Volume 1 Chapter 23 New Member Of The Straw Hat Pirate's!!!

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Previously: They enter the port and as soon as they dock guns get pointed at them. And they were demanded to leave at once. Tension was rising to the boiling point and a man scared of the pirates pulled his guns trigger. SoulReaper was heading up the stairs to see what the commotion was about when she heard a gunshot and then saw Princess Vivi drop to the ground....

A few minutes before~"Please we need a doctor, our friend is sick!" Princess Vivi said in desperation. "How dare you try to trick us you bastard pirates!" A upset man said out of the very tense crowd. "That's just great we just got here and they already hate us." Sanji said, irritated. "Get out of here!!!" A man shot off a gun near Sanji's foot. He got fueled with anger and almost attacked but then Princess Vivi stopped him with her whole body pushing him back. Then suddenly the same man shot her in fear of Sanji attacking him. As her body hit the floor they all went into shock and fight mode. 

Present Time~ Luffy screamed out her name,"VIVI!!!" She didn't react to his worried voice. "Why you!!" "Ready!!" The chief of the men shouted. Just as she hit the ground SoulReaper reached the top of the stairs. Her mouth dropped open with shock and hatred overwhelmed her. She took a step forward and instantly appeared in front of Sanji and Vivi to protect them with her lucky sword drawn. Then suddenly just before Luffy & Soul acted on their friend's behalf. 

She got up and stopped them from doing anymore damage. She got down on her knees hurt and bowed respectfully begging for help. "Vivi?" Luffy said curiously. "You aren't fit to be captain, not everything can be fixed through fighting." He stood there and looked at her blankly. He did the same and bowed his head,"You're right, sorry. Please forgive me and please help our friend!" The captain of the men said,"I'll show you to our village, follow me." 

A few hours later~ After running around, Luffy & Zoro went out to find where the Witch is located. They found her and she got help from the mysterious illness. They recruited a reindeer who ate a human devil fruit. His name is chopper. They all head towards Alabasta.  He's a doctor and a talking animal. "Now we need a musician!" Luffy shouted out excited. 

To be continued….

(The next one is longer)

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