicked, a newbie recruit pulled out his gun. Shanks screamed at his crew to stand down but it was too late,"No!" He shouted as she got shot in the chest by the pistol.... She fell to the ground and her hand fell to her side... What happened next was really shocking! To be continued

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