Volume 1 Chapter 2 The Offer You Can't Refuse!!

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Previously: I kept bowing my head and then he lifted my chin with his index finger and smiled genuinely and locked eyes with me. His eyes were like burning flames. And one was like Emeralds...or so I have been told. "Listen here kid, my brothers and sisters brought you here for a reason and not just because you have a lucky sword with you. They sense promise in you, so I'd love to help you get on your feet so you can make that dream a possibility. You can do a two-sword style but you only have one sword...that's no good." My eyes light up and the tears instantly dry. I stop bowing and sit up straight. He gives me an offer that I couldn't refuse.....*

To sum it up! You become a guardian here and I'll take care of you, and when he says she's ready then she will be let go to become what she dreams of the most...Of course, she accepts and after that day she wasn't a useless lost at sea kid anymore. Over the years she learned all kinds of things from her new family of mythical creatures called Phoenixes and from her savior the guardian ruler of the secret domain in the grand line.

He taught her how to properly cook, she showed off her ability to sing, she somehow convinced him to try and sing she helped him with being better at it. He taught her how to fight better than what her grandfather taught her. He was impressed by her swordplay. Her hand to hand combat was terrible so he taught her how to use Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, and A whole lot of fighting styles, the best thing about her is that she learns everything very fast, whether it's languages, body movements, mimicking others attitudes or how they act, she is a natural fast learner.

A few years have passed and she is in her late teens and he has a surprise for her. I wonder what it could be?

*Rei's POV* I wake up in my bed and one of my friends I call them by their nickname, Sako he tells me that I have been summoned, oh yeah I can understand animals a gift by my Sensei. I jump ledge to ledge to reach his home. I reach it and I see him standing outside with a huge grin on his face. "Hey Sensei!" I wave at him with a little smile. He was carrying something wrapped in cloth, he saw me see and grinned. "Hey Rei I have a surprise for you, why don't you come in." He opened his door and I gasped as I entered I'm never allowed to enter his house ever and I've been here for several years now. I look around and it's filled with swords and weapons on the walls. "I forgot to tell you I'm a legendary blacksmith in this dimension. I'm the one who made your lucky sword." He laughed at my reaction, I literally cried for an hour. He lifted my head up from sobbing and looking at the ground, "Cheer up Rei, I have special swords made just for you. You've earned it for all your hard work." My eyes open up wide and my jaw drops in awe. "What really... Sensei!!?" He pulled out a flaming sword and what made it weird was the flames were purplish-black, just like the color of my hair. "This sword doesn't burn the owner meaning you but if someone else tries to use it they will perish. But if they just touch the sheath it won't harm them. You can also let others use it by just giving it a command. So what I'm saying is the sword is alive and it can talk to you via Telepathy or speak out loud." He put it back into its sheath and grabbed another from a case. "This one is a lot different than the other one, it grows in size at your will. You can command it to be any size of your choosing but it won't be heavy for you but if someone else tries to use it or try to pick it up in the sheath or not they can't, it will be ten times their strength of weight. So it will be virtually impossible to pick up no matter what they do. And lastly your lucky sword I upgraded it. It has the power of ice. You won't be affected but others will be frozen in place and ice will go up to their arm and Whole-body until they let go of the sword and its sheath. When you attack you can create ice attacks at will or just use it as a normal blade. The fire and ice one are similar, fire can burn through anything. And the ice Sword can freeze anything you want it to. They are all alive, so treat them with great care. They don't have any names but you may give them theirs and once you do they are bound to you forever, they can't be broken or separated from you."

He placed them on the table in the middle of the room and they all had their own unique sheaths. Ice has a Blue and mythical bone hilt and the sheath was white with a gold design. Fire is red and black hilt and a black Sheath. My lucky sword is a Pink and Black Hilt with a Black and silver Sheath. "Let's see, Ice is WinterThorn." As soon as I name it that it gets engraved on the sheath and the sword the name in the other dimensions language. But I can read it as Japan too, weird."Fire is going to be Abyssal Shard."
It looks so cool when it gets engraved on the sword. Okay lastly,"Lucky! For my lucky sword." I grab them and attached them to my right hip. It was really heavy on one side so I put my lucky sword on my back and the other two on my right hip. That felt a lot better. They all started to talk to me the fire was a male and ice was a female, lucky was a male voice. I smiled at my Sensei and ran up to him and hugged him, "Thank you, Sir!" He laughed and hugged me back,"That's not all I have for you kiddo." I take a step back and look at him confused. "What?" "Yeah I have one more thing to give to you, you've earned it by now." He turned around and whistled for another Phoenix and they drop something into his arms and he thanked them kindly...To be continued..

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