Volume 1 Chapter 7 More To Me Than Meets The Eye!!

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Previously: A few drinks later~ She wasn't even remotely close to fully drunk, neither was Shanks but his crew was absolutely wasted. It got so bad that some of them started to flirt with her and she wasn't having it so she went up to the rail and sat down up there alone. She was sitting on the rail of the back of the ship that overlooked the water. She was startled by a familiar voice from behind her she jumped and instantly grabbed her sword hilt out of habit. "Calm down it's just me Shanks, you seem pretty jumpy right now are you alright?" He leaned over the rail and looked over at her with a gentle look in his eyes. She returned the favor and smiled slightly,"Yeah it's just I've been on my own for most of my life at sea and I'm not use to having friends. To be honest you are my first friend since my childhood, not including my savior that saved me that day at sea." He nodded in silence,"Ah I see, I'm glad I'm your first friend, you are a pretty cool person so far. And definitely good looking too." He smiled happily at her trying to cheer her up and low key flirt. She noticed that and she giggled happily,"You are so cute Shanks." He blushed lightly and looked away from her and looked at the water. "And quite handsome too, how do you not have someone is it because of the pirate life?" He nodded while smiling and blushing even more,"Yeah, life at sea is hard and women don't like Pirates. We are too dangerous and scary looking." She giggled at his statement he looked at her confused about what was funny."Hm?" "It's just I think you are the total opposite of what you say women think of you. I know you didn't say personally but I have a feeling that you are." He smiled silently at her statement,"You caught me, well aren't you clever." "Yeah well there's more to me than just my looks and sword play. And not to mention my alcohol tolerance." "Oh well now you are making me curious, what a tease." They both chuckle together and exchange smiles....

They both hung out near the rail and then after a few more drinks they both exchanged words,"I can't wait to tell you Shanks, I'm extremely attracted to you. I know if I join your crew I can't say these things so I'm getting it out of the way." "To be honest I feel the same and that's pretty rare for me to say, but for some reason I'm drawn to you." He got closer to her and stared into her eyes intensly. "Is this the Drunk talking or are you serious?" She said smiling. "Hey now, I'm not even close to being drunk, and you aren't either I can tell. We are maybe tipsy but that's about it." She giggled happily,"Yeah well it seems like we are both clever." "You are right about that, so if I do say yes to you to joining my crew what would you do?" He grinned. She grinned,"I would go anywhere with you and stay by your side. Have your back, and protect the crew and you like we are family. I would kill for you, I would die for you if I could." She chuckled softly with a slight smile on her face as she looked into his eyes. He smiled happily,"That's a good answer, now what if want to make you more than that?" She grinned and then pulled him down and into a kiss. He relaxed and let her kiss him. She stopped kissing him and smiled,"I hope that was okay with you Shanks. I don't want to upset you."  She looked at him a little scared. He grinned and picked her off the rail and kissed her. She slipped her tounge into his mouth and kissed him back.

He carried her down the stairs and Into his Captain courters. He pushed her up against the wall and tounged her back. She gasped as they both make out. He stopped kissing her and looked into her eyes and spoke,"I want you, I have to have you...do you feel the same?" He waited for a answer before doing anything else,"Yes I do, Shanks I want the be yours too." He smiled big and set her down on his bed and then laid down next to her. She looked at him with a smile on her face, he smiled back,"I'm glad I came this way and met you." "I'm glad you stopped and said hi." She looked at him and yawned softly,"I'm tired...I'm sorry." He stroked her face,"Don't be, we did drink a whole barrel of alcohol, and to be honest I've never met a woman that has ever drunk so much and still was able to walk straight." She smiled tiredly,"I've never met someone like you, a handsome, kind and thoughtful man who is also a pirate." "Well I've never met a bounty Hunter before that's a woman." "I guess there's a first for everything." She said tiredly, she smiled and then closed her eyes and fell asleep. He smiled happily and stroked her purple hair and got up out of his bed and walked over to his couch and went to sleep on there, he has respect for women unlike most pirates....

The next morning~ She woke up to the sound of screams and people yelling Marines. She got up out of the bed and slapped her face to wake up fully. She opened the door and saw the Marines in a huge fleet coming their way, Shanks was at the helm and shouting orders. She smiled and shouted at him,"Hey Shanks I have a question am I part of the crew?" He looked down at her thinking to himself,"why ask this now?" He sighed softly,"Yes you are!" She smiled,"Then as a new member may I kill them for you?" His eyes widened and he grinned at her with pleasure. "I'd love that." She walked towards the edge and grabbed her lucky sword. She pointed at the main ship and then looked back at her new crew and her Captain,"I'll be right back, don't worry about it, leave this to me." She went flying towards the ship right after the sword grew in length and penatrated the main ship's deck. She arrived on the ship and grinned as she put her lucky sword away and pulled out Abyssal Shard. "Are you ready for blood Abyssal?" He answered back with a demonic voice in her head,"Yes Rei I am." The Marines ran out to greet her presence,"It's the SoulReaper The Pirate Bounty Hunter!!" They all look at her absolutely terrified. She laughed,"Wow am I really that popular. We'll make that Ex Bounty Hunter." She lit her sword on fire and her whole body too. They all screamed in fear and terror. So much so that their screams reached her new crews ship. She destroyed the ships but only after she slaughtered every single person. Her Abyssal Shard sword soaked up the blood it got on it, and every soul and body she killed it got stronger in strength.

After slaughtering a whole fleet without any injuries she cut the boats in half and then used her lucky sword to propel herself to her boat. She fell right towards the ship and made her lucky sword into a sythe with a dull blade and she grabbed on to one of the banisters and swung and dropped down to the deck and rolled forward to avoid hurting herself. She stayed crouched for a few seconds but then stood up and smiled at them as she twirled her sword that was sythe and slid it into her sheath in her back. They all cheered and praised her for her actions, Shanks came down to the first floor and put her arm around her neck,"She is our newest member to the family, let's have a welcoming party on the sea!" He shouted that and then they started to release the sails but then she said something,"Wait!" They all stop moving and look at her,"Before we go, will you guys help me with my treasure I have. You do like money right?" They all look at her and smile,"Captain may you please come help me with the treasure is have." He picked a few to help them and they all followed her to her vault in the haul and what they saw was going to blow their minds!!! To be continued..

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